• Published 2nd Jun 2014
  • 2,999 Views, 330 Comments

One Horn Too Many - WiseFireCracker

Bicorns. Two horned ponies. Who ever heard of them before? We didn’t, not until we became them. And were faced with our worst nightmare.

Comments ( 71 )

not whatever the buck we’re doing in this Celestia-forsaken place!”

“Approved,” Ed chimed in, smirking. “Celestia-approved place, Officer.

There’s no way something is worth it.

“I will destroy Celestia.”

All it takes.....to destroy....a nation...is a change........of perspective

“You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

You had to release this now didnt you?

I'm sitting here at my work break room reading this amazing chapter.

Death can easily shatter a lot of illusions. Was not expecting this to be how Twilight's view gets pierced.



Here we go!

I hope he destroys Celestia in an interesting way where she understand how bad it is how bad it needs to change maybe a private meeting change must start small where the example aren't hidden just plain ugly truth and examples

two chapters ago Spike gave us a lovely analogy about a mountain of pebbles

now the first stones have fallen and we still have a mountain to go

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of a people who will NOT be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums,
There is a life about to start when tommorrow comes!
- Les Miserables

The flames of revolution have been lit in Pierre's soul.

This was freaking fantastic, the emotions and the way Edward tore through twilight was perfect.

This was and other great chapter, of this great story and coming out so soon after the last one. It was an interesting insight into the Bicorn’s culture and their living conditions. I will be looking forward to see the next chapter.

This story is amazing. It should be an art of fanfiction. I love this story. It is golden, it is glorious! It need more recognition. I love tragedy, conflict. You characters are portrayed beautifully. I couldn't stop reading. I couldn't stop feel swirling emotions inside me.


Keep it up, we love you author.

“Nothing of our coats glitter as do those of crystal ponies in the far north. Our wings are of feathers, not leather like those of thestrals in the deep caverns. And on our heads, there is but one horn unlike every bicorn in this camp.”

“We do not forget those that are different from us, elder. There are six pony tribes, not three.”

And now I wanna see a Bat-winged Crystal Bicorn.

Ooh boy! That's what they call a wham chapter isn't it? I kinda saw it comming, so the impact was a bit dulled, but the feeling of profound unease reamined.
And here I was giddying at the idea of reading that chapter. What a beautifully orchestrated downer!
Well played!

I kinda have to agree with Chainmail here, Edward is a hateful prick and Pierre is often lacking tact. But not being likeable don't make them any less right. 'Cept maybe for the line about wielding the lements of harmony, as Twilligth pointed, she deeply believe she is helping or at the very least trying to. Implying (and outrigthly so!) that she want the Bicorn's unhappyness was a very insulting and low blow. I do hope she won't forgive them for that.

I really hope this updates soon.

He just hops on a train to canterlot. kicks the doors open. walks up to celestia and points at her and says i wanna fight .

By the way, why where the parents so gloomy about visiting there children out side of the reserve? wouldn't it better or easier say that they don't have the money, or it's not like they are peeking of any actual taboos for them. Hell they could complain that the Crown doesn't provide with enough bits for regular visits to then. Also, would it be easier for their children to come to them seeing that they are fews in numbers? Even with "Princess Twilight" even with all the guards around.

Are they just give ration coupons or do they actually get money for rearing foals?

I am surprised that Twilight didn't didn't object to the idea of anyone being bard from pursuing higher learning, I though she valued the unrestricted proliferation of knowledge seeing her penchant studies? Doesn't the "stress" excuse a little too impossible, even for Twilight?

Also, what happen when a non accepted candidate would they do the same a China does with when a a woman has more then one child, now recently elevated to two now, (I am not joking) where they sterilizes, a hefty fine and are deprived of all social services, and marginalized form society? Would they go so far to control the population breading? What happen when a non- accepted candidate is rejected are they just expected to be taken care of by their family as a financial burden to them? Do they get any form of welfare form the Crown sense they are not part of the breading population? Do they get any more Si the disease transmittable to other non Bicorn ponies?

I am surprised that the filly didn't get offered alternatives in pursuing would have stopped her from wanting to raze an adopted foal? There is also, she could have been inseminated with an other mares embryo and wouldn't have transmitted that unlucky horn disease that they are so worried about. I would have guessed that the ponies would have something similar like we do for that.


'Cept maybe for the line about wielding the lements of harmony, as Twilligth pointed, she deeply believe she is helping or at the very least trying to. Implying (and outrigthly so!) that she want the Bicorn's unhappyness was a very insulting and low blow. I do hope she won't forgive them for that.

Was it really a low blow?

It took witnessing a young girl attempt suicide after having her entire world crushed by the travesty of their shitty system in place combined with Edward and Pierre drilling it in her head immediately after so that she couldn't run away and repress it ;in order for her to pull her head out of Celestia's ass.

She was completely willing to turn a blind eye to all the bullshit that was the system and subject Edward and Pierre to it completely against their wishes for no reason other than "because they're bicorns".

Cherry on top is the teaching system has the balls to tell them they have a choice.


Oh God this was a good chapter


By the way, why where the parents so gloomy about visiting there children out side of the reserve? wouldn't it better or easier say that they don't have the money, or it's not like they are peeking of any actual taboos for them. Hell they could complain that the Crown doesn't provide with enough bits for regular visits to then. Also, would it be easier for their children to come to them seeing that they are fews in numbers? Even with "Princess Twilight" even with all the guards around.

Telling their children they don't have the money had to be heartbreaking for the parents to admit. They'd have to acknowledge that they can't pile up enough money for even just some of them to visit their family off the reserve. Having to tell that to their children sucks even more because it means disappointing them.

And would they really complain?

The system most likely conditions them to be complacent with what they get, not ask for more and learn to budget what they do get. To ask for more would most likely be seen as "ungrateful".

Having the family come to them was most likely impossible as well because the sons' wives were pregnant and knowing how the breeding system goes would most likely be "too stressful" or "too much of a risk" for the pregnancy.

And to be honest even if they weren't bicorns, asking a Princess, especially when she's your guest, for money would seem incredibly rude.

I am surprised that Twilight didn't didn't object to the idea of anyone being bard from pursuing higher learning, I though she valued the unrestricted proliferation of knowledge seeing her penchant studies? Doesn't the "stress" excuse a little too impossible, even for Twilight?

That's because for Twilight, bicorns aren't "ponies". Which means to her they're not really people. Twilight would never subject her friends, or just ponies in general to this.

She would never take away Rarity's romance books.

If Rainbow Dash chose to pursue higher learning, she'd wholeheartedly encourage it.

If Applejack and her family needed money to visit family she'd open her mouth in an instant to offer help, not just sit there quietly.

I am surprised that the filly didn't get offered alternatives

That would mean offering bicorns actual choices. The system in place can't have that.

Interesting thing to take note of: The doctor and even the teacher weren't bicorns. They were an earth pony and a unicorn.

I originally thought that this was edgy teenage angst, admittedly good edgy teenage angst, but edgy teenage angst all the same. I stand corrected, this chapter was filled with drama.
And I loved every minute of it.

8036467 Your point is?
Indeed, Twilligth (and Celestia) are delluding themselves in thinking that the system in place is helping. I agree, Wisefirecracker is laying a bit thick here with the optimist naïveté (and or stubborness) and justifying it without making Twilligth and Celestia incompetent idiots is going to be tough.
So yes indeed, insulting her about how long it took her to realise she was making a mistake is legit even if it's mean.

But Twilligth (and judging from the flashback we had so far, Celestia too) honestly believed she was helping. And implying she didn't is very unfaire to her.
She made a mistake.
Yes, a big one, one that will be though to atone for, but in the end it is an honest mistake.

8038109 Is any mistake based on lies and delusion ever really an honest mistake? The point to take in is that those who refuse to accept the idea that their ways are wrong are not making minor mistakes. Malice through ignorance is still malice. I would also argue that the optimism is about right for Twilight. As we've seen through the show and whatnot she has often simply had to try hard enough to get people to see things her way. Look at how hard it was for her to accept the likes of hiding from Zecora or accepting the Pinkie Sense. She fought tooth and nail to prove her way was the right way. Twilight is also hopelessly loyal to Celestia and then is thus willing to give Celestia a lot of leeway. Celestia for her part is not really that directly involved in the day-to-day lives of the Bicorns and thus doesn't really know much on their more nuanced or ignored woes. When the system only shows the good, sometimes even for those in power it is hard to search for the bad. Most would rather, especially in such a harmonic society like Equestia just take the good and point value and ignore the smaller accumulating bads.

8037637 thanks for the info WiseFireCracker

A honest mistake is generally much smaller and easily reversible or at least easily recoverable.

This is a tragedy.

They may believe "It's whats best for them" but what they've done is systematically stripped them of everything that makes them people turning them in tools that have only one function of continuing bicorn race. They commit suicide when they find out they're not eligible for the program. They're not even allowed to dream of actual romance. I'm surprised Adventure stories weren't even on that list of removed genres.

And the people outside the reserve don't even give a damn because of limited information flow/ignorance. So everyone just thinks the entire bicorn situation is ok.

8034509 Yup. And it is rather important, because Chainmail is actually the first pony that they see change their mind because of what's happening. And yes, having someone loudly make noise can have quite the echo. Thank you, good sir.

8034578 Row, row, fight the power!

8034677 Naaaaah, let's go with boring. They will use their HUMAN POWER to nuke Celestia, thus solving everything! :raritywink: Come now, give us a little credit here. We've fun stuff in mind.

8034710 I believe 8034749 has put it best. The first few pebbles on the mountain have started rolling. They're gonna pick up steam.

Not to mention, your point about both of them being from countries with a history of upheaval, quite pertinent. Revolution in the blood.

8034838 Excellent choice of lyrics.

8034869 A little callout is always fun, and a big one is just so satisfying. Now, for the consequences to start piling on!

8035474 Well, I'm glad we have managed to stir up emotions within you. Always the nicest compliment paid to authors, to tell them their works got a reaction. We'll certainly attempt to keep it up.


And now I wanna see a Bat-winged Crystal Bicorn.

Which is exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote that line. I kept imagining it. And it's frankly very, very edgy. Like, think a black bicorn with leather wings and a shiny metallic coat. I'm so making them ascend into those monstrosities! Kidding. Though I do wonder what they would be called... Olicorns? Discorns? Hypercorns? Midcorns? eeeeh, something like that.

Also, yup, foreshadowed heavily what was gonna be next, so not too surprised you saw it coming. The idea was more to bring about this unease in readers and have them anticipate it like a bicorn would.

Also, a bit curious as to what makes you think Pierre lacks tact. Unless you mean in confrontations? Because yeah, he goes for blunt, but he is quite capable of it in general conversations.

And finally, " optimist naïveté " ain't the words I would personally use. Anemptyshell explained it rather well. It's a combination of distance and ideology, maybe some optimism and loyalty as well. To describe Twilight, I might go with "denial" actually.

8035787 I'm sure no guard would stand in their ways and that Celestia will take it lying down. 'cause that's how you rule a country. :trollestia:

8035999 8038258 You might have been ironic there, but that was a pretty on point explanation by kzxtl7. The parents are ashamed that there is very little they can do to actually see their eldest sons. Money is tight, so they could, if they really wanted to, take maybe one or two on the train with one adult. But that's not very fair to the others either. And no, they can't just ask for more money, it wouldn't be classified as a direct necessity. A lot of their education does center around their roles, and the few career paths that aren't barred to them. Money distribution will probably be touched a bit in the next chapter, but for now, know that it isn't an abundance. Other ponies live under that impression, but bicorns aren't lazing about in luxury.

Also, I believe you asked about the fate of out-of-program bicorns? Well, Rarity found the info a few chapters ago. "Exempts from the procedures are bicorns suffering from the Unluck Horn Disease. Those will be stamped out of records and be given a monthly stipend to cover expenses. " As you might wonder, Rarity also asked "And then what?" She hasn't found the answer yet.

How and why would Faith raise an adopted foal? It would be hard to find a bicorn foal that is not already spoken for, and... a non-bicorn... I wonder how that would turn out? I can imagine a few issues with this. Now, I will say, I don't think Equestria has the technology for transplanted embryos this way, but more importantly, I see no way for them to actually want to try it with a pony that might be too unhealthy for pregnancies.

8037646 Not gonna lie. That made me laugh quite a bit. Though, I will say, none of our main characters are teenagers. They're like, in their mid-twenties. They are adults, who've already had jobs and been independants for a few years now.

8038302 Alright, not gonna dissect everything you said point by point, but I just wanna say you've been impressive. Seriously, it's been a joy to see you explain so much stuff with a good grasp of the elements we've introduced so far. Even the implied stuff. Thank you for reading.

And to everyone, thanks for the comments. Always great to come back to this.

It is said that it is better to say nothing if you have something bad to say.
In this case, I want to say something good, but I still don't know exactly what.


Which is exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote that line. I kept imagining it. And it's frankly very, very edgy. Like, think a black bicorn with leather wings and a shiny metallic coat. I'm so making them ascend into those monstrosities! Kidding. Though I do wonder what they would be called... Olicorns? Discorns? Hypercorns? Midcorns? eeeeh, something like that.

That would be so ironic:pinkiecrazy:
Alicorn appeared to stop discord and new alicorns appear to free the Bicorn from the tyranny of ecuestria

Always love a good, hard, soul-shattering guilt trip. Especially on those willfully ignorant of their prejudices and wrongdoings.
Like a train crash you can't tear your eyes from, though this chapter's more like a high speed train hauling a hundred cars derailing off a steep cliff. Beautifully tragic.

Equestria has so many little problems harmony itself gave it a map to those problems that pretty bad in hindsight I mean if six special ponies don't make it there then the whole world is screwed it pretty bad if they can't survive without the princesses or the elements as a species just really really stupid bad ironic kind of problems bad that have two certain people starting a riot with those truths...

“You know, I’ve read somewhere that the Unluck Horn could have a basis similar to Horn Rot. Historians say Horn Rot already was somewhat spread before the Discordian era, so it’s possible.”

“But the symptoms are different enough that most biologists reject that theory. Of course, that is without taking into consideration the Mana Quality, though it fails to explain the wild power surge for Horn Rot.”

Who's speaking?

“What are you threatening here, Edward?”

or possibly "Are you threatening me, Edward?"
or "What are you threatening to do, Edward?"
or "Are you threatening to kill yourself, Edward?"

Edward stood right as he did, but he was faster.

Need a "Pierre" in here to make sure we know who's narrating.

“She’s got the Unluck Horn Disease!”

Am I the only ferret in the room who heard the doctor say she's a carrier? That unequivocably states that she does not have the disease, but her children could. Shouldn't he be saying something like "She's a carrier for Unluck Horn!" or "She's been disqualified for breeding!" or "They told her she can't have my pony babies!" or something?

One wonders why the humans haven't asked Twilight how many foals she's sired, and then reacted with shock and horror that such a valuable pony as the Sparkle would be so selfish and greedy as to not preserve her lineage through childbirth. Twilight can do incredible things, right? Way more valuable to Equestria than any bicorn! Thus it's her duty to produce as many foals as possible, so they can grow up to do special things just like she did.

This story brings to mind the trouble in the ferret breeding industry in the USA. A few large volume breeders monopolize the market, using techniques like artificial light exposure and drugs to get their ferret females to produce multiple litters per year. Of course, the females die quickly of exhaustion, but it keeps the production volume high enough to push small scale breeders out of every pet store in the continental US. That kind of treatment actually damages the genetics of the ferrets produced, resulting in stunted, retarded, sickly ferrets that are lucky if they live to the age of 7 without getting cancer. Most people in the USA have no idea what a healthy ferret looks like, especially the males.

Just an interesting thing to consider, what with "Unluck Horn" cropping up in increasing amounts, and these ponies who seem to know very little about genetics, outside of crude breeding. I think that might lead to a BSOD for Twilight, if not Celestia herself, if "Unluck Horn" is what I think it is.

After long awaited centuries, in a dark and foreboding place, a presence awakens from a deep and restless slumber.
"Ehh, what's it this time? Wait, why do I have 20 unread chapters?"
*After reading 17 of them*
"Alright that's done, I guess I can take a bre-Wait a second!"
The being leans closer to the glowing portal waiting for his eyes to trick him.
He looks stupid for about a minute.
"Imagine that! Bicorns are back. Wonder what Frenchie is up to?"
*Reads chapter thoroughly*
"This chapter was amazing. Only two words can describe it. Cathartic release. Man, was it good to see Twilight finally get it into her thick skull of hers. Anyway, I should probably write a comment telling the guy how much I liked it"
*Proceeds to write comment*
*After getting so far, the being realizes he must look towards the future, as the present has currently caught up with him, so he makes up some nonsense at the end so that his sleep-deprived mind can have a little laugh*
"And then he slept down on a bed of nails, and bled rainbows. He fell asleep to the sound of Alicorns drowning in booze. The End."
With a sigh the mammoth being lays back down onto the bed, and closes his eyes.
Unlike his ending though, this reality is based in something called common sense, so no bleeding rainbows or Alicorns here. Just heartfelt gratitude and finally joyous release from the confines of the waking world.

Why isn't this story much more popular? This is really fucking good. Is it the Mature rating?

the cataclysm begins!
Honestly, the way Faith was shoving it in their faces (unintentionally) we were just waiting for the metaphorical shot to come down. Doesn't make it any less impactful.
Keep going! ;)

I love how well the psychology is done in this story.

I wish to offer my sympathies to you all on behalf of the Crown. Rest assured that everything will be taken care of. You’ll receive all the help you need.” A pause, then a lowered head, the reversal of last night. “I am so sorry for what happened to your daughter.”
All four guards reiterated the sentiment. It was no less terrible to hear, but at least half of them tried to stay. After receiving little acknowledgement beyond a nod from Evocator, Twilight turned on her heels.
Edward stood right as he did, but he was faster.
He caught her just in the doorway.
“How… how dare you?” he spat.

*******I actually discovered how hauntingly fitting the music was completely at random******

More, Please update

One of the best stories on this site ❣
I greatly look forward to the next chapter.

really great fic. there are no word too strong to express how much i like what i read.

“We shall do whatever it takes to help you.”

The elder’s smirk slid off, and something else entered his gaze. “Yes, you will.”

There's nothing scarier than a man who tells you he will do "whatever it takes," because that's a man who can commit any atrocity, any crime at all, and tell you it's all for your own good.


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

With how you explained biology, one could assume that all it would take for her to have children would be changing the species of pony she mates with. If the bicorn gene is overwritten by all the the other subspecies of pony, unluck horn disease could be deemed null in the offspring.
If breeding with a unicorn results in that horn rot disease, it may not be a problem. You did not specify if a cure for horn rot had been created. Thus, If If a cure was devised, there would be no downside, and if there isn't one, she would need to only mate with a species other than unicorns.
If this concept were to be brought to Celestia, she would more than likely approve of it. Especially if it brought suicide rates down.

This is one of the most intriguing stories I have ever read in my life. I hope to read the next chapter soon.

Is it dead Jim?

This story is great!!!
A shame that no one know of it!


Now THIS is good shit.

I'm caught up with the story... no~ :raritydespair:

God, I love your story, I hate your world but it's beautiful because of it. It just makes me want to-


It's that good, like n fave

Now I just want to talk about your story.

You have made, a world where the lines of kindness, duty and freedom had been slowly warped into a twisted mockery of what they should be. A world where a race, that proves valuable, so pivotal for a nation's prosperity and security, had risen from a sad tale of persecution, murder and fear, into the the most coddled beings since the panda. So much so, that generations of programs, laws and provisions, have stunted them of any notion of true freedom, trapping them into a system, where breeding is the the most important thing beyond life itself.

Those outside and not in the know, view it with envy, jealousy or total acceptance. Those inside are glorified canaries, selectively bred and indoctrinated to live in a system of fixed stipends, see that their lives are to be as it should be, to not being able to breed is to mean everything about oneself, is worthless. Those weeded out, their lives don't even matter, suicide is seen as their only escape. None but family shall mourn them. Being disallowed from the nation's workforce, and being stuck into preserves, a bicorn cannot seek out a life for themselves, cruelest of all are to those diagnosed as unfit, they cannot leave, they cannot breed, living off a stipend to merely exist and the existential crisis of having lived for nothing.

The fuckery is so real, it's hilariously depressing, it makes you want to keep reading, to be invested in knowing this world, then wanting to kill it.

I'm with Pierre on his plan

Read this a few times between course work, and have so far enjoyed it a lot.
To be honest, I was in two minds at first. I didn't like Ed much, and found it hard to connect, as he was (and remains) a jerk. However, now I actually like him, probably due to him developing into more of a firebrand. Possibly the most interesting driving point now is how the ripple effect is going to spread out, and cause problems.
Hope this is continuing, as I like this, and have found all your stories as being interesting and complex in its dialogue. Even the one I didn't like (the one about the two brothers becoming alicorns) I found well written.

8552854 Might be, depends on if Wise ever has a second to breathe.

No she would not accept this.
Because it would have the healthy bicorns to start questioning the system.

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