• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2017

Starlight Shadow

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Comments ( 20 )

Me likey some cutesy-wutesy. :rainbowkiss:

It's nice to see a oneshot shipfic that doesn't end with the two ponies making out.

Cute TwiShy is always a welcome sight. :yay:

Is this a Twishy story that is realistically done, adorable, and doesn't involve making out or otherwise? It is! :pinkiegasp:

Brilliant! A lovely little read here, good sir/ madam. Also, Fluttershy Buttercup Stormchaser... That is an epic full name you gave her. :pinkiehappy:

I don't ship TwiShy at all, but this is adorable.

I'm not sure if I ship Twilight with Flash Sentry or somepony else. As for Fluttershy, my vote goes to FlutterMac. :yay::eeyup:

I love ship fics where the ship used isn't one I support, but the story itself is still adorable.

....And that's how Equestria was made. :twilightsmile:

FlutterTwi/ TwiShy for the absolute win! Thank you for making my day brighter.

Cute :twilightsmile:

maybe do the next chapter from twilight's perspective? :pinkiesmile::heart:

:twilightsmile: Well, this was enjoyable read even if it's a cute shorty :yay:

Maybe just another chapter? :scootangel:

Aww, so cute! :twilightsmile: :heart: :yay:

I like the explanation Fluttershy gives for falling in love with Twilight. Always being in the background, admiring her quietly. It makes a lot of sense, really.

That is just what i needed to relax after my exams, thank you.
It was rather short but thean again it did not need to be any longer eather.
"Fluttershy Buttercup Stormchaser" a bit long for my taste but i like it (i use "Fluttershy whisperwing" in case you wear wondering. :twilightblush:)
I'll rate this 9/10 not prefect but bloody good and very sweet good job Sir/madam

Wah! This is so cute! I need more! :yay::twilightsmile:

This was very cute, and was really how I think Fluttershy would explain her feelings to the one she likes. It makes me happy when people make her shy, but yet brave in these situations, instead of it being: "Ohh... Umm... I-I.... Umm..." and somehow the one she likes knows what she's trying to say.

This story has such a straight forward and very meaningful direction that, given more detail and more time to develop a larger plot line, this could be a major Twishy favorite to add to my favorite originals on my page. :moustache:

Give me a shout if you decide to expand this story idea at all. I would love to read it some more.:raritywink:

Well done overall, for just a short story.

Thanks for the read,

Djponpheonix :twilightsmile: /)

So when can we read about those 3 dates? ... never? :fluttercry:

This is ludicrously adorable. :twilightsmile:

You say pointless, but it actually seems like you're definitely onto something here. Short but sweet, with a touch of realism. I can dig it.

I actually really enjoy this! Sweet and fluff fics are always in my taste list.
Still, I think the ending was a little bit rushed, a warm cup of extended details on the ending would go really well with this, trust me!
Even with the rushed ending, it doesn't change my opinion. This is really nice if you want something quick~
Keep up the good work!

This Is So Cute, I Love This Fanfic:scootangel::heart:

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