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This was certainly interesting. If this weren't a children's show, I would already be wondering why they don't have an Earth pony Princess/goddess of fertility. That is, after all, the VERY FIRST THING most cultures worship goddesses for. I think the oldest real life idol is actually an idol to a fertility goddess. Makes total sense. XD
Funny fic, yet I'd enjoy a second chapter or sequel, because I want to see what happens when Equestria becomes "sex country".
Holy crap, bother is still alive? I miss his pastebin stuff...
unf unf
I'd actually like a followup to who Equestria sees AJ and the potential for an explosion of births and fertility. That line about Celestia and Luna kinda interests me as well. Fertility isn't my top kink, but it's one I appreciate nevertheless.
6633566 Tell me about it. Embodiment was one of my favourite pregnancy fics, but it's been on hiatus for months. Bother, if you see this....please?
6633141i second sexquestria two
....What the hell is this shit? What did I just read? WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ?
It's so very good to see bother's work popping up on fimfiction. Every time I read one of his stories, it just makes me wish I could write half as good.
oddly enough this is fairly mild for this genre. and no im not explaining that any further
6635785 No need, any furry who has been around the block long enough knows about it, seriously, that genre be crazy.
6636168 IT is cus we is all cray cray
6636171 Yep... I still remember the whole White Kitten project which is still going on..
I usually don't read anything macro related, but I have to admit that I've found this piece to be very enjoyable. My internal maiesiophiliac is pleased

I could have sworn the cover image was the pregnant version of that picture a day or two ago.
That's because it was. I must've accidentally switched it somehow when I was messing with things. It's fixed now.
All I've got to say is OMG!!!!
This is all so horribly wrong. . .
I love it.
All hail the massive mountain of a mare.
6681000 All Hail Mt. AJ!
I wouldn't mind reading sequels of this story, honestly.
The 'end' part of it was especially interesting/funny.
Princess of Fertility. :3
I want to see what happens next
i want to see a sequel to this also plz
... upon reading the "a few hundred" thing, I just had to wonder, the Hell kind of doctor is this guy?! Seriously, I'm 89% sure doctors aren't supposed to administer chemicals and procedures beyond what is A) healthy and B) reasonable.
6856469 Lol, it's hyper growth shit man. Fuck logic.
Damn! i can't even IMAGINE the repercussions of THIS!
Sure, there, Aloe.
All hail Mount AJ
And Applejack became a sex goddess!