• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2017

Starlight Shadow

This account is inactive.


Fleur is Twist's Prench aunt, and she's coming to Ponyville to visit for the day.

Twist seems a little down, and Fleur talks to her about two subjects she holds near and dear to her heart; love and beauty.


Exists in the same continuity as Lilies and Two Peppermint Thticks Make A Heart, but they are not required reading. Reading them is, of course, encouraged.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Haven't even read it yet, already faved it. HEADCANON ACCEPTED!

Dear lordy lord, two fics in one day. You're making feel ashamed.

4318370 Well, the first one bombed.

4318376 But still ... Cranking them out...

But I'll see to it my next story will surpass expectations! Nopony can resist the ship that is Spikiara!

I have a new ship now...

Does this mean that Fleur is Bon Bon's older sister?

4318487 Fleur is a few months older, yes.

4318489 Okay. Bon bon... Fleur... I'm sensing a theme. First off, Fleur means "flower" in French, and Bon bon is a kind of French candy. I think you just combined two of my favorite things in your fic.
Food and the French language. :pinkiehappy:

Sad to see Twist so scared about how others will see her if she comes out.
Is something wrong with Fleur and Fancy by the way?

4318508 Maybe. We'll never know, will we? :raritywink:

Will we?
Why are you doing this to me?:raritydespair:

4318393 i for one cannot wait for that one :heart:

Curse you :flutterrage:
So, what's up next on the agenda? :twilightsmile:

4318566 I may or may not have a story in the works about what's going on with Fleur and Fancy in this very continuity...

I don't know whether to hate this or to make this a guilty pleasure. :twilightoops: (Mostly because you're shipping Applebloom with Twist and I only ship Twist with Featherweight.)

4318527 Soon ... soon my friend. Also, I'll pm you a link when I'm done with the first draft so you could point out weak points for me.

4318584 sounds like a plan Shirly Imnohtkiddeng :twistnerd: good story btw, Starry :raritystarry::heart:

4318592 My name's not Stan. It's Shirly, Shirly Imnohtkiddeng

Wonderful story.

Also, if you replace Twist with Fleur in the author's notes (and use the me to refer to me instead of you), you have what I'm doing. Of course, I always love seeing underappreciated characters getting more love, even if they're characters I'm not a fan of.

This is so sweet!! <3 Ooh...sorry I meant tweet. :twistnerd:

Bravo! :twilightsmile: That was such a sweet story.

I like the idea of Fleur being Bon Bon's sister and Twist's niece (is Bon Bon Twist's mother?). Headcanon accepted! (Even though I don't ship TwistXApple Bloom)

Very sweet, cute little story. Really like the idea of these two being related, honestly. I'll have to read the stories that came before this sometime. :twilightsmile:

She is definitely an underrated character. Would be great to see a longer fic starring her.

This was a bit bland, but definitely enjoyable to read once.

Finally read it -- and it was too cute. :rainbowkiss:

Aww yeah, what a sweet little story. *squees a bit*
You´re right. Twist defs need more stories.

D'aww (x11) you made me do that, twelve times! 12! Ahhh!

You know who is on a personal crusade to write those stories? Me.

You have my sword :rainbowdetermined2:

I accept this head canon! And I think I've read the fic with Fancy and Fleur at the dance!

you have to do a sequel to this, with a bit more of twists relationship with applebloom.:twistnerd:


Oh, good heavens, I LOL'd all over that pic! It's perked my interest...or would that be peaked? Peeked? I'm interested! I'll be reading this fic forthwith.

4326210 Sadly, that fic of mine isn't out yet.

ok after reading lilies and now this im convenced that i when in the mirror pool and my clone was some how fleur-de-lis and then my memory was erased :trollestia:
no but seriously im just like her i would say close to the same things :pinkiesmile:

i love your take on her character :raritywink:

You know who never gets any stories? Twist.
You know who needs more stories? Twist.
You know who is on a personal crusade to write those stories? Me.

I approve! :twistnerd:

Twist has a lisp. A lisp means sounds with "c" and "s" generally would be written out with a "t" in them (unless c makes a k sound). However, Twitht manageth to thay Fancy Pants without it coming out ath Fanthy Pants. And something is wrong with that.

I loved this. I loved how Fleur had so much wisdom and comfort in her consultation with Twist. Hope to see more Twist stories from you.:twilightsmile:

I agree with you that twist needs more stories. I love this story. 10 mustache :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:


Thank you so much! Twist is a big favorite (I actually used her as a reaction image when I first came out to my best friend, coincidentally), and after (blushes) getting a date with the coolest girl in the multiverse and waiting for the hook to drop at any point (what do you mean it can't be as simple as "You love Cute Girl Is Cute and she actually loves you and you're awake"), I really needed this this week.:heart::twistnerd:

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