• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 10,184 Views, 130 Comments

Fluttershy Discovers She's A Lesbian - Flint Sparks

Fluttershy wakes up one morning and discovers that she is, indeed, a lesbian.

  • ...

Pretty fly for a Fluttershy.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said as her eyes snapped open to the early bird’s chirping after it got the worm. “I think I might be a lesbian.”

She sat up, making sure not to get up too quickly like the last time she had such a vivid dream. Her first instinct was to bolt out of bed and write it in her journal, but she didn’t want to accidentally lose consciousness. Not only would it force her poor animals to tend to her, but she would most likely forget the dream she set out to record in the first place.

She set one hoof on the cool, hard floor. One by one, the rest followed. Fluttershy made slow, but steady steps to her dresser to whip out her diary and pencil. Jotting down the night’s saucy details, she tossed the diary on the bed and began to pace in front of her bed.

What should I do? Fluttershy thought, biting her lip as sexy images flashed through her mind. Every night, I keep dreaming about them. One, I’d understand. Rainbow Dash told me that everypony has that one ‘sexy dream,’ but it’s becoming a regular occurrence!

Fluttershy stopped her pacing and leaned against her bed, glaring at the nefarious notebook. I wish they’d just go away so I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore… No. Fluttershy sighed as a pair of lovebirds chirped outside her home, most likely performing deeds in the summer that would ensure offspring next spring.

I am NOT running away from my problems! I’m going to confront them head-on! Fluttershy puffed out her chest and lifted off the ground with a confident beat of her wings. She flew down the stairs and landed in front of her door, stopping to take in a deep breath. Here goes…

“Hey Fluttershy, glad to see you’re up!” Rainbow Dash beamed just after Fluttershy flung the door open. She wore her whistle and coach’s hat, flexing her wings and ready for a morning flight practice.

All confidence melted away as Fluttershy cowered away Tuesday’s subject of imagination. Oh no, and she’s wearing the outfit too! She tried to stop herself, but a whimper escaped her soft lips.

“Something wrong, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash cocked her head and lowered her upper body, bringing herself eye-to-eye with Fluttershy. “Or do you need some special training—”

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked as her face turned bright red. Images of bridles, riding crops, and broken coffee tables flashed through her mind. She covered her face in shame, praying to Princess Celestia this wasn’t a dream and she wouldn’t have to be put through humiliation again.

Rainbow Dash pawed Fluttershy’s ear, drawing her back into the real world. “You okay, Fluttershy? I just came over to borrow some scissors—”

“Eep!” It’s getting worse!

“Uh… okay, maybe I can ask Applejack about it. Isn’t she a cowgirl—”

“EEP!” This isn’t good! This is not okay!

“Alright, alright, didn’t mean to bother. You must be in a busy position—”

“ARGH!” Fluttershy screamed to the high heavens, grabbing Rainbow Dash by the shoulders and nearly throttling her. “Yeah, I’m in a busy position! I woke up this morning to discover I’m a lesbian! Kinda busy, huh? Thanks for asking, best friend!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “What.”

“Uh…” Fluttershy grimaced as her ears grew red hot. She pinned them against her head as she searched for the right words. “I, uh, like mares?”

It took a moment to dawn on Rainbow Dash, but her perplexed frown metamorphosed into a goofy grin. “Oh, I see. You’re into pussy!”

“No, that’s Rarity. I like all animals, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash slowly blinked three times before shaking her head. She made a mental note to take her to Nurse Redheart for a crash course on equus anatomy, maybe take her to a bar. Or just sleep with her. Whichever worked.

She took in a deep breathe and stared into Fluttershy’s deep, blue eyes. “So, uh… You do realize I meant—”

“Rainbow Dash, I know full well what a vagina is,” Fluttershy said, subconsciously fluttering her eyelids. “I am a lady, after all.”

Time, space, and the very fabric of the universe stood still as Rainbow’s heart stopped. Fluttershy’s demeanor, her sudden teasing, her sultry tone of voice… Holy Spitfire, she’s being taught by Rarity. But that means…

Incredibly sexy thoughts flittered through her mind. Oh my gosh, I bet she knows more tricks than I do! Before she could start drooling on Fluttershy—not entirely a bad thing—she zipped out of her grasp and started dashing home.

“ByeFluttershyIgottagrabmytoysandstuffI’llberightback!” Rainbow Dash’s voice carried through the wind, leaving a quite bewildered Fluttershy.

“D-did I just get rejected?” Fluttershy hugged herself and held back tears. “I-I didn’t even ask her on a date… Wait!” Fluttershy spun in place to check the time, her heart skipping a beat. “Oh my, I’m about to miss my spa trip with Rarity! Maybe she can give me advice!”

Or a lesson… Fluttershy blushed and giggled, feeling more giddy than embarrassed outside the public’s scrutiny. Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to mind. M-maybe this isn’t so bad.

Flapping her wings in a steady rhythm, careful to not fly too fast with accelerated pulse, Fluttershy set her sights on Ponyville and took off.

In only a matter of minutes, she arrived at the spa just in time to catch up with the mare of the hour. Rarity, dazzling as always but slightly less dazzling in due time for the spa, was chatting up with one of the spa ponies. Fluttershy considered just trotting up and starting their appointment, but a gut feeling held her hooves down. Rarity leaned forward on the counter and whispered something to the pink spa pony.

Fluttershy squinted, mimicked Rarity’s lips, and whispered, “And I’ll have the usual. Happy ending, like always.”

“Did you say something, darling?”

Her visage was blinded by sparkling sapphires and diamonds. Fluttershy shook her head, dispelling all sexy thoughts of the mare standing in front of her and murmured a greeting.

“Are you ready for our little date, dear Fluttershy?” Rarity trotted inside the spa, flicking her tail for Fluttershy to follow. She paused for a brief moment as Rarity’s aroma assaulted her senses, weakening her knees to dangerous levels. “Darling?”

“Y-yeah, I’m fine!” Fluttershy nodded and forced a smile, feeling a familiar warmth spread through her body. “I’d love a mud bath today, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course!”

The spa ponies set to work, grooming the two mares to perfection. Fluttershy consented to the full treatment, allowing her wings to be preened and other otherwise intimate acts to be carried out. After nearly an hour of pampering, the two pretty ponies found themselves relaxing in the mud.

“Ah, isn’t this the life?” Rarity asked, chewing one of her cucumbers and staring at Fluttershy.

Wait, I know that look… Fluttershy peered at Rarity, recalling Rainbow’s earlier expression. But she isn’t bolting in terror? “Hey, Rarity…?”

“Yes, darling?”

Fluttershy fiddled with her hooves, rolling mud inbetween them as she searched for the right words to say. If I can tell Rainbow Dash, I can tell Rarity… She sighed, took in a deep breath, and met Rarity’s eyes.

“Rarity, I’m a lesbian.”

“Oh.” Rarity swallowed her cucumber and stared at Fluttershy, her sapphire eyes void of any discernable emotion. “I see.” She lowered her gaze and stared down at her own marshmallow hooves.

Marshmallow… Fluttershy thought, choking down her guilt. She remember her vivid dream of tying Rarity to a large pole and “roasting” her over a fire, taking care to slap—Fluttershy shook her head clear of any less-than-pure thoughts, not wanting to ruin the divine mud bath. Well, as Rainbow Dash would put it, she is hot…

“Well… you see, this is rather sudden…” Rarity traced a the edge of the bath, leaning away from her friend. “I, well, never knew…”

“O-oh.” Fluttershy whimpered, recognizing the signs of impending disappointment. She lowered her head and hid behind her mane. “I didn’t mean to impose myself on you, Rarity. I would never force you into something you wouldn’t appreciate...”

“No, darling, I appreciate it! Very much! I’m actually… glad,” Rarity whispered as she brought her gaze back to Fluttershy. “I never knew you felt this way… How long?”

Fluttershy blushed, weeks and weeks worth of vivid imagery coming to mind. “For… a very long time, Rarity.”

“Oh…” Rarity said. Her eyes lowered as she sat back, hiding her own blush behind her mane. Flipping her mane just right, she positioned it to cover one eye as she brought her gaze up once more. “Perhaps, something should be done about this…”

Fluttershy’s eyes were drawn up, lured in by Rarity’s alluring eye. She gulped, feeling half fearful and half preyed upon as Rarity’s eye flicked up and down, eating up her image.

“P-perhaps…?” No, don’t tell me. I-I recognize that look! Fluttershy gulped as she felt ill intent emanate from Rarity, an anger she felt from wild animals driven to frenzy. She’s going to reject me, or worse! Her eyes scanned their surroundings, searching for the closest exit. Have… to… get out…

“Look, a split-end!” Fluttershy pointed dramatically at Rarity’s mane.

Rarity immediately threw a fit, convulsing in the mud bath as she sought for the split-end to smite with her fashionable powers. The spa ponies attempted to ease her anxiety, to no avail, allowing Fluttershy to slip away from the bath during the panic.

She paused at the front counter to drop the proper amount of bits, deciding it’d be rude to force Rarity to pay after causing such a scene in the first place.

Her hooves were lead as she stepped outside, the sun beating against her coat and only adding to her high temperature. She snorted and dragged her hooves along, staring down at the ground. Oh, who am I kidding? Rarity was trying to spare my feelings… Guess I saved her the trouble.

Fluttershy sighed and continued her long, grounded trek home.

I should’ve just kept it in the diary.

“So you’re telling me that she told you she was a lesbian, flirted with you, and then spirited away?” Applejack leaned against a fencepost, chewing on a straw of hay as she finished listening to Rarity and Rainbow’s tale. The two were on their knees, practically begging for Applejack’s help.

“Please! You have to help us find her!” Rarity sobbed, wiping tears from her eyes. “She’s not home, and none of her animals helped us find her!”

“Yeah! And the only guy who could have helped us wasn’t even there!” Rainbow Dash wiped a single tear from her eyes, refusing to break like Rarity. “That bunny dude was gone too! Fluttershy probably ran away!”

Applejack chewed on her straw, staring the girls down with a glare that could shear glaciers. “And why do y’all come for me to help?”

The two desperate mares exchanged a look, speaking without words before nodding and returning their eyes to Applejack. “Tracking.”

“I see…” Applejack spat out her hay before dropping onto all fours. She adjusted her Stetson and nodded toward the girls. “I’ll do it, but I’m doin’ it for her, ya hear?” –the two nodded— “Now, where’s Pinkie Pie?”

“Why do you need Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash cocked her head as she picked herself up. “She’s not exactly, well…”

“Well, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said as she started walking down the dirt path to Ponyville, “when you’re huntin’, you gotta lay the bait.”

Rarity purred and snapped her teeth, pawing in the air with a flirtatious wink.

Fluttershy was an absolute furnace. A near moment ago, she had seen one of her own friends in a new light: provocative. And now she was at another’s mercy, tied up and dragged by rope used for cattle. While her heart remained unbridled at this stage, her muzzle did not.

“Applejack, why are we dragging Fluttershy back to her house? Are we throwing her a not-surprise party like last time?” Pinkie Pie bounced in circles around Applejack, wearing her showmare outfit with sprinkles of carrot cake dirtying the laces. Fluttershy rolled her eyes, swearing to cut Angel off from carrots for a week.

Oh, of course Angel! Mommy would never force you to turn down some delicious carrot cake, Fluttershy thought with a moan. And to add icing on top of the figurative cake, the two wranglers had left her Angel behind to continue gorging on the cake.

“Wow, this ‘wrapped up’ a lot faster than I thought it would,” Applejack said as she dragged Fluttershy past the library. “Why, I think we’ll make it before—”

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” a certain librarian screeched as she blasted the door open with magic.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie froze as Twilight stomped toward them, levitating a shaking Rarity and Rainbow behind her. The unicorn huffed and puffed as she set her friends down to confront the other two.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Untie her!” Twilight barked, ushering Applejack and Pinkie Pie to release Fluttershy from her bonds. Twilight stepped forward, magically assisting where necessary, and helped Fluttershy to her hooves.

Once Fluttershy had gained her bearings, Twilight stepped back and asked, “What in Equestria is going on?”

She had to take a moment to stop the shaking, but Fluttershy eventually calmed. She breathed in deeply, sighed, and stared Twilight in the eye. No more hiding. No more running.

She opened her mouth and began recounting her tale from the very beginning, from when the dreams started…

“Wait, seriously?” Twilight blinked, not believing what she was hearing. “You were worried about us not accepting you when came out? You were worried about being a lesbian?

Fluttershy, still cowering, nodded. Twilight facepalmed.

“Oh my Celestia… Friendship is one thing, but this is just ridiculous…” Twilight sighed and shot Fluttershy a bemused smile. “Fluttershy, we’re all lesbians.”

Fluttershy’s breath stopped. “W-what?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, we all are. Me, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and even Applejack are—”

“I’m actually bisexual, darling,” Rarity muttered as she examined what might have been a chipped hoof.

Not exactly heterosexual.” Twilight sighed and forced a genuine smile, reaching out her hoof to help Fluttershy up. “You’re in good company. Don’t worry!”

“Wow, really?” Fluttershy’s eyes widened, sparkling in the sunset. “I-I can’t believe I misunderstood you all like that! I feel so… embarrassed!”

Twilight chuckled and pulled her into an embrace, patting her on the back. “It’s okay, it happens to the best of us.”

Rarity coughed.

The two barely had time to disentangle before Rarity coughed again.

Rarity strutted between the two mares, taking long strides with hind legs with a sway to her hips. She stopped and turned toward Fluttershy, batting her eyelids. “Darling, there is one matter that needs to be settled.”

“Don’t you dare, Rarity!” Applejack growled as she crouched to pounce, only to be held back by Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy fluttered her eyelashes and frowned. “What do you mean?”

“So which of us are you going to choose, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, pouting her lips, her warm, moist lips which were certainly inviting to a virgin mare…

“Ch-choose?” Fluttershy backed away, her eyes moving from the left to right.

Rarity, who was always kind to her and believed in her inner beauty, and put aside her own prejudice to do what was best for Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash, the one who taught her to stand up for herself, who would always protect her from harm with no promise of repayment.

Pinkie Pie, who could always cheer her up where her animals couldn’t, and always knew how to make her smile.

Applejack, who knew what had to be done no matter the cost, but was always sensitive to her true feelings where others were not.

And Twilight, who had the knowledge to coexist peacefully, and was always willing and earnest to learn about her.

Who do I choose? Fluttershy bit her lip, her eyes a blur as she switched from mare to mare. The stress built, her body grew hot, a copper taste met her tongue. WHO DO I—

“Me!” called a familiar, yet unusually feminine voice. Fluttershy turned and saw Discord waving coyly at her. She noticed however, that he looked remarkably different. His hips were larger, his eyelashes longer, and his body more curvy than ever. In short, he was now a she. And a very cute one, at that, noted Fluttershy. She blushed a bit as she felt her wings stiffen.

“Well,” the female Discord said, fanning herself. “It looks like somepony really likes my new appearance!” She gasped. “Oh my, I don’t believe I’ve re-introduced myself. My new name is Eris.” Eris very daintily held out her claw.

It took a few blinks before Fluttershy was able to get her thoughts together. She shook her head, trying to clear her head of the images of Eris now crossing her mind. Her helpless gaze fell upon her friends in the hope that they might have something helpful to say. Their jaws, however, had dropped mere inches above the ground, rendering them incapable of any intelligible speech whatsoever.

She gulped. “Um, Discord…”

“Eris, dear,” insisted her friend.

“Yes, um, Eris.” Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Not that I’m not happy to see you or anything, but I don’t think this is a very good time.”

Eris chuckled. “Oh, on the contrary! I think this is the perfect time!”



Fluttershy sighed. “Eris. It’s been a long and confusing day. I just told everypony that I’m a lesbian, and now they all want to date me and I don’t know what to do ‘cause I don’t want to hurt anypony’s feelings, and—”

A paw over Fluttershy’s mouth stopped her mid-sentence. “Actually, that’s why it’s the perfect time for me to be here,” Eris said. She blushed slightly. “As you know, I have been alive a long time.” Her paw moved from Fluttershy’s mouth to her hoof. “But I have never, and I mean never, felt as close to somepony as I feel to you.” A weak laugh left her throat. “Fluttershy… I think I love you.”

Fluttershy’s free hoof pressed against her chest. “Eris, I—” The claw pressed to her lips stopped her again.

“So, when I found out you were a lesbian, I didn’t know what to do. So I did the only thing a being of chaos can do—change things up.”

Cerulean eyes stared at Eris, shimmering with tears. Fluttershy’s jaw hung agape. “Y-you were willing to change… for me?”

Smiling, Eris nodded. “Whatever it took to at least give me a chance.” Her smile changed to a smirk as she posed. “Besides, we both know I look good in any form, so it’s not like I gave up much.”

Fluttershy laughed and wiped her eyes. “You look… beautiful, Eris.” She smiled. “I’m honored that you’d go to such lengths for me.”

“Ugh,” Dash interrupted, making a gagging motion with her hoof. “Too much gushy feelings and stuff. Just hurry up and pick one of us before I puke.”

Turning to Eris, Fluttershy said, “I think I’ve decided.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Slowly, she leaned in, pursing her lips and—

She gasped. She’d heard that one’s first kiss was magical, but sharing a kiss with a deity gave that saying a literal meaning. Her hooves left the ground, despite her wings staying still at her sides. (Or at least, mostly still.) Something warm and wonderful, like a fire on a winter day, spread through her body. She felt lightheaded, and she never wanted it to stop.

However, it had to eventually. The two pulled apart with a soft pop. Fluttershy giggled. “I’ve got my first marefriend, girls!” She turned to her friends. “Uh, girls?”

If the girls’ jaws had been open wide before, they now were positively unhinged. Their jaws rested on the ground, open far enough that an ant actually crawled into Dash’s mouth.

Rarity was the first to snap out of the stupor, furrowing her brow and pursing her lips before letting out a, “FFFUUUU—”


Comments ( 128 )

Goddess fucking dammit Sparks.

Apparently I talk in pink now.

It's not as bad as I would've thought.

4688627 This is the perfect song to listen to while reading this. :rainbowlaugh:


Oh god...


There. Finished it for you.

~Skeeter The Lurker

What the flying fist f*ck did I just read?

Pure concentrated Awesome :moustache:

the female Discord said, fanning herself.

:pinkiegasp: Transgender of Discord. *Slow clap* Never read THAT one before.:rainbowwild:

It's not that unusual, actually. I must've seen a good half-dozen Eris clopfics in the feature box. I just never thought I'd write about R63 Discord.

That is all.

Suddenly, Discord.

Suddenly, Eris.

Suddenly, okay then.

Of course! R63 solves every problem that normal gender characters create :raritywink:


So I shouldn't be listening to this one instead?


Fluttershy'd make a pretty good rabbi...


What the actual fuck.


I laughed! I wasn't expecting much, to be honest, and it was better than I thought it would be.

She took in a deep breathe

Small little misstep here on "breath"
~Dash The Stampede

It took a moment to dawn on Rainbow Dash, but her perplexed frown metamorphosed into a goofy grin. “Oh, I see. You’re into pussy!”

“No, that’s Rarity. I like all animals, Rainbow Dash!”

by "Game" he means "Fanfic."

love the story but FLUTTERDASH forever she should of chosen rainbow :yay::rainbowkiss::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

4689166 She told Rainbow Dash first. Rainbow totally had dibs.

Gosh Eris, stealin' all the ladies.

But if Fluttershy is a lesbian, my chances with her are practically zero. Yeah, they're like that already, but still ... :fluttercry:

Hahaha there are no limits for Discord :yay:
Even if she turned into small ant, he would turn to ant too just to be with her:heart:

Well, that was amusing.

That genderbent Discord. Oh my god, I can't breathe. :rainbowlaugh:

That was incredibly fucking bizarre.

The first paragraph was the best part.

DUDE ... just ... Changing biological gender does not change gender ID.... Discord would still be very male. Also, changing ones' self for someone else that drastically is unhealthy. I liked it until the end, and then just ... nope.

4689486 My apologies. Probably should have tackled that aspect myself.

Though, he never said anything about his gender. For all we know, he could be gender-fluid (being a spirit of chaos). He just changed sex.

4689496 Fair enough; may have jumped on my high horse a little too fast there. I can totally believe gender-fluid Discord, but would have liked it to at least be touched upon in the story? I dunno.

Ah, sloppy error on my part. I did write the end at like, 3am my time, but I still should have caught that.

4689505 To be fair, this story is just supposed to be silly... Your concern is a fair one though. I know the distinction and dislike it when others get it mixed up as well.

Maybe I should tackle this subject in another story... :trixieshiftleft:


Nigga, how fucking high were you when you wrote this?


I was high on imagination.

In Discord's case, would "gender ID" really matter?

If gender-flipping was rapid, reversible, and effective (a functional full-body change, rather than a cosmetic one), I can think of few men who would object to being a woman for a while, and vice-versa. Religious reasons might prevent people from changing their own sex, but if they were suddenly gender-flipped, I don't think I'd hear complaints.

- I realize I do not speak for everyone. If my comment does not fit you, and you can explain why, I'd be happy to hear your explanation (furthered understanding is always good).
- Modern surgery fits none of the requirements I listed, so don't bother bringing it up as a counter-example.
- I know at least one person who would be very unhappy not to have a specific type of genitalia, even to the point of resorting to surgery to change it. I have not, however, been able to get an explanation for why. It should be noted that the person in question is extremely touchy about the change (Call it an "inversion"? Okay. Call it an "eversion"? Wrath incoming); even the most neutral of inquiries were met with anger.

the split-end fake out was easily the funniest part in all this.

4689505 Well, about the gender ID thing... when someone defines themselves as homosexual or heterosexual, that's almost always sexually. Romantically, it's a suite of personalities they're looking for, and what we all want is someone who fits both our sexual and romantic tastes. Unless you're asexual, in which case... good luck.

4690779 I think they're talking about gender identity, not sexual orientation. :twilightblush:

The solution to incompatible orientations, in terms of reality, usually would not be getting a sex change.

Do ponies really wake up one day and discovered their gender orientation?! :pinkiegasp:

Yes . . . yes they do. :pinkiehappy:

Good and amusing story - and what more can you ask for? :twilightsmile:

"What should I do?" Fluttershy thought.

Well, other mares, if we take the traditional approach.

Today female, tomorrow male, and on thursday he's potato.

Lol the ending.

4690576 I guess, in my personal experience, I'm attracted to someone's gender identity, or their spiritual gender, if you would. I don't care what body the person comes in, whether they're a pre-operation transgendered person or a cisgendered person. But their minds and their spirits; the way they see themselves has to be closer to female than male, or else I wouldn't want to date them. If a man got a full-on, comprehensive gender-confirmation surgery to become biologically female, I would not want to date that person because they would still feel like a man to me, just a man in a woman's body. Same thing goes for transgendered, female-bodied men. I feel no attraction to them because they are male-identified, and I am not attracted to male-identified people. I guess that's what I'm getting at, here. I'm aware that this is an issue I'm sensitive about, and I didn't mean to cause drama or anything. It's just how I feel, although I reacted more strongly than I intended to and I'm sorry for that over-reaction.

4690779 Homo-romantic asexual over here. So that's probably why I feel the way I do about gender ID, since that's literally the only thing I am able to see in a person.

Saying "I know what a vagina is" and coming out of the closet is considered flirting now? Well I guess I've flirted with a lot more people than I realized. Sorry, but Rainbow Dash and Rarity interpreting that as flirtatious is just ridiculous. What followed was even worse. The beginning was funny at times, though that was about it. Many elements of the story were unexplained such as how Pinkie Pie serves as bait for such a shy individual and what possibly could be hurting Fluttershy by getting out of bed quickly. Coming out stories should either be handled seriously or humorously. Doing it humorously but tastefully is difficult, and doing it seriously is all but impossible without close attachment to the issue. You should definitely keep writing, and most people who read this liked this so you obviously have the capacity to entertain, but this story simply didn't do it for me.

4691584 That was called "over the top" and thats why it was funny:pinkiehappy:
Of course no one would react the way mane6 reacted in this fanfic. I think the line "we're all lesbians" out of nowhere should indicate that this wasnt a serious story thats suppose to tackle some homosexual problems in real life :derpytongue2:

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said as her eyes snapped open to the early bird’s chirping after it got the worm. “I think I might be a lesbian.”

Oh god that line

Four whole imaginations?

I appreciate the time you took to explain that. For me, personally, my date being transgender (in any of its forms) is a deal-breaker; if you are a man, were a man, or are trying to become a man, you're not my soulmate. However, I seem to have miscommunicated my question, so I will attempt to re-state it.

If you feel strongly unhappy about your current genitalia (not the genitalia of your S.O.), or would feel strongly unhappy if you had a different type of genitalia, could you explain why?

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