> Maternal Miscommunications > by Bother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maternal Miscommunications A Collaboration By Bother and Klamnei   Applejack's hooves clattered about against the floor of her room. Her steps were rough and uneven as she occasionally steadied herself, lurching forward every so often from a certain something disturbing her center of gravity. Eventually she reached her nightstand and grabbed the phone, her breath still hot and ragged from the short journey upstairs. She placed one hand on her gurgling stomach while it worked away at the massive meal she’d just given it. How much food was left in her home after what she’d put away? Probably next to none. She tried to keep calm while she searched about for the doctor’s number, pointedly ignoring the heavy sway of her body amidst hot, tingling flutters swimming inside her gut. A few simple flicks into dialing her old family rotary phone was enough to make Applejack stop and groan. A familiar pressure was building up in her breasts. She quickly slid over the trough she’d been keeping in her room the past few nights, mortified about needing to resort to such a rudimentary way to milk herself. Unfortunately, breaking every milking machine on the farm and a few of their neighbor’s hadn't left her with much choice. She dug and clawed at her tightly-packed shirt for a few seconds until finally her head-sized tits flopped out, then pulled at her obscenely overstretched bra— Pop! Annnnnnd that would be another seam. There wasn't going to be anything left to hold her titanic mammaries back at this rate. With her shirt held in her teeth, Applejack yanked down her bra and rubbed at one of the sensitive nubs the size of her fist. She dialed the remaining numbers into the phone with her other hand, all while not paying attention to the heavy, distracting problem currently leaning against her mattress.   “Come on, come on, comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncome on!” Applejack wasn’t sure if she was chanting for somepony to pick up or for the explosive pain in her breast to be released. She took a breast in each hand and pulled her exposed nipples as hard as she could. An odd tickle pushed toward her swollen areola right as somepony answered the phone. “ 'ello?” Applejack’s answer was a long, windy moan. Her nipples lurched, sputtered, and a milky gush spilled out of each teat. Her hand founds leverage and she was able to really pull, her engorged mammaries spilling gallons of warm cream into the trough in seconds. The room became filled with the ringing echo of metal being splattered with the force of a fire hose. Applejack panted for breath. Her mind was reeling, the backdraft of milk misting her exposed flesh and face. What had she been doing again?   The pompous voice from the other end of the line spoke up. “ 'e-ello? Dis is Doctoar Frahn, who is—”   “A-Applejack,” she said, remembering herself. She tried to focus on the doctor’s voice instead of her tits being pushed and mashed by her own fingers. "You remember me, don't ya?"   “Oh, Apples-yack!” said Doctor Frahn. “Yes, yes. How is thing?”   Applejack gulped. The trough was three-quarters full already, and her tits had barely even been tapped. A wave of heat washed over her face as she watch her breasts jiggle and sway. “Doc, I think somethin's wrong!”   “Oh dear. What is eet?”   Applejack grunted from another tremble in her gut. It felt like everything inside her was shifting and moving about, daring to kick the sensation into her voice and dig into her loins. The intense burn lasted for a few scant moments as her tail flicked up a little higher. Her already-tightened jeans slid down further to reveal a few inches of her cutie mark to the world. Every burning itch racing across her body felt exactly like what she’d felt that morning in the apple field... but the intensity was on a whole new level.   “Th-This morning I woke up and...” Applejack bit back another moan. “I-I know you said it would be fast because of the magic, but I didn’t think it’d be this fast! I shoulda called you when I noticed the curve of my gut was pushin’ the size of a holiday dinner. It was like I had a pair of pies stuffed in me!”   There was a thoughtful hum from the other line. “Oh, that is normal Apples-yack. Very normal.”   Applejack could feel the heat getting worse. She crossed her legs out of habit, cringing as her pants popped a few more seams. She could swear her teats were getting heavier despite still pumping away at both of them. “N-No, Doc! Well, maybe but... just listen! After that, I went out in the apple field to do some work, right? Just wanted to get a few bushels done before I couldn't buck no more, but then I got hungry and—” She blushed deep at the memory of it, so fresh in her mind. “...I ate two whole buckets, Doc. Heck, I think it mighta been three! And these ain’t small buckets, neither! They can hold almost fifty pounds worth! T-then not long after I did that I just suddenly began to... to...”   The scene flashed before her eyes. The concern while looking at her distended girth. The attempted rationale of telling herself that it was 'normal' for a mare in her situation, just like Doctor Frahn had told her. But then that curious wriggling began, her gravid gut almost visibly trembling while a swell of heat rose in tune with the quaking rumbles. Her fingers curiously played with her rounded middle while it snugly rested inside of her 'maternity' shirt, wondering what was wrong while at the same time enjoying the curious sensations.   “G-Grow!”   Her breaths had morphed from easy drags into hard pants. The early morning silence was broken by her sudden moans, and her swollen belly undulated in kind. Her hands clasped over the melon in her gut while her legs splayed wide against the strange heaviness surging inside her body. Her eyes opened after a fever of heat and butterflies surging through her body, breaking into a stark surprised stare while she watched the stripes of her shirt start to stretch. A throaty shout of pleasure escaped her as she began to feel her womb grow, hearing the stitches of the fabric creak and pop from her orange girth separating the threads one by one. Still panting and now panicking, she moaned again as she continued to grow and grow until it felt like she had twins inside her. But it didn’t stop there. Before long she had to shift her legs wider still to prevent from falling over, as the maternal obesity of triplets clung to her girth and still pushed on for more. Each life hastened the cascade of breaking seams slowly opening up her shirt, like an eggshell of fabric that was holding her belly in place and now beginning to split. Her hot, sweaty, growing womb gently shook and rippled further, wider, and her tough applebucking legs began to shake and tremble against the incredible weight of quadruplets tickling around inside her body.   She screamed and shuddered as honey trickled down her legs, unable to stop the advance of her bust sputtering cream out of her body and soaking what little remained of her stubborn shirt. The broken tatters dragged slowly across her girth, making her peak more and more while its mass kept expanding, swelling to the size of quintuplets and still pressing on. Her arms were no longer able to fully wrap around her belly at this point, and flecks of milk were bursting out from her nipples with each new spurt of growth. Her taxed, overbearing flanks swayed within her tightening pants as they gained new curves, only to be sent into a tingling frenzy as her girth’s heavy gains slammed the heft of sextuplets into her trembling gams.  Applejack heaved and moaned as the weight pulled her legs down. She rested it against the ground in a fit of heat as the pure weight of it reverberated into her groin and through her shaking hips, tingling and pushing at her pants all the while. Lying there, leaning atop a veritable beanbag chair, her mind slowly knit itself back together from the multiple orgasmic peaks she’d experienced over the ordeal.   Eventually the haze lifted so she might be able to grasp the... enormity of her problem, and her hands began poking and grasping at it, trying to truly understand the mass of life attached to and wriggling inside her body. The resolve to move slowly claimed her as she began trying to shift the weight into a manageable position, the shape distorting and squishing while she tilted her weight about and nearly flopped onto her face twice. Applejack tried to ignore the wonderful flutter of internal pressure kicking things about inside her as the firm shape would still give and swell against her prodding, the warm weight inside getting swirled about with every motion, but she wasn’t very successful.   However, her attempts eventually gained some headway. She was grateful that she was out alone in the fields, as the sight of her squatting against her girth would’ve raised more than a few questions. It looked like she was trying to hug a medicine ball far too large and heavy for her while her legs were flexing and biting at the seams in her pants. Slowly she felt the weight lifting, the butterflies kicking up even more as the weight inside her began floating free inside the enormity of her girth. The effort of getting her womb a few inches off the earth left her panting and grunting, but she continued to heft it skyward so her legs could take up more of the weight. Applejack nearly lost it a few times as the watermelon-sized foals jostled about inside her skin, their heavy weight bouncing against the walls of her thick womb and kicking it hard enough to disturb her obscenely large form. She could see and and feel her belly shifting from these disturbances, distending slightly before molding back into its motherly shape. The sudden mother of six felt more honey run down her legs as she gritted her teeth and managed to find a center that let her stand evenly. Her hands cupped around what they could, groping her underbelly in attempt to keep herself level while she tried to peer around her monstrously oversized girth. Swinging the mass about was a poor idea, however, and she nearly lost control from the foals and fluids sloshing about inside. Trying to stop suddenly was also a bad idea, as all it did was make the little ones slither and slide against the walls of her womb. Applejack could only guess how weird it must’ve looked with her dancing about like that, doing an odd waddle that probably looked like she was trying to shove her maternity into somepony's face. The notion made her oddly randy, as the thought of what it might feel like to bump another pony with her soft, warm mass would’ve likely sent wiggling reverberations through her dripping cunny. She shoved that thought out of her mind. Her legs were already wobbling as it is. She didn’t need to make things worse.   Applejack knew she never would’ve made it back to the house in that condition. Luckily, though, she’d brought a wheelbarrow out with her to carry some things, and it was only a few strides away. She made her way over and heaved her girth into its impromptu cradle, the effort nearly making her legs shatter. Every muscle in her toned body was shaking by the time she gently set her cargo down, and it was with a surprisingly calm manner that she caught her breath and just watched the life within her simply... move. She tried not to get enamored with the situation, but every wiggle from the orb of life attached to her registered a rather powerful jolt of tingles wherever it disturbed her skin. The tingles were even more powerful whenever one of them kicked, and the strength of said kicks were enough to jostle her center and nearly send her tipping over, wheelbarrow and all. Eventually she gathered herself and began making her way home, but it was certainly a long trot as each little bump sent a titillating shiver through her womb and loins, eliciting a shudder and sensual groan. “Ah yes, that iz normal,” Doctor Frahn said calmly. “Nothing to worry for.”   “Now, hold on!” Applejack almost shouted back at him. “How is it normal to eat over a hundred pounds o’food in one sittin’, suddenly have a small family of full-term foals inside you, and then have a second course by comin’ home and eating everythin’ in your kitchen?!”   She really didn't want to recount that. She’d meant to go straight for the phone after making the arduous trek home, but upon stepping inside, she was suddenly stricken by just how damn good her house smelled. She’d found herself in the kitchen mere seconds later, and before she could stop herself she was jamming every available piece of sustenance into her face while chugging down anything that looked remotely satisfying. She was just glad the family was out visiting the relatives. Applejack had no idea what any of them would say if they’d seen such a binge, and to be honest she didn’t even want to think about it. Each piece of food was tastier than the last, and she could feel the weight of food building in her gut as she shoved everything in the fridge down her maw, followed by the cupboards, and finally the pantry. She had no idea where she was getting the strength to constantly lift the growing behemoth that was jutting from her body, but every morsel left it quivering and rumbling for more as it eagerly digested it all. She couldn’t believe how much food she was gulping down, but the cravings just didn’t stop, and so she just kept forcing more and more grub down her throat while eagerly searching for more.   The nearly two hour-long feast ended with Applejack slamming down an entire barrel of apple juice in one go. A loud burp and satisfied pat of her gut followed its tumultuous shaking, the impossible amount of food and drink now settling nicely in her belly. Her pregnancy, already immensely large before, looked even moreso now than ever, and she only had moments to enjoy a bit of satisfaction before a warm tingling made her realize she’d just given her monster even more food. Said monster was rumbling and churning pleasantly as she felt it warming and digesting the new fuel, and she might have only minutes before she wound up immobilized for good. Applejack left the kitchen and made her way towards her room, her marehood leaking all the while. She focused on putting one hoof in front of the other, trying to ignore the concerning rise of her rump over the lip of her pants, the way her womb got caught in every single doorway, the feeling of her hips brushing up against the walls, and the heaven that was her breasts being increasingly smooshed together. She had enough to worry about with her belly getting bigger; she didn’t want to consider that other things might be, too. She’d somehow made her way up the stairs, and it was in that state that she currently found herself as she nervously waited for Doctor Frahn’s reply. “ 'ow many did you think you were having?” he eventually said.   Applejack wasn’t sure how to reply to that at first. However, once the cream from her spurting breast began to overflow the bucket and splash onto the floor, she realized that she had to. “What kinda question is that?! I told ya I was tryin’ to have a foal! Maybe two if I was lucky!” “No, no,” the doctor said with a rather annoyed grumble. “No names, just number. How many?” Applejack’s brow furrowed as she tried to push the trudging groan of her girth out of her mind. The scintillating shaking that buzzed inside her gut was intensifying, and she was beginning to feel that familiar heat of her oven warming up again.   “One or two?” she said at last. A silence. “Oh, dear,” Doctor Frahn said. “Now I see problem.”   A mixture of hope and fear flew through Applejack’s mind. “W-well? What is it?”   The doctor’s voice sounded strangely sheepish. “Um, y-you see, in my country we count differently the number of libden our mare give birth to.”   Applejack had never really heard a foal called that before, but whatever. “What do ya mean?”   “I thought you said you want to try to have a foalce,” Doctor Frahn said. “In my country, that is a big many.”   Applejack’s eyes widened. Her gut was starting to visibly churn and twitch, the kicking of her young mixing with the tingling pinch of her gut burning through her prior feast. “H-how many?”   “You want one, maybe two libden. That is very little number for mares in my country, and I was confuse. We usually have them in sixes, you see, so we use different name for what you call the 'single pregnancy'. Is why almost everything here is family business, and why you get recommended me at clinic. Is also why I used so much magic on you. I am best at multiple pregnancy.”   Applejack groaned into the phone, her breath starting to hasten and match the heat she felt radiating against her face. She could swear the whole room was beginning to warm from her presence. “S-so six then. Is it six? I t-think I can handle six.”   “...No,” Doctor Frahn said reluctantly. “You not have six.”   “W-what?” She could practically hear her gasping breaths from the other end, heaving as her belly trembled and rocked about, her bed starting to creak like it would on a honeymoon.   “Six is a birden.”   “More than six?” she squeaked.   “Three birden is a quiver.”         “Eighteen...”   “About three quiver is a field.”   “F-Fifty!”   “And about three field in a half-foalce, so twice zat is what you have.”   “A FEW HUNDRED?!” The phone dropped as Applejack grunted, panicked and hot as she felt her tail lift and fresh wetness began leaking out of her sex from the sudden climax. She clenched her teeth as her stomach quaked and her womb pushed out over the other side of her mattress, the frame of the bed bending in loud protest.   A voice faintly whispered out from the receiver that was miles away from Applejack’s quickly-fogging mind. “But it is okay! The magic has the failsafes, yes? Your body will only grow to what it can take. In our country it is absurd for any normal mare to have more than two birden at once, and even then it only if they are very fertile. It's not like your family reaches to every corner of world, no? I'm sure you're just having a few early growth spurts from the foreign magic in your system, heheh.”   Applejack’s gut was pushing out in every direction. Eventually the swelling mass found its way to the receiver and consumed it under its girth with the floorboards, grumbling deeply against the mouthpiece as Applejack moaned loudly from the weight of more young stretching her heated waterbed of a womb.   “O-oh dear. That does sound like a lot. What is size of your family? Your hospital still has not send me translated medical records. You are not calling from inside are you? Hello? H-hello?”   Applejack lost her center as her bed frame collapsed. Her applebucking hips smashed into the wall and pulverized the nightstand, tipping her over and sending the phone flying. A grunt and a trembling buttock sent creaks into the floor as she tried to keep upright, but she wasn’t sure how long she could keep it up. POP! She let out as a yelp as another chunk of her ass slipped out of her pants, the fraying fabric hanging by mere threads as she rocked against her womb's jittering motions. She kept stressing the seams with the repeated tightening that came from her sudden shifts to keep the titanic kicks of apple-young under control, and she was worried that they might bump and prod her over onto her girth and leave her helplessly kicking in the air. The sharp contours of her muscles constantly rebuffed and shuddered as they molded perfectly into the elastics of her pants, shifting and pushing back harder and wider until tiny shreds began to appear. Hot uneven strips of supple apple butt were now bleeding through as she grimaced and dug at the hampering fabric biting into her ass. Teeth marks of the fabric’s wavering strength were replacing the once-smooth surface before bursting to pieces as islands of toned orange flesh linked together and exploded from the taut surfaces in waves. A shiver rolled over Applejack thighs and rippled through her rump as a long ripping POP let her trapped flesh taste the air once more, and her meaty thighs bounced and twitched with muscle and heft, slapping against the wall next to her and breaking the boards. Her lavish hips were only made moreso by the skin pulled so tight over her rounded, strong muscles, the sweat across the surface gleaming in the light of the sun that poured in from the open window.   And still, after all of that her torment did not end. Applejack was unable to form a coherent thought between every gush of honey down her leg and trembling expanse of womb visibly punching wider and longer with every life being grown within her. The mattress meant for one was quickly becoming a large pillow to make her pregnant gut comfortable as it slowly but surely rumbled ever-larger, making her quiver with delight as the warmth spread upward and made her tits heat up, as well. The earlier milking may as well have meant nothing. The bucket tipped over as she tried to tug her shredded shirt off, but its latch was slippery and out of her reach from being soaked in the sputtery flecks erupting from her nips. Her torso lurched against the pained throbs of her teats trying to do more then just tickle and leak against her cloth, the fat drops of milk streaming from her hidden nubs like constant tears. She felt a rather painful lurch from her breasts beginning to swell, soon almost bigger then her head as she watched her shirt’s remains stretch and stretch until the neck of her shirt was ripped wide open. All that held the pressure back now was her bra, and it didn’t look like it was going to last much longer than her shirt. Applejack was going nuts. She just couldn't get at the accursed latch keeping her tits trapped, no matter how hard she tried. The pained need to lactate screamed at her fingers to dig at her nipples and make them burst, and finally she gave in with a moan and started trying to free them of her bra with brute strength alone. The tugging on her sensitive flesh made the milk only press harder against her blocked exits, but slowly she could feel a tingle of relief, a crack in the levy that was plugging her kneaded mammaries. Her hands began working at her bosom, massaging it in a pained slowness as she felt the milk churn inside her mighty nozzles. She felt her cream kiss at the exit, close, so very close, but then was torn away by the finicky drips bleeding through the top. Applejack shuddered as she felt her boobs swell again, two oversized and over-inflated beach balls began pushing against a dainty top that barely capped the reservoir. Soon the crack in the dam would give, and she knew it would feel oh-so-good when it did. Applejack began feverishly grasping at her titflesh and pushing. Holes were now starting to appear in the bra, and she could feel streamers of milk spraying out from the leaks and out onto her womb, warming it with hot sustenance. Releasing her bosom only made her feel the rush and swell of cream hurrying to replace that which was released, and she shivered as she watched her tits swell back to painful fullness in mere moments. She tugged and and heaved in time with the bothered pulses of cream constantly hammering out of her tits in shuddering need, again and again until she felt her nipples spray a gallon of misty milk onto her womb through the spreading holes. She couldn’t take it anymore. Damning the consequences, she grasping at her tits with both hands and began simultaneously squeezing them with every muscle in her arms. The bra latch biting into the small of her back finally snapped, and her nipples thumped with the pounding resonance of gallons suddenly exploding from her teats. BA-WUMPH Applejack’s bra was plastered against the far wall as cream gushed out in a nearly straight stream. Her tits eagerly released their pent-up nutrition into the room, leaving everything wading in a layer of fresh dairy as her breasts slowly found their place atop her womb and molded into a bosom's maternal shape. The geysers eventually died down to a steady gush of tickling relief that left Applejack’s womb in a constant state of warm satisfaction, the rivers rising slightly over every thump and kick the lives in her womb gave her.     For a moment she was there again, aware of her body amidst the storm rumbling and burning inside her. She reached out and rubbed at her girth, her teeth nibbling on her lips until a satisfied sigh escaped her. Her tits were gushing and sputtering constantly with nutrition to be consumed by her little ones while her hips were smooth and widened to the point that she had no doubt she could bear the brood rumbling in her belly. It seemed like she should be panicking, but all she could feel was a strange sensation, an odd thought that wistfully buzzed about in her head. This was wonderful. A smile crossed Applejack’s face. The thought sang through her mind upon being recognized and it brought with it a grand feeling of satisfaction. An aspect of herself which she hadn’t known about until that very moment had just been realized, and it was an epiphany that she might’ve gone her whole life not knowing about if this hadn’t happened. But happened it had, and she couldn’t be more grateful for it. Honestly the only question now was, what exactly should she do next? Applejack was pretty sure she knew the answer. Still panting and heaving with delight, she looked at her maternal form and said a single word. “More...”   A punch of pressure exploded inside her gut. She moaned aloud from as a fresh wetness that gushed between her thighs, and the static thump of solid heat quaking inside her womb sent her reeling. Every sudden kick and tremble pushing at her skin was trying to stretch her taut flesh even further, and she shivered as she felt the smooth nub of her navel brush against the far wall. The internal heat of her womb gurgled hotter while her bothered panting reached a fevered rhythm, and she watched her belly’s surface grumble and shift about with the intense pressure, similar to the surge that’d expanded her pregnancy across the room. Yet this time the pressure didn't stop; it kept building and building, and she didn't think she could feel any closer to truly exploding. It was a throbbing need for more space, a desperate need for more growth, and suddenly the room she was within, roomy by anyone's standards, now seemed to be far too small. Applejack let out a long moan as the heat of her womb bathed out into her body. The same tingles and pulses that’d been centered in her girth were now happening everywhere else, and she barely had time to think about what this might mean before her head suddenly hit the ceiling. Her arms flew out in a mild panic as she felt her room shrinking around her, nipping and bending around every curve of her body. She slowly realizing that she was growing, expanding, and the process seemed to be speeding up. She was soon squatting as best she could while pushing at the ceiling beams and walls for more room. She was nearing a point of almost twice her original height when she felt the floorboards split, and the floor gave way beneath her. However, the moment of weightlessness stopped when her ass plugged the hole her hooves carved out, leaving her legs dangling helplessly above the family room. There was no nail or splinter in existence that could harm her iron toned flanks, but their pinching was doing more than enough to make her feel prickles of pleasure along her plot.   Slowly Applejack realized what was happening as her legs kept pushing further out from her body. Her torso was widening, her arms were filling out and knocking over every piece of furniture in the room, and the milk from her still-bloating tits was seeping downstairs through every nook and every cranny it could find. Her head already starting to brush up against the ceiling again in hurried spurts, and it was then that she felt the weight within her girth moving again. Her womb shifting and moving as it was beginning to lean its weight against her, the breaking floor beneath her creaking as its heft pushed down on her ass and tightened the grip of the room on her hips. The massive orb was still growing, the lives within not only increasing in number, but in size as well. She realized that the pressure she felt now was every foal getting bigger, and it aroused her to end as each new life grew faster than the last and made her overpacked cart begin to look like a portable apartment. Applejack was now dangling high above the room below with her ass being pinched and pulled at, her tits gushing and filling her home with her cream while also shuddering and pushing against her face, and her womb above still gurgling and growing. She was quickly filling up every inch of space that both rooms had to spare and then some, but she wasn’t concerned with that at the moment. She was focused on her girth, rubbing it slowly and feeling every life wiggle within her. She was moaning at the tingling satisfaction of feeling her thick skin be pulled taut over every strong kick, and her senses were rattled from the prodding of each little hoof that touched the sides of her womb. She couldn’t tell how many times she’d orgasmed at this point, and as she lay hanging there in a moment of limbo, she found that she could only say one thing.   “M-more...”   A thunderous roar rumbled inside her. She screamed and came again, hard,  just as a tumultuous flutter erupted inside her titanic girth and made her chair-sized hams break out into goosebumps. The floor creaked and cracked against her ass as every part of her exploded in size, rippling with fitness and mass as she destroyed her own floor and dropped down. She landed with an earth-shaking BAM that shook everything in her home from its place and sent out a wave of cream crashing into the walls. She was driven onto her rump while anything and everything that stood in the way of her ascension cracked and disintegrated against her growing form. Now dipped in a layer of creamy goodness and lovingly grasping her womb, the growing Applejack floated in a pool of her own heavenly juices as her size swelled to fill the entire first floor of her home. Her symbol of motherhood brushed against the ceiling only to immediately break back through it, its warm, supple surface covered in bumps and gurgling quakes from so many foals-to-be. Waves of milk were spraying from her tits in mighty surges that had enough force to break down walls, and her body was showing no signs of slowing down.   The rise of Applejack’s belly curved into every crease and pushed into every wall of the house. She could feel its warmth pressing up against her face while her home fought to keep both her and it contained, but it was a losing battle. Broken, battered walls flexed and bent, nails and boards creaked, and support beams yawned in pain as she twitched and gushed each high into the next. She could feel more and more lives crowding inside her, and each wall that fell, every room that imploded against her ceaseless advance was brought her that much closer to freedom. The farmhouse on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres began to buckle and bulge. A great rounded egg was the first to emerge, pointing high into the sky as bits on orange flesh peeked out from every broken seam of the structure. If there had been any observers around, they would’ve been able to watch the wood wobble and shake against the rhythmic pounding of the trapped creature within. Thick, nutritious cream began gushing out of every window and door of the house, and finally the shape began to buckle and crack. The tiled roof splintered and flaked off an orange head with a blonde mane, and Applejack began pushing and shoving against the final, stubborn line of structure that prevented her escape. The windows had blown out, the walls had popped into obtuse shapes, and every throb of the Applejack’s body and belly became more noticeable with every shivering advance of her size. The shivering quakes reached a fevered pounding that could be felt in the ground as the farmhouse’s foundation buckled against the weight of the titan’s birth. There was a moment of terrible stillness as it shivered, pulsing as wide as it could and not receding, then a loud rapturous cry heralding the explosive shower of wood as the entire house was blasted to pieces. “MORE!” And more Applejack received. Nothing was able to stop her ceaseless advance as her body and womb both swelled without heed across the homestead, slowly toppling every structure in the farm and layering everything in a thick heap of hot appleflesh. Her skin was pulled taut against every life jittering and wiggling within her, and she could now see the entire farm far below her. Before long her growth had turned her into a living breathing landmark that could be seen for miles around, and her climaxes brought honey and milk washing over the hills to enrich the land all around. Applejack was uncaring of anything save her own body as she let herself be bathed in the sensations of divine motherhood. The heat of the sun was warming every yard of her impossible maternity as she sat high among the clouds, the pure mass of her hips and rump digging deeply into the earth. A new strength coursed through her veins that made her feel like she could easily get up and move around if need be, but for now she believed she was best planted where she was. Perhaps she would later adjust herself so that she could allow her colossal tits to rain down milk and bless the gathering ponies below, but for now she was content be just this; a massive maternal mountain at the edge of town for all to see.   ()()()()()   Princess Luna looked down through the telescope at what was once Sweet Apple Acres. It was hard to believe what she was seeing, but sure enough, where there had been a successful apple farm, there was now an enormous mountain of a mare. A very large crowd of ponies had gathered around Applejack to behold her majesty, and there was a veritable army of doctors, scholars, and farmers currently examining her.   “Think about it, Luna,” a voice behind her said. “The Princess of Fertility.”   Luna pulled back from the telescope and turned around. “I don't know, Tia. I’ll admit it’s remarkable that young Applejack has had such an adverse effect from simple Prancian fertility magic, but… to declare her a princess? Don't you remember all the fuss when Twilight Sparkle became royalty?”   But Celestia wasn’t listening to her. “We can make her a castle that looks like a farm. It’ll be a place where any weary mother can go to be waited on hand and hoof, and those that are pregnant shall be especially revered. The servants of only the best caliber will be allowed, and we’ll hire masseuses from all around the world! We’ll need all the coconut butter we can spare—” “Sister!” Luna shouted. “Listen to yourself! “Do you not remember when every pony in the kingdom wanted to learn magic!? Even the earth and the pegasi?” Celestia snapped out of her reverie and frowned. “What of it?” “Think of the example Applejack will be setting! If we make her a Princess, every mare is in Equestria is going to get caught up in a craze to 'look just like royalty'. The entire country is going to be going at it like rabbits, and before long we'll have probably a two month period where every mare in Canterlot and beyond looks ready to pop! That could completely throw off the economy! Also, for all we know, unicorns might try to make a new spell to make themselves look like they’re pregnant all the time. Some of the more deluded ones might even try to let their foals grow up inside them so they look as big and bloated as their idol! Oh, and let’s not forget the population explosion we’ll likely face—” “Those spells all already exist, Lulu,” Celestia cut in. “They were invented in the time that you were away. There are also laws in place to prevent their abuse.”   Luna’s eyes widened. “W-what?” Slowly she noticed the familiar look on her older sibling's face. “Really? Why in the world somepony look into something like that?”   Celestia started giggling a little too happily, “And to be honest, we could use a bit of a population boom. The census numbers have been flagging a bit lately.” Luna felt her mouth go dry. “S-Sister, you can’t seriously be considering to allow, or heavens forbid, encourage—” “Oh, and I also know a certain mare who likes to fool around with her royal guard.” Celestia tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe she’d like to get caught up in a craze like this.”   Luna took a step back. “Tia… I-I—”   “Oh, don’t get bent out of shape about it,” she said with a flurry of wiggling eyebrows. “I’m just glad to see that you’re starting to unwind. Although, I haven’t seen a red moon up in the sky for over a while now. You two aren’t fighting, are you?” Luna blushed furiously.  “W-what I do In my bed chambers is my own business!”   “Mmm-hmm. Sure it is.” Celestia narrowed her eyes. “Just like what I do in mine is as well, but yet you still like to spy on my dreams from time to time so you can collect any juicy gossip.” Luna felt herself sweating as Celestia approached. “I, uh… heh-heh…” Celestia swooped forward and touched their horns together. “AH!” Luna found herself locked in place. “W-what are you doing?!” “Just a little payback,” Celestia said, her horn glowing a soft gold. “I bet you didn’t know I can see daydreams, did you?”   Luna's face gained a stark pink to it as she felt her sister's magic stirring around inside her deepest place, going through her darkest desires.   “Hmm! Well, that’s interesting. No wonder you’re so nervous about this.” Celestia broke their contact and stepped away with a smile. “Now then, oh 'Broodqueen of the Night', do you want the spa of your dreams where you can get that oversized girth of yours stroked for hours on end, or don't you? Because to be honest, I would greatly enjoy the change of pace.” The End