• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 12,031 Views, 60 Comments

After The Gala - Storm butt

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After The Gala

A/N: This is something that just randomly popped into my head after re-watching “Best Night Ever”


Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.


After The Gala

It was only twenty minutes after Princess Celestia had left Donut Joe’s donut shop that it had become quite apparent that there were only five ponies and a baby dragon giggling and laughing about how awful the Grand Galloping Gala had been, and playfully joking with each other on Pinkie’s singing of “Pony Pokey” or Fluttershy’s rampage.

Spike blinked as he counted five ponies. Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack, however it seemed his perfect princess had vanished into thin air. He mentally kicked himself for not realizing she had walked off, his eyes should have ALWAYS been on her.

“A-And then, I caught that pony and kicked him off a second later!” Rainbow Dash laughed as she told of how she had constantly tried to get the Wonderbolt’s attention. Spike had only been half paying attention to the conversation as he glanced at the donut that hadn’t been nibbled on with an empty seat behind it. He shook his head and got down from his chair, trying not to notify his friends since they seemed to be having a great time with themselves.

He glanced at the door and saw a hoof print covered in frosting right outside the door. His mind flashed to Rarity being covered in frosting. He glanced behind him one final time at his laughing filly friends as he pushed the door open. “Rarity?” He called, slightly worried for his crush.

A scent suddenly hit his nose and he breathed in deeply. It wasn’t the smell of deep-frying donuts, nor was it the perfume of angry people walking out of the Gala’s entrance a mile away in groups, but it was the scent of perfume mixed with frosting. His face split into a slightly drunken smile as a heart flew over his head as he half-walked, half floated toward the scent which led behind the donut shop. The shop was on the edge of Canterlot, so it was nothing but a forest for a mile or so until reaching a cliff.

He got to the back of the shop and saw Rarity, her mane ruffled and her dress ruined, yet she was still the most perfect pony in the world in his eyes. He was about to run forward and bid to her every command when he heard her voice.

“Ew, icky!” She complained, her hoof going down her dress side, only for the frosting to be smeared everywhere “Do you know how much this cost to make?” She yelled at nopony in particular, maybe just to the ruined Gala itself.

Spike took a few steps forward “Rarity?” He asked once more, resisting the urge to call her ‘most beautiful one’. She whipped around and stared at the baby dragon for a few minutes “Oh, it’s only you Spike,” she said, grumbling to herself as the frosting only smeared more on the expensive gown “I suppose the others are worried about me?”

Spike shook his head “N-No… their all still laughing…” He said “Are you… are you alright?” he asked, genuine worry in his tone.

“Oh of course,” She said sarcastically, rolling her mascara-covered eyes “Who wouldn’t be happy after having your dreams crushed right before you?” She shook her head “Sorry to dump all of this on you darling, it’s just so frustrating!” She growled, kicking her hoof down on the ground, only to wince at the dirt.

Spike glanced at her dress “Do you want me to clean that?” He asked. Rarity raised a brow in suspicion “Can you do that, I tried water, I tried wiping it off, what can you do?”

“Easy!” Spike said, suddenly pulling out his tongue as Rarity gave a squeak of fear “N-No, not that, keep it away!” She cried, backing into a tree. Spike let go of his tongue “No, don’t worry, dragon’s tongues have no germs, our fire kills them all whenever we breathe!” He said quickly, trying not to scare his crush.

Rarity narrowed her eyes, as if debating “Do you know this for a fact?”

“Yeah, Twilight even tested it once!” Spike said “No germs whatsoever!” He said.

Rarity whimpered slightly as she stepped forward and Spike took out his tongue and wrapped it once around her. It was amazing how long it was. He then suddenly pulled it and she felt herself be spun around several times before stopping and he caught her before she could fall. He pulled his tongue in and smiled softly, patting his belly with the taste of frosting on his lips.

The unicorn was silent for several moments “Why… why I’ve never felt so clean in all my life!” She said in shock, her coat glistening like never before in the moonlight. Spike chuckled “Anything else I can do for you princess?” he asked, hearts in his eyes.

Rarity smiled warmly at him, only causing his heart to flutter and beat faster than ever “I do suppose I owe you something… how about a pleasant stroll?” she asked, her accent beautiful.

Spike’s head all but exploded hearts, which Rarity giggled at a bit. She didn’t seem as bossy as when he was her slave in the dress shop, more like she was treating him as an equal, even though it was obvious the dragon was head-over-heals for her.

Rarity was about to take a step forward when she gasped and took ten steps back. Spike glanced down and saw a small puddle of mud. A stroke of brilliance hit him and he took off his tux jacket and laid it on the mud so he was only wearing a white T-shirt and bow-tie “After you my lady!” He said. Rarity looked at him strangely, recalling having to use her cloak so Prince Blueblood wouldn’t slip on the tiny puddle of water.

She walked forward “Isn’t this a rent?” She asked him.

The Dragon shrugged “Anything for you oh most beautiful one.” He said, clasping his claws together as he blushed gently. Rarity blinked several times and walked on the jacket “Thank you Spike, you might have just saved my life.” She said.

Spike picked up the jacket and hung it on a nearby branch to grab for later, running to catch up to the lovely unicorn as she went back to the front of the donut shop. As they walked through the street, Rarity couldn’t help but notice the dragons smile and blushing toward her, it made her feel rather flattered. The streets were abandoned, it was late and the only ponies around were flocking straight toward their homes.

“So, how was the gala for you, you didn’t talk about it much.” Spike said, fiddling with his claws gently.

Rarity slowed down a bit “Simply awful.” She stated “Blueblood is the most selfish, idiotic, and prissy stallion I have met in my entire existence!” She stated, looking down slightly. Spike looked and saw her mascara starting to spoil “W-What’s wrong?” he asked.

“N-Nothing…” She said “It’s just… I was about to give up everything, my shop, my friends, all for… for THAT!” Spike blinked, realizing she couldn’t even call the prince a him she was so angry with the colt.

Spike saw a tear slip down Rarity’s eyes and she squeezed them shut in order to not ruin her mascara any further. Spike glanced around and saw a rose bush. He quickly ran forward and back. Rarity opened her teary eyes as she felt something be locked into her dress. As her vision cleared she saw Spike, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he fiddled to get the rose locked into her dress. When he finally did he smiled and looked up at her “It goes with your eyes.” He said. Rarity was taken aback, thinking Spike might have been spying at her at the Gala, yet he seemed to kindly come up with this on his own.

“It’s stupid to think like that.” Spike said, being honest with the unicorn “You shouldn’t give up something you love just for the sake of falling in love, you love to make dresses and you love your friends don’t you?” He asked.

Rarity nodded, sniffling slightly.

“Then you shouldn’t think like he was everything, and you should never give up what you love, let it slide by, pretend it didn’t happen if that helps… just please don’t cry again it hurts to see you cry.” His spines went saggy, almost as if seeing the unicorn upset made him upset as well.

Rarity blushed gently without realizing it. She stuck up her head “Spike, I should let you know it is improper to see a woman cry!” She stated, trotting forward as Spike blushed wildly in embarrassment “S-Sorry…” He mumbled. For some reason Rarity didn’t want him to know just how touched she was by that speech.

“Want me to make it up to you?” He asked worriedly “I-I’ll buy you something if you want!”

“No, that is not needed.” She said, her blush fading so she could now face him. Spike was still blushing with his claws behind his back, looking a little hurt by his rejection. She sighed “Spike, it is not that I don’t want you to, it is just I don’t want to take advantage of you.” She said.

“But you aren’t!” Spike said “My perfect princess, you deserve anything you want!”

Rarity held her hoof to her cheek as she blushed gently “I…” she paused a moment “I wish for you to take me someplace with the best view, if that will make you feel better.”

Spike had to think for a moment “I…” He paused, tapping his claws on his tail. He suddenly lit up and grabbed the unicorns leg and pulled gently “I know, follow me!”

The dragon gently pulled her into the woods “Spike, it’s all icky in here!” She whined “I can’t see anything but trees.”

“Trust me on this,” Spike said “My Princess.”

Rarity blushed again, though this time it was too dark to bother to try and hide it. She felt the scaly hand gently hold her coated arm as she was pulled gently. Her hooves started to hurt after about five minutes of walking in the glass heels, and she thought about complaining once more until she was able to see a light up ahead.

“Close your eyes, will you?” Spike asked.

Rarity complied as Spike slowly pulled her along, guiding her past any kind of mud or branches she might trip on. When she suddenly fest a gust of wind Spike said “Open them.”

The marshmallow colored unicorn opened her eyes and gasped. She was standing right on the edge of a cliff, the nighttime sky had more stars than she had seen in her entire life, all blazing with the full moon in the sky. Her mouth was agape. She had expected maybe a nice park or something, not this. “Spike, however did you know about this place?”

Spike reddened “I… I didn’t get along with ponies very well when I was little, it was hard for me to make friends, so I used to come here a lot just to think…” He sat down on the grass and looked down “I knew I was different, it took me a while to get used to the way high class ponies used to look at me…”

Rarity blinked slowly and glanced at the grass, feeling around a few moments before laying down herself next to the dragon and overlooking the city, she listened to the dragon with her ears fully erect.

“Everyone thought Celestia was crazy, for not killing me right away, it was a shock I came out at all when Twilight hatched me, somepony found me abandoned and took me to Canterlot for a quick buck, thinking I was a dud. They all thought a dragon couldn’t be tamed.” He sighed before smiling “I showed them, huh?” He asked. He suddenly blushed deeply “I’m… I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

Rarity smiled warmly “Not at all, Why don’t you come next to me Spike?” she asked.

Spike shook his head in confusion “W-Wait, me?” He asked, pointing to himself.

“Yes you, Darling,” Rarity said. Spike looked thrilled as he suddenly scooted next to Rarity, laying at her side and gently nuzzling her coat through the ripped dress. Rarity smiled warmly down at him and gently took off her remaining three glass heels and rubbed her achy hooves.

Spike jumped “Allow me my lady!” He said, bowing slightly in his sitting position as he laid down near her back legs and began to gently massage her hooves. The unicorn was about to say something about how it was improper for a gentlecolt, or in this case gentledragon, to touch a lady without permission. But she suddenly groaned out in pleasure and laid her head down on her front legs. “Spike, where did you learn to give such a great massage?” She asked, claws digging into the soft middle of her hooves in a way that was better than any spa she had visited in her entire life.

Spike shrugged, but then realized Rarity couldn’t see him in the position he was in “Dunno,” He mumbled improperly, but Rarity didn’t feel like lecturing him on improper grammar at a time like this “Twilight used to pass out a lot during training with the princess, this always calmed her down when she woke up and she was really sore.”

Rarity smiled larger and blushed gently “Whatever it is, you should work at a spa, I’d recommend you every time!”

“I’m already at your service my lady!” He said, holding a hand to his chest, switching hooves as Rarity shifted in pleasure once more.

Rarity cracked open her eyes open and glanced down off the cliff. “Hold on, is that Ponyville?” she asked, pointing to a small city in the distance with several hundred apple trees nearby, likely Sweet Apple Acres.

Spike stopped his massaging as he sat up and glanced to where she was looking “Yeah!” He said, pointing to another city slightly closer “And… there’s Manehatton!” he said, and then pointed to another city in the distance, yet it was quite large “And there is Fillydelphia!”

Rarity followed his claw-finger wherever it pointed and stared in awe at all the sights “You can see all of Equestria from this spot!” She said “Why isn’t this a tourist attraction?”

Spike suddenly lowered his hand “Well… I’m kind of the only one who knows about it.” He said, his face tinting red once more “Not even Twilight knew I came here, it’s sort of… my secret place.”

As the unicorn opened her mouth, she found herself having a sudden leap in her heart “I am honored… no… touched you chose to show me this place.” She said.

“Anything for you princess.” Spike said as Rarity suddenly reached out a leg and pulled him closer to her.

Rarity’s own cheeks tinted in color once more. She looked at him warmly as he couldn’t keep eye contact with her he was so nervous at the moment. Her dreams of having Blueblood as her Prince Charming suddenly seemed stupid.

“Spike, you have truly been tonight what Blueblood could never hope to be in all of his lifetime.” Rarity said, lifting her head boldly. Spike jumped and his purple cheeks tinted deeper “W-What’s that?” He asked.

Rarity smiled warmly. He was everything she wanted in Blueblood, and yet somehow better. “A prince.” She whispered as she suddenly grabbed the dragons pudgy, scaly cheeks and before Spike could react, she pressed her muzzle against his scaly lips. She could feel his tail squirm as his body relaxed and tightened at the same time. He felt like he could either shoot straight to the moon or pass out in Rarity’s arms. He tried to pull away for air as suddenly Rarity’s hooves pulled him in deeper and he felt something be scrapped against his scaly lips. He was obviously inexperienced with kissing, but he somehow knew what to do. His mouth opened and he used this moment to gasp for air as he shoved his long tongue into Rarity’s mouth and began to gently lick the insides of her mouth as her tongue added to the fun.

When they finally broke, both were gasping for air, a thin trail of saliva connecting them before breaking as Rarity kissed his cheeks and forehead several times. He could die, he could honestly happily die and regret nothing.

“My little Spikey-Wikey.” She whispered when she finally stopped kissing him.

Spike’s eyes widened as he took in what had just happened. He must be dreaming, he had done nothing different than what anypony else would do… right?

“Rarity… I…” he whispered.

Rarity suddenly hugged him tightly and he blushed so deeply that he might have died if he didn’t remember he required air to breathe.

The unicorn started to nuzzle his spines and kiss his forehead as Spike blushed deeply, yet nuzzled her neck. Both were silent for a few moments as they took in each other’s scents. He was confused, happy, yet confused. However he stopped questioning himself when she kissed his nose once more.

“Thank you for being my Prince Charming.” She whispered gently. Her dreams of meeting a prince hadn’t gone nearly as expected, nor had she thought she knew him all along, yet the thumping in her heart wouldn’t leave her chest, and it certainly wasn’t leaving the dragon who’s heart was beating loud enough to reach Ponyville.

Spike blushed as Rarity kissed his lips again, and this time, it was his turn to pull her closer.


A/N: Meant to be silly, harmless, fluffy, fun. I don’t think I put as much effort into it as I usually do, but since it is only a OneShot I really don’t care.

Comments ( 60 )

A fluffy Sparity one-shot? Count me in! :pinkiehappy:

probly would of went with civilised over tamed since tameing involves him being mastered but i guess as the nobles are asses i can see the former still i doubt he would of said that he proved he could be tamed same with when he reflected pon his actions adn thought slave assistant seem more likely.

And fantastic well written story and yay sparity fluffy or otherwise

453337 Civilized people always suck in movies, aside from Fancy Pants if I remember correctly, so they would go with "tamed" over civilized simply because they see him as an animal, not a pony...

453366 indeed but i was reffering more to spike being unwilling to call himself tamed

I would write a big ass comment on this story but im to tried from class so i hope this works too.


Beautiful. :duck: :moustache:

Very nice, very nice. :moustache:

453686 Holy crap! I had no idea that approved gif existed! :pinkiegasp:

sparity is my fourth favourite pairing after dislestia. this pleases me.

favorite shipping, u did a really nice job on this, really liked how u made spike look like a sir i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/550/feel-like-a-sir-template.jpg

Very good, romantic yet not vulgar. I give it 5 out of 5 :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Great story, man! :eeyup:

Yay. I love Sparity. :twilightsmile:

... I... don't know...

I love the pairing but I dunno... to...sudden and forced. This story doesn't flow.

466126 Bleh... I have no excuse, I just crapped out a OneShot for myself because I felt like it. :rainbowwild:

Fury of the Tempest disapproves of this story. Much potential in it, if it is simply cleaned up and made to flow.

Probably one of the most perfect Sparity fics I've ever read.

Loved it!
Had cute moments throughout and actually felt like a scene from the show. Which is good!
Oh, and Rarity, Spike was raised by Celestia... he basically IS a prince :raritystarry:

this…is AWESOME.
yay sparity :twilightsmile::yay::raritywink:

Very enjoyable.

The view was great haha :ajsmug:

An immensely satisfying read. Thank you for posting this fic, one the best on this site if i do say so myself.
Here, have some ponies as a gift: :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::fluttercry::ajsmug::coolphoto::rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::moustache::yay::eeyup::duck:


453638 Holy crap! Both Bruce Lee AND Chuck Norris approved? This must be some good stuff!

That was simply a beautiful story, :moustache::heart::raritystarry: = FTW

Nice little read.

Yea but spike calling himself tamed is something that I just don't see happening. Unless spike acknowledges being enslaved by ponies than he just have the stock helm syndrome.

Improper to look at a woman cry? I don't spike did anything wrong there. Anyways , great fic!:raritywink:

453366Manly tears have been shed on this day

Ok so I spend 20 minutes looking for the proper image to describe my feels. couldn't find it.

Short form.. Death by Daw

Fluffy? Silly? Harmless?

Dude, this was pure gold! I say you did an excellent job.
Instand Fav. SpikeXRarity Forever! :raritywink::moustache:

D'aawww this is really the only way i could think of them loving each other as the original characters

well freaking done :twilightsmile:

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo d'aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... :moustache::raritystarry::moustache::raritystarry::moustache::raritystarry::moustache::raritystarry::moustache::raritystarry:

If the series were to end after only one season, this would be the perfect way to do it. Nice work:pinkiehappy:

This is adorable! Good job!

This turned out quite satisfying. Not nearly as fluffy as suggested; this had some substance to it, and some good characterization on Rarity and Spike.

Two minor typos: "Manehatton" should be "Manehatten", and "head-over-heals" should be "head-over-heels".

I think in season four spike should shout out his feelings about rarity :pinkiehappy: just a sayin

Spike & Rarity rolled back into Donut Joes, "Spike?" Twilight asked " Where were you two?":moustache::duck:
Spike just blushed with a shit eating grin "Walkin & Talkin" The lipstick stains telling another story.
Rarity smiled "Spikey is such a gentledrake Dear Twilight, Mind if we...":rainbowlaugh::yay::pinkiegasp::ajsmug:
Twilight interupts "Have that long talk I've been waiting for?" Twilight winked "Luna's told me every thing":twilightblush:
Pinkie pops out of thin air "FOREVER!":pinkiehappy:

Bravo bravo A Nuclear cannon back story with baby Draconies!:trollestia:

I liked this story :pinkiehappy:

I loved the story!

But I disagree with :moustache: :heart: :raritywink:

I ship Fancy Pants and Rarity. But it was still an interesting read.

Yeah, kiss Spike and he will turn into prince! :rainbowlaugh:

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