• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2017

Starlight Shadow

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Comments ( 45 )

Short, but very sweet! I liked reading this, so have an upvote and a favorite! :twilightsmile:

i like it

Justification at last! :rainbowlaugh:

Short, sweet, adorable

Ohmygosh this is adorable. :rainbowkiss:

liked and faved.

This is far too short for my liking. Nothing is fleshed out. We're supposed to fill in the blanks with things that make the "big reveal" an emotional moment, and that made what little story you have here fall flat.

Rather poor grammar regarding speech tags, in addition to other scattered nitpicks. I'd look up dialogue punctuation in the FAQ if I were you.

And quite honestly, the characters didn't feel anything like themselves. For instance:

"There's the Angel I know and constantly reprimand."

The only ponies Winona is in contact with on a regular basis would never say that, and I'd imagine any animal—talking hypothetically here—would imitate the speech of his owner, much the same way a child talks like his parents. It was especially detrimential because Winona is a dog. Dogs share a much closer bond with their owners than other animals.

I'm giving this a downvote for the reasons listed above. Yes, I was your first.

Best wishes and happy writing.


There are too many d'awws in this story to count. Have a like and a favorite! :twilightsmile:


Well, you didn't need to be so abrasive about it. :trixieshiftright:

NightWolf here does raise a few good points. Would you like some advice on improving your writing? I could provide some if you're interested. :twilightsmile:

Just so. If unexpected, your comment could rub someone the wrong way. Sure the points have backing if anyone's knowledgable to notice, but it all comes out of nowhere as though the author asked for it. The attitude of your words depicts that of a solicited review, rather than an innocent comment. Truthful, but brutal. :unsuresweetie:

Aw, that was so cute

Liked and faved :pinkiehappy:

I love short stories. Short but sweet, like chocolate.

This was a rather adorable story. Leaves too many questions unanswered for me to really connect as much as I want to, but I like the justification for Angel's behavior.


If unexpected, your comment could rub someone the wrong way.

it all comes out of nowhere as though the author asked for it.

. . . So you're telling me I need permission to voice my thoughts on a story? That doesn't really make any sense. The comments section is for voicing your opinion or thoughts on a story. That's like saying I need permission to walk on a sidewalk.

The attitude of your words depicts that of a solicited review, rather than an innocent comment.

I would hope so. I'm telling him why I downvoted his story. It would be hard to make an "innocent" comment that got the same point across. This author has only received "innocent" comments saying, "Good job." If I were to say, "This story disappointed me, and I downvoted it," the author would simply think of me as a hater, rather than someone who legitimately had comprehensible reasons for downvoting.

Truthful, but brutal.

I am a truthful person who doesn't mince words. Is that also not allowed by your standards? Must I offer meaningless praise? Plenty of people offer praise, but I didn't like the story. I could have downvoted without saying anything, but I chose to help the author by spending some of my time to make a short list of why I was dissatisfied.

Short and sweet the very definition of a one-shot.
I liked it, finally someone who seas Angel as i do. As the tough love kind of character.

I'm sorry, but this story doesn't explain itself well. Or at all. Winona asks why Angel is such a jerk to Fluttershy, and Angel replies with a story of why he's protective of her. Which...doesn't actually address Winona's original question. At all.

So yeah, this story didn't really have a proper logical progression. Can't upvote it. :unsuresweetie:

4819269 Tough love. That's the moral....I think.

4819269 It's tough love. :fluttershysad:

4815951 Yeah, I'm not very happy with this one. Thanks a ton for the comment. :twilightsmile:

Stupid bunny, you know nothing about psychology! If harassing creates confidence, why after things that bullies do to her in Cloudsdale she don't hard-rock-self-confident? Only love and acceptance can create confidence! Only the one who loved, accepted and know it for sure can be confident. Only the one with the strong feeling "I'm good enough". And this feeling can't be summoned by bullying, quite the oppose - it can be only reduced by such things. The only things that can summon and hold this feeling in heart is love and acceptance. You, stupid ball of fluff, with your constant demands and whims, make her feel that she's not good enough, ergo, you REDUCE her confidence!


So you're telling me I need permission to voice my thoughts on a story?

Not at all, but you were very blunt, and abrasive.

I am a truthful person who doesn't mince words.

Which I respect. I'm personally a fan of tact, though.

Is that also not allowed by your standards? Must I offer meaningless praise?

I merely said you didn't need to be so abrasive. I believe I was trying to point out how tactless your comment was, but either way, it doesn't mean I was saying you're not allowed to criticize a story. That would be a horrible world to live in. I do however, think you should offer some thought to how someone might react if they weren't looking for harsh criticism. I myself embrace it, but some do not, and you cannot guarantee that all people will embrace it.

Of course, I'm not your mother, just a bystander who disagrees with your methods. This is the internet after all; ignore me if you like.

4822382 Well, I must say, when I was younger, my brother was generally a complete ass (in the nicest possible way) about half the time, and thanks to that, I am totally Impervious to insults.:trollestia:
Psychology is funny like that

You were not quite close, am I right?

That pic is SO. F*cking. Kawaii! :flutterrage:

*WolfSmile* I like this story and I could actually see Fluttershy in trouble, and Angel summoning the animals to save her!!!!!

4823063 Are you kidding me? were as close as two brothers can be without being twins. were practically BBBFF's...
We just happen to argue and Insult each other a lot.

It's so fluffy! :rainbowkiss:

Ok, another question: in your school days, what were you - shy victim of bullies or something else?

He's still a right cock.

4826824 People ATTEMPTED to victimise me, never really worked, like I said words just kind of roll off me.

I see. Different type of nerve system and hormone level, and, of course, different gender. You could not become like Fluttershy even with the same circumstances. Lucky you, I'm jealous.

I really see stories that portray Angel in a positive light. I'm glad I found this one. Have a like and a fav.:pinkiehappy:

I like it! I've never really seen Angel portrayed like this. I've always seen him as sort of an ass, (And don't get me wrong, I love him because he's an ass) and to see him as a very noble and loving character, it's refreshing.
So, this is pretty gnarly dude!

Even in this incredible sweet story...
Angel Bunny for me still has a Boston accent :facehoof:

Aw... That's so cute! :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:


4829166 He's an ass but only because his owner needs that so she doesn't fully live up to her name.

I like this new perspective! :twilightsmile: It makes sense, although I'm curious as to where the scratches came from... :rainbowhuh:

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