• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen October 2nd

Storm butt

I am an aspiring writer, romance enthusiast, and a horrible over emotional mess. If you're here I hope you like homosexual stallions. If you enjoy my work and want to support me I have a Ko-Fi!


A story of romance, affection, right, and wrong. A stallion named Braeburn will find where he truly belongs.

The world coltcuddler has been floating around the town of Appleloosa as of late, and it always comes around to the earth pony named Braeburn, who himself has since denied any accusations, despite the townsfolk's disbelief, harsh words, and actions toward him. Three months is a long time to go without a single friend in sight....

Denial is a new word however, and the the strange light blue pegasus named Soarin decided to use this when Braeburn insisted he wasn't interested in colts after meeting in a bar. The pegasus doesn't say where he's from or why he is passing by, accoring to him, he only wanted apples, and is now expecting a one sided promised date from the earth pony!

The truth soon falls into place, and Braeburn is faced with one of the hardest things anypony has ever done. Facing the truth as the war in his head between right and wrong rage on.

All he wanted was a drink...

A tad fluffy, but there is plot somewhere... trust me...

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 247 )

I've NEVER read a M/M shipping fic, and I never though I would, but this caught my attention and I don't know why. But, who knows? It might be good. :pinkiecrazy:

Yay, Coltcuddling! There is a serious deficiency of coltcuddling stories on this website, and this looks like a good one.

Never understood the rationale behind Braeburn x Soarin', but I guess there's so few males to ship that I'm not complaining :derpytongue2:

Simple and sweet. A familiar premise, but looks promising. Braeburn's accent sometimes seems off, but otherse seemingly perfect syntax. Lovely work~!

I like it. It's cute and nice and seems like a realistic depiction of the charcatcers. Only thing I didn't like was how Soarin kept saying dude. Just doesnt sound right. Well, keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Storm butt deleted Dec 22nd, 2014

I liked it, sweet little story so far. If it ventures into clop I'm out though. D:

541897 You realize you can just skip the clop if it comes out?

rated teen and straight up not reading parts of a story doesn't actually help the reading experience. Just saying.

promising :raritystarry:
will keep an eye on this

I'm not a coltcuddler myself, but I like this story so far. It must suck to live in a place where even your parents don't accept something like that... I bucking hate homophobes and racists...

541897 Truth be told I'm more of a fade to black man myself.

541795 I don't have an answer for their popularity in the coltcuddler parings... I was against them at first myself but... their so damn cute together... :raritystarry:

544267 The south, it sucks.:fluttershbad:


I'll continue reading your stuff

Yes. yes it does. *shivers* guh.......

very well done! this is a great story! keep it up

WOW! Dude, you have an extraordinary writing style. You portray the characters the way I think the writers of the show would, and to compliment that you add a touch of realism that I know all too well. Making it just THAT much more enjoyable. Thank you for this amazing fic, I encourage you to pursue more writing. :pinkiehappy: :rainbowdetermined2:

546266 Oh my Celestia, you have no idea how much this means to me! This chapter in itself has taken a full two weeks just to squeeze out of my writers block full of re-writes and horrid hours of staying up late only to come up with nothing. Writing is my passion and I damn well hope I can keep doing it for the rest of my life, even if it turns out to not be my main job. :pinkiehappy:

Well... Interesting. Hatred is a bitch. Well... I'm straight, but still I can somewhat empathize with Braeburn 'cause I'm Catholic Apostate. My country is extremly religious, almost theocracy in my opinion. People should really mind their own business...

More strangely. I live in Europe. And I'ts not better here. I just hate that post-communistic, ultra-Catholic shithole. Good thing that I live in big city now. That small town where I grown up was driving me nuts. Good thing that thing are changing here. There is hope of better tomorrow. I hope that US gonna get through it too.

Me being a coltcuddler, this reminds me of how some of the people reacted when I first came out of the closet. I'm just glad I live in a more liberal part of the U.S. rather than the south.... On a happier note, I thought this story was very well written; and therefore, very enjoyable

Okay... it is nice in a weird way, I am starting to think this is how a homosexual person feels like in a closed down envyroment, feels real to me somehow.

Really good work, hope to read more from you.

552780 It does feel like this, it truly does.

Splendid. I love that Soaren acts goofy , but actually gets serious when needed. He's also nice and caring. Feel sorry for Braeburn, but at least now he's in the good hooves. Good story, please, more))

Soarin' is so... swag. Damn scoundrel I say. Han Solo style.

I love how you've managed to portray this, Braeburn is in denial obviously, but its done in such a way it shows that his parents were the kind that wouldn't accept a child that doesn't follow the strict code of how one is supposed to live. Parents are the key to everything you do in life, if your wired "differently" and they don't accept that then you end up being forced into something that you cannot do even if you tried and it all leads to an endless loop of horror for the child on the receiving end. My point with this small rant being that you shouldn't try to influence something that won't change.

It's a shame we can't expect fast updates like you said, you've got me looking forward to more of this~!

there isn't enough m/m fics out there and for this i thank you:heart::heart::heart:

562515 I more than agree... We need more M/M fics for MLP, I mean... I like F/F just fine, but it gets old after 50 terrible fics in a row...

i hear that ma brother

actually i'll i the works with a fic that might incorporate m/m a bit i hope it will be out by next week maybe so hopes

555229 Updates depend on whether or not I feel like writing, and at the moment I feel like writing this more than my other stories... so maybe you can expect fast updates. I want to write it out fast so I don't get distracted by shiny new story ideas or whatnot... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Excellent work, braeburns thoughts remind me of my own when I was figuring out who I am

This is cute.

And pretty well written.

575478 Denial is one of the worst things in life...

575603 I don't even remember Han all that much... I need to re-watch that movie...

576579 Not the denial part, the slow realization and then eventually the moment when everything clicks into place

I like how the story's going so far and how you write it out, really nice :twilightsmile: I've been tracking since chapter 1 and can't wait to read more chapters (:

Story of my life.

I'm more like Soarin' than Braebern, in the fact that I can go either way.

593040 ................
Oh wait...

593138 Well, I'm glad at least one person know's what's so funny.

I added this to my 'Read Later List' and now I'm finally getting around to reading it. I'm so glad I am; this is fantastic so far. :rainbowkiss: Braeburn is so cute when in denial. :heart:

602743 Braeburn is both cute and sexy in my opinion :pinkiehappy:
But I think he's sexy simply because I'm weird like that :twilightblush:

This is awesome.
I can relate with Braeburn at the beginning. I'm a lesbian, and it took me forever to come to terms with it. Adults; especially parental figures sometimes aren't supportive either. :c Poor Braeburn...

This is also one of the first MxM pony fic I've seen in a long long time. :pinkiehappy: It's great, and 100% adorable. Deffinitly favoriting/tracking:heart:

This story.:heart:
I could totally see it being a real life situation as well. Your writing has that strong grip on reality. From past experiences I'm guessing? (Andsomewhatstalkingthecomments. :raritywink:)

I can't wait until your next update. This story is not only realistic, adorable, but well-written as well. I really like your writing style. :twilightsmile:

And Soarin's 'hard-on' comment was perfect. :rainbowlaugh:

602804 Comments like these make me glad I'm a writer.:yay:

602906 I got the idea from a picture... no I will not give you the link.
And in reality, my parents have not brainwashed me nor are against me being a coltcuddler in the slightest. In fact they were shocked because I really don't like to talk about it. I like in a state which is pretty much not as bad as the south, but not as good as the north. I'm just glad people at my school haven't found out... I came up with it though friends online talking about it plus tons of research that did more to scare me on coming out than it did to make me happy... thinking back to when I started writing, I should have accepted I was gay a lot sooner... :unsuresweetie:

wait, what? a gay fic on fimfiction, not lesbian? ITS A MIRACLE!!!
looks good. set to read later.

Poor Braeburn, makes me want to cry. :raritycry:

Aha! I caught this update just as I was on my way to bed. A perfect way to wrap up the evening, if I do say so myself. :raritywink:

Guh, poor Braeburn. :fluttercry: His story was so</3.

Oh! I meant to say this on one of my earlier comments, but I forgot. In this fic, it's the first time I've ever heard the term coltcuddler or fillyfooler. Did you come up with them yourself, or do they have a different origin? Both are completely brilliant, though. :raritystarry:

Damn you and your cliffhangers. Their kiss was so cute though. :heart: Even through his screams, I'm sure Braeburn enjoyed it. :raritywink: But now I'm even more excited for the next chapter! Keep up the awesome work! :rainbowkiss::heart:

609078 No, I've read the term on another fic before, and I've seen it be used by many people in mostly fanart since then.

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