Everything starts somewhere. Under the bark of a great tree you'll find where a sapling once began. The same can be said for all forms of life that to find out who they truly are, or where they began, you have to start at the roots. Deep in the soil they grow, and eventually blossom.
Caramel and Big Macintosh have been dating for a while. Two years to be exact. They've fallen into a routine of dates, romance, and finding time just to be with one another. Settling down might be seen as a negative to some, but it's comfortable for the two of them. The Apple Family reunion approaches quickly, set to take place for the first time in Appleloosa. Mac debates the question if he's ready to introduce Caramel to his extended family, and to take their relationship to a more serious level. During this, Caramel struggles to deal with an appearance of a letter on his doorstep. It's a letter that reminded him of the roots he abandoned, but never forgot.