A collection of unrelated short stories, mainly based around prompts from various group threads I've come across.
There are links to the original entry for the relevant prompt in the each chapter's Author's Notes.
Cover art provided by arcanelexicon. Assistance for some of the following descriptions provided by LyraAlluse.
Heat: Scootaloo participates in a race.
Lighthouse (Guide): A poet struggles to come up with the perfect lines and stanzas for his latest work of art.
Ruins: Twilight and Spike lament over the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library.
My Addition to Alex Warlorn's 4th Wall Breaking Variety Theater Special (Untitled #1): Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Pinkie Pie enjoy a party.
Round and Round (Spinning): Applejack sees Pinkie Pie trying out a new greeting.
Cliché (Atmoshpere): Twilight Sparkle and Spike are sheltered from a storm.
Getting Warmer: Pinkie Pie bakes cookies.
Wouldn't be caught dead (Technicalities): Twilight Sparkle and Discord have a little chat.
Logan's Run (not a prompt as such) / (The Unbearable Lightness of Ducking): Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy enjoy their day by a lake.
Good to see all of this stuff in one place.
This should be a full-length story.
It would be great if she'd win and make Rainbow Dash super-proud of her, but it'd also be good if she loses and Rainbow Dash was super-proud of her for trying her best, anyway.
Hehe. Adorable!
I dunno if I can even comment on this except to say that it's really silly.
Because vomiting over the new pony in town will totally make them smile. Silly filly.
Felt like a Snoopy cartoon there for a second.
Yeah, I'd say that Heat is the one I'm most proud of. That's why I put it at the top of the list.
That is a pretty good idea... We'll see if I can ever manage to expand it to full-length, but please don't hold your breath, I'd rather you not suffocate!
Thank you.
Eeyup. Makes just as much sense in the context of the whole thing, too.
That's a disturbing idea I never even thought of...
How so, if I may ask?
All of Snoopy's stories when he's writing start with, "It was a dark and stormy night ..."
Ah, how'd I forget about that?
The dialog is fine.
It would be cool if you showed us this:
What did the wreckage look like, smell like?
You don't have to do too much just a little bit to sketch out the scene.
Other than that, its fine.
Thanks for the advice. The main reason I didn't sketch it out more is that it was originally written for a flash fiction prompt with a maximum limit of 100 words.
Also, while I wrote this before the episode aired, Castle Sweet Castle did a pretty good job of showing us what it looked like:
Wow, I kinda feel bad that it's taken me so long to even realize you had some writing on here. I just finished reading all of these and I gotta say, I enjoyed them. I honestly didn't think I would, since each is so short, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I don't know how you do it, I could never write something in 100 words. I mean, that's about as many words as I'd use to describe a table for Celestia's sake!
While they were all good, Round and Round was my favorite, hands down. You really captured the essence of Pinkie in this one, and Applejack's reactions were both true to character and hilarious. Second is definitely Cliche because you created such a ridiculously adorable scene, and third is Heat because you totally nailed Scootaloo, and I love me some Scootaloo.
I think I've said it before, but I'd really like to see you make an attempt at a short story. These were really well written. I can't get over the fact that these are only 100 words but all feel different because you created unique atmospheres for each one. Seriously, if you ever feel the urge to try a story, let me know. I'll help you with anything you need.
Don't feel bad about it at all. (Truth be told, I still need to get around to your Pinkie and the Bandits story. ) As far as the correlation between really short yet still enjoyable goes, compare it to a candy bar: Not actually much to eat, but tasty nonetheless.
Yeah, part of the trick is to try avoiding some of the description. Another thing, at least for me, is simply being too lazy and/or easily distracted to write more than that.
If you ever wanted to give it a try, Loganberry's Flashfic group is a good place to start.
Surely you don't actually mean all of these. I almost cringe whenever I go back to the first one I actually wrote...
Thank you very much! Personally, however, I like those three in the reverse order, and with Technicalities being added right next to Heat. (I'm actually not sure which of those two I'm more proud of, they're that close. )
*Vaguely remembers something like that, as well*
*Checks old comments on your stories*
Eeyup, you have definitely said something of that effect to me before, and I'll go ahead and quote it here:
Well, I think I've certainly got the "short" part nailed down.
Aw, shucks, you're too kind.
So, even though I commented on your story, you still manage to leave a ridiculously long and humorous comment for me. You kill me, man.
Well, you can if you like, but I'm currently spending all of my time and energy on The Darkening. I only work on Pinkie and the Bandits when I'm stuck.
Ya got me. I didn't much care for this one (in fact, I ended up just skimming over it), but I wasn't going to say anything because I liked all the others. But with the exception of just this one, they were all great.
And now that you've quoted two of my comments together in one message, I'm noticing that I use the word *seriously* waaaaay too often.
You most certainly do!
No I'm not, I'm honest. And I meant what I said. So there!
To be fair, a chunk of that length was just me quoting you for context...
Oh, no! Medic! We need a medic over here!
Eh, we all have our little quirks. I've noticed that I tend to use ellipses more often than strictly necessary... (...Case in point. )
I sincerely apologize for this extremely belated response, but thank you very much for your review, your words are too kind.
*had met*
At the limit of your words and can't fit in had? Well then:
You can remove the word *each* here as it is unnecessary. Especially if you also remove the 'a' and put an 's' on grin.
I'm glad Fluttershy wasn't like "Where?" and turned around to take the stone full in the face.
Also, I never knew that lake had an actual name. Cool.
...The guy who runs Flashfic isn't really too terribly strict if we exceed the limit by one or two words, so, uh, that's just straight-up grammatical error on my part. Thank you for pointing that out. (Edit: Fixed now, and I also decided to remove an earlier sentence that someone else in the prompt thread mentioned was "information that did not need to be included.")
I'm sure most bronies would be glad I avoided that route. Besides, she was already near a few ducks, and the urgent tone of her friends' shouting was a clear indication of what they meant. I mean, Fluttersy was hanging out with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, two of her most rambunctious friends.
Neither did I until after I looked over this map a couple times, and this version only came out shortly before the MLP Movie earlier this year. I can't recall seeing the lake's name on any previous version (though I admit I never really paid all that much attention to these maps before).
Though don't go counting on it.
Somebody got busted! Haha!
No problem. It's usually much harder to spot your own errors than it is the error of others.
But then you could make a sequel about Flutter's trip to the dentist and the ensuing chaos Pinkie and Dash would cause there!
*Insert the Cops theme song*
Aye, this is true.
...Great, now you have me thinking that I should write something involving Minuette, and I don't even particularly care for her fan-given name of Colgate and the dentist association she's acquired. Go figure.
EDIT: Aaaaaaaand just like that, as soon as I post this comment, I'm struck with instant inspiration for this month's Flashfic prompt. (It's nothing to do with dentistry, though.) Now it's only a matter of, y'know, me actually writing it down...