• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2023


I enjoy writing with my friend, Ringmaster 1336. My profile picture was made by the very talented Lime Overtime. I have a soft spot for HiE stories. MadMaxtheBlack is my inspiration for writing.

Story Progress

Plagueboy's Goals

[x] Write a Humanized/Equestria Girls story
[x] Write a HiE story
[ ] Write a PoE story
[ ] Write a crossover story
[x] Write a dark/horror story
[ ] Have fanart made for one of my stories
[ ] Have someone do an audio reading of one of my stories
[x] Welcome 10 members to Peer Help
[ ] Welcome 25 members to Peer Help
[ ] Welcome 50 members to Peer Help
[ ] Welcome 100 members to Peer Help

You Thought You Knew Canterlot High
[x] Reach 100 views
[x] Reach 250 views
[x] Reach 500 views
[x] Reach 1000 views
[ ] Reach 5000 views
[x] Reach 10 upvotes
[x] Reach 25 upvotes
[x] Reach 50 upvotes
[ ] Reach 100 upvotes

Teachers' Tales
[x] Reach 100 views
[x] Reach 250 views
[ ] Reach 500 views
[ ] Reach 1000 views
[x] Reach 10 upvotes
[ ] Reach 25 upvotes
[ ] Reach 50 upvotes
[ ] Reach 100 upvotes

DiE: Donovan in Equestria
[x] Reach 100 views
[ ] Reach 250 views
[ ] Reach 500 views
[ ] Reach 1000 views
[x] Reach 10 upvotes
[ ] Reach 25 upvotes
[ ] Reach 50 upvotes
[ ] Reach 100 upvotes

Come and join the group I founded, Peer Help!


It's good to be back! · 11:38pm Sep 17th, 2019

*inhales deeply* Ah, you smell that?

The smell of debauchery, clopfics, HiE stories and a random blogpost from some loser who thinks he can write.

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Report Plagueboy23 · 273 views · #ramblings
Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

Hey is it still possible to apply for an admin position in your group? Cause Iw ant to help proofread/edit and improve other people's works. Here is a bit of info on me.

I am a mentor/crtic. I can help you with your stories as I have experience in many genres. Do not hesitate to contact me asking to review stories. Here is some info that is important for you to know:

Number one: My schedule varies every day so don't be upset if I'm not on consistently

Number two: My timezone is Eastern or EST

Number three: I am comfortable with all genres and types. If it is anything specific then tell me what the story is about or what the show/book/movie is

Number four: I don't take rants or stories that are poorly written and looks like there was no effort done on it. I am here to help you. Not help you write the entire story. The story must be at least one chapter long.

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for the follow!

My army grows :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

hmmm... I gotta make this image of lime blushing o.o ...
You r the reason of my inspiration! :moustache::raritystarry::pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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