• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 20,658 Views, 3,414 Comments

Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Applejack stared blankly at her phone, at the cryptic two-character text which stared blandly back at her, taunting her with its lack of clarity. "An' this is why Ah hate emojis," she said flatly.

It was late Saturday night. After a long day of hanging out and doing girl stuff together, the Rainbooms had gone their separate ways. Applejack had just taken a nice hot shower and changed into her favorite pajamas and was about to hit the hay when she got the most baffling text message she'd ever received. It was from a number she didn't recognize, and consisted of only two emojis:

(eggplant, taco)

Scratching her head, Applejack thumbed over to her contacts and called Sunset Shimmer. She picked up after two rings.

//Hey AJ, what's up?//

"Sorry t' bother you so late, sugarcube, but Ah just got th' dangedest text..."

//The eggplant taco thing? Yeah, I got it too. So did Pinkie, she texted me about it.//

Applejack blinked. "Huh. Reckon we all got it?"

//Wouldn't surprise me.//

Applejack's forehead scrunched up. "Well, whuddya reckon it means?"

//Honestly? I have no idea. Pinkie had this really dumb, random interpretation of it that made less sense than the text, but, well, Pinkie Pie.//

Applejack chuckled. "Well, Ah reckon whuteverโ€”dang it, hang on, got another call."

It was Rainbow Dash.

//Did you get that crazy text?//

"Eeyup. So did everyone, apparently." Just then, three text notifications came in, each from a different friend. Applejack sighed. "Guess there won't be any gettin' t' bed until we all jabber on about this. Hang on, Ah'm gonna git on th' chat." She texted everyone to log on, then sat down at her computer and logged into the school's chat server. Within seconds, all her friends were there except Twilight. She checked her phone; Twilight hadn't been in contact for hours.

Applejack: Reckon Twi went to bed early?
Sunset: Probably. That or she's so busy with something she's not checking her phone.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah, something like a certain Siren *giggle*
Sunset: Ugh, not this again...
Rainbow: Wait, what?
Fluttershy: The Sirens are back? Oh no...
Sunset: Calm down. Pinkie just has a dumb theory about the text.
Pinkie: It's not dumb! It makes perfect sense!
Rainbow: Oh, this ought to be good...
Pinkie: It means Twilight hooked up with Sonata Dusk! You know, the one that was basically me but evil?
Rainbow: ...
Applejack: ...
Rarity: ...
Sunset: See? Dumb.
Fluttershy: I wouldn't say dumb, just...really out there?
DJ-P0N3: Hey guys, you're on late! What's up?
Sunset: Oh, we're just trying to figure out this weird text we all got.
Rainbow: Eh, I know what the text itself meant, I'm just trying to figure out why we ALL got it & who the heck sent it.
Sunset: You do?
Applejack: How come you ain't said so before?
Rainbow: Uhh...because it's obvious?
Fluttershy: It is?
Rainbow: Uhh, DUH! Eggplant and taco? It's a dick and a pussy!
Sunset: ...
Applejack: ...
Fluttershy: ...
Rarity: REALLY, Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie: Wow, and you said MY theory was dumb.
Sunset: Yeah, I don't think so, Rainbow...
DJ-P0N3: Nope, she's right, that's what it means. Somebody's makin' a booty call.
Rarity: Oh my.
Fluttershy: Umm...that's...
Sunset: Yeah, but to all of us? I mean, we all got it.
DJ-P0N3: Well maybe somebody wants to bone all of you? Hell, I would.
DJ-P0N3: Crap, speaking of, I just got "taco taco" from Tavi. Gotta go. Later!

A long, awkward "silence" passed. After far too long, Applejack typed:

Applejack: That...that just happened, right?
Pinkie: Yep, that happened.
Rarity: It...definitely happened. Oh my...
Fluttershy: I don't think I can ever eat a taco again ;_;
Rainbow: It's okay Fluttershy, I'll eat your taco for you.
Sunset: ...
Pinkie: ...
Applejack: ...
Rarity: ...
Fluttershy: Umm...I just...no. Umm...goodnight, everyone. I need to be up early...yeah...

Fluttershy logged off.

Pinkie: Aww, poor Dashie. Taco-blocked!
Rarity: You know, there's always the possibility this random text was simply a childish prank, just to toy with us. Or, perhaps had no, erm, sexual connotations whatsoever.
Sunset: What, you think they were maybe literally thinking 'eggplant taco'?
Rainbow: Ugh! That sounds nasty.
Applejack: It kinda does, yeah.
Sunset: I don't know about you guys, but I'm about ready to turn in. I'm already gonna have some pretty weird dreams thanks to Rainbow Dash, I don't want it to get any worse than it's already gonna be.
Rainbow: Heheheheh.
Rarity: I do need my beauty sleep. We can continue this..."discussion"...or NOT...tomorrow.
Applejack: Yeah, I'm tuckered out. Nite y'all.
Rainbow: Hey, Sunset, did you ever get hold of Twilight?
Sunset: Nope. I guess she really did go to bed early. Well, goodnight!

* * * * *

Across town...

Two girls, one with lavender skin, the other with pale blue skin, both with their hair done up in high ponytails, lay naked and sweaty in bed together. The blue-skinned girl giggled as she set her phone on the bedside table.

Twilight Sparkle glanced curiously at her. "You're not doing anything I'm gonna regret tomorrow, are you?"

Sonata Dusk smiled brightly. "Nope! Just catching up on some texts." She yawned and wrapped an arm around Twilight. "I dunno about you, but I'm super sleepy. Let's go out for breakfast tacos in the morning, okay?"

"Sure," Twilight said with a smile, settling in next to her.

As Sonata turned the light off, she giggled. "But really, who knew you could do that with beans?"

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