• Member Since 20th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Comments ( 159 )

I'd like to use her character for a sad/heartwarming/no-sex thing later on, do I have to have permission?

Huh. You're back. 2 years of nothing but staring at your profile page and F5'ing had finally payed off.
Seriously, glad to have you back.


I didn't make her up. I found her on /MLP/ all alone with a sign. It seems like for 20 bits she'll do anything though, so knock yourself out. Please note that she has no name or cutie mark in this, I just pulled her general description from a picture on the thread, and gave her some serious issues. I have no idea what the artist was going for other than the obvious "down on her luck" whore angle.

I've never been gone, I just don't have anything to say most of the time. If you ever want to harass me for anything, I usually log in at least once a week. Often much more often than that, closer to the once a day region.

Plus the season 4 end was pretty awesome, so I've been thinking about pony a little more.

4461427 Good! I like the idea of hiring her to be just a friend and taking care of her: I really love stories about helping the sad be less so.

very light for a dark story,
hell, if he had given up on trying to sleep with her and realised that this whole "whore" act was because this was the only way for to survive it would have been not been grim dark at all.

Actually yeah. I really wavered on whether or not it was dark. Then I realized it sure as hell isn't romance, and the pony had some serious issues which did not make it a light story. So it's a lighter shade of dark, but still just a little dark.

Awesome story! I probably shouldn't read clop in class though.

Thanks! And yes, you should definitely not do that. Unless the class is a study on sexuality, then it might be acceptable. Or a free form literature class. But that's not the matter at hand. Focus on your class. And thanks again!

Well actually it's a business class and that guy and the pony are doing multiple forms of business :).

Took quite a different turn than what I was expecting...having alot of up lifting elements that seemed to be veering it away into a relationship that would be something to envy, the two as they both grow and learn in a romantic way... then cock gets sucked.:rainbowwild:
But it was good none the less

Nice story and I didn't feel like an ass hole after reading it.:derpytongue2:

Well... yeah. I didn't spend a whole lot of time with this. It was basically a stream of consciousness that I cleaned up after it was out. I was kinda angry when I started, then I felt bad for the character, then I was like, "Hey... wait... this was supposed to be porn. Not weird hooker romance." Then I was done. Thanks for the comment!

Thanks! Maybe next time...

Why is there not more of this? That's just cruel, sir.

Feelsy and awkward in the best way... Until the tables turn oh so suddenly. Also in a good way. Not my cup of fap, but quite good for being as short as it is.

"Next Time" Hmmmmm. I want to see wear this goes but, I want it to track up not down. That human almost did the right thing and started to help her out. I hope this ends up with her being better off, I'm okay with it taking a little while for him to start using his brain again, (and not the one at waist height at that), and use his abilities to help her out. He could take her out of that box on the corner and he should.

That was a little bit of all right. I hope there's more of this to come.

This needs to be continued, and given a deeper storyline. I want to see Mr Human romantically involve himself with this blind mare, possibly the only shot at romance that he might have in a land full of ponies who find him ugly. It has potential, no?

Huh. I didn't think I'd say this, but I'd be interested in a continuation. Doesn't even have to have smut. I am intrigued by these characters and wish to see more if you ever have motivation in the future.

Mirrors my thoughts, basically.


Damn. I don't know if I'll continue it or not. I've got 3 other clop stories that I'd like to continue. I only wrote this instead of those because I somehow got locked out of my g-docs account and was angry about it. I wrote this one intending for it to be a one shot, but people seem to like it more than my other crap... I dunno. Maybe? If I do, it'll probably be soon. Thanks for the comments!


Thanks! Yeah, it's weird. But just dirty weird, not OMFGWTFBBQ weird like some of my other stories. The fap bits in it are also quite short, honestly.

Quite a familiar cover image you got there.

Do you know where it's from? I got it from a /mlp/ thread. The thread started out with the image and then people were just writing stories about the pony in it. That's kinda what this story was based on. I'd like to reference the source and whatnot for it, but the anon on /mlp/ didn't exactly site their sources. I've even got an open call for it in the story description.
We'll see. Thanks for the comments!

Hey! So it looks like this is a smaller chunk of an image you were using for one of your stories! I used your source to source the artist page proper. I can also remove the picture if you or him want (that's what I get for using anything from a 4chan thread!). Sorry about that. Feel free to PM me or just post here and I'll ditch it in a heartbeat.
Looks like the one I got is a weird trace, hence the freaky eyes. On the artist page it says that he did a version from a different source, but when I try to go to that source it doesn't have any submissions. The plot thickens....

Still, it's clearly some kinda trace, so I'll take it down if you want.

Oh hey, what's going on in this sto......

It's a really good story, and it even has the potential to do the 'Pretty Woman' trope if you so wanted to. I could almost see it now.

The bed was a shamble after the events of last night. You let out a soft groan upon waking up. Memories of the previous night's debauchery was still fresh in your mind. It doesn't help that the room smells of sin and buggery. The blind mare lies next to you. Your hand reaches out and gently scratched behind her ears. The few ponies that had allowed you near them enjoyed being scratched behind the ears.

She makes a pleased moan before her eyes flutter open. You find it odd how something like that is universal. She starts to get up and you clear your throat. She looks at you expectantly.

"I have another proposition for you, but first did you enjoy staying here last night?" you ask.

"Yes," she answers.

Her voice sounds guarded. It would make sense, after all she had lived out in the streets for who could know how long.

"It gets very lonely for me. The other ponies are pleasant enough, but most of them don't like to visit too long with me. If you are willing to stay I can see to it that you have all of the food you can eat, a roof over your head, and someone who would talk to you," you say.

"Why would you do this?" she asks.

You prepare to answer when her muzzle scrunches up and tears began to fall. She looks away from you.

"Why? Why would you want to help someone like me? What can you possibly benefit from helping me?" she cries.

You rest a hand on her head and gently scratch behind her ears.

"We're both misfits. Neither of us really fit in with the others, but maybe we can fit in together. After all, misfits look out after one another," you say.

(You know something like that :pinkiehappy:

- LF)

Well, it is your second most popular fic so expanding on it couldn't hurt. Plus it is an interesting story.

I feel like you could have went deeper with the story. There isn't much resolution to her being a "real pony" and not a piece of meat.

4465974 This guy. Has an idea. A good one, Do it

Very good story, and you should continue, not just becouse the clop, but the story on it self. I'm sure not expect a feary tale day to another change, but they both need a thing the other posses, and thats when partnership begans, and that can grow.


And indeed something like that be a perfect start up :ajsmug:

4465974 Good idea, feels a little rapid, but it could work, but i think that transition needs a little more exposition.

4465083 I'm really glad that you are considering expanding this, I really hope you do. Although I felt kinda weird when i went for the :pinkiehappy: have a few :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: anyway for entertaining the thought of expansion.


Getting locked out of your g-doc was a sign. You should acknowledge the gift and let the anger fuel this story even more, because it came out fairly well. :moustache:

That was actually kinda interesting to read. I both laughed, became inquisitive, and then realized this guy could a "Wolf of Wall Street" type of character. Favorite quote was definitely:

Her face loses all emotion and her voice becomes monotone as though she is stating one of the very simple rules of the universe. “I'm a whore.”

I don't know what that means, but thanks for the comment!

Damn. I think I should just let you write it.

I don't really care about popular. And I can guess why my other fics aren't that popular. Not many people out there are into those kinda things. But still...

You are absolutely correct. There is no real resolution at all in this story. Part of the reason I didn't was that I didn't want it to turn into a monster like my other stories. Another part was that in the thread it was coming from, almost every other post was a heartfelt "take care of her, play chess, make her do my taxes, etc" random 4chan stuff. I wanted to write one where she was a whore. But yeah, I could have put more effort into it.

I like what he's writing too.

I'll think about it. Thanks for the comment!
I don't know what the pinkie pies mean! Yay!

Kay. Is that what brought you here? It's what brought me here.

Man that's so hard for me to read. I think it's a bad line, but it's all I could do to communicate what I was going for. I just couldn't find anything better at the time. Maybe I will take getting locked out of G-docs as a sign. I could always just forget the progress I've made on things and start over. Sometimes that's easier actually. The only thing I'll really miss was a work safe chapter of Ex-Smooze me! That I was going to post as a separate horror story from Twilight's P.O.V. Everything else I can just re-write again anyways. Hmm...

Interesting story. Not really a fan of clop myself, but the comments sorta convinced me to read this one. As with everyone else, I would love to see this expanded upon as well as willing to help however necessary in doing so.

Saw the story, read the bio and thought:



I second something like this. :pinkiehappy:

I wonder why have you change the image, that was much more fitting for the story :derpyderp2:

And continue please! :raritycry:

wow this is really something. came to read clop but what i got was even more (and to think the end wasn't even concluded yet)

i got to say that bits of the story here and there struck the feels of my hearts :(
but damn, that instant transition from 'poor hapless pony' to 'erotic love machine' was damn hot!

i just hope that if you ever decide to continue this story both of the characters get more out of their encounter than bits and sex. the potential is sooo beautiful it hurts.

thank you for writing this - liking and fav.

4461439 if you're going to do a story i hope it will retain its dark angsty edge thereby making any and all resolution doubly good and doubly felt. I honestly look forward to it either way :)

4461532 you and i both.

4461549 thank the universe for those combinations! - those made everything just right

4463810 same here, i hope they get more than what they hoped for

4470887 If I do decide to do it, it won't be for awihle longer, but I might have some time in between story updates to give everyone a nice one-shot :twilightsmile:

Wow that was......hot! Very nice fic, interesting premise too. I have yet to see a story where the pony is a whore not the human,well done. :twilightsmile:

Hey wut the?? What happened to the original image?!

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