• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 7,062 Views, 37 Comments

Stars in His Eyes - The Princess Rarity

Oneshot featuring the characters of kilala97. Golden Delicious always thought of Starburst as one of his best friends... but maybe, there's a little something more.

  • ...

There's only one thing it could be...

Stars in His Eyes

by The Princess Rarity

It was a beautiful Summertime afternoon in Ponyville. The sun was beating down, a few clouds decorated the sky but posed no threat, the birds were chirping happily and everything was in bloom. And there, right on the edge of town, was a farm.

Sweet Apple Acres, it was called. It was a well-known farm all across Equestria.

The family who owned it was known to be hard-working, reliable and friendly.

Over the years, this obviously hadn't changed - for the most part, anyway.

"I'm so bored," a high-pitched voice whined.

Golden Delicious rolled his eyes, groaned, and wiped the sweat off of his brow. "C'mon, Api, I gotta work, can't ya go both'r somepony else?" he muttered, as he reeled back and bucked the tree as hard as he could.

The little filly called Api pouted. She huffed, and looked away, turning her nose up. "I'm not botherin' anypony," she argued.

"Well, whatev'r it is yer doin', please do it somewhere else, I gotta work," Gold said.


"If'n you leave me alone, I'll buy you as many sweets as ya can carry the next time we go to Sugarcube Corner. How's that sound?" he offered.

With her big brown eyes shining, Api smiled wide and nodded. "Okay, 'cuz!" she beamed. And with that, she ran off happily... probably to annoy somepony else.

Releasing a deep breath of relief, Gold picked up his baskets and slung them over his back. He started making his way down the hill and over to the barn, when he suddenly stopped as a blur of orange flew right in front of his face and landed only a few feet away, summoning him to stop.

"Hey, Gold. Sorry if I spooked you."

Giving a smile as he realized who it was, Gold gave a welcoming nod. "Howdy, Star," he said. "Good to see you."

Shaking her mane, Starburst shot him a smile. "So, what's going on?" she asked. "You told me that you were looking for some help today, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah," he sighed. "My folks and most of my family left me and June in charge of the farm for a few days, so we're lookin' for as many hooves on deck as we could get. Thanks again for comin' around."

"It's nothing," Starburst assured.

However, she let out a yawn and wrinkled her nose.

Gold noticed that she seemed a bit weary, sort of swaying back and forth as she stood up.

"Star, you ok?" he asked.

Her smile was slightly nervous, but she nodded. "Yeah," she mumbled. "I just couldn't sleep last night is all. Kinda did a few flying laps around the Castle, did a lot of reading, and guarded a few places just for the hay of it. Equestria's really beautiful in the middle of the night."

"Is it?" Gold mused.

Starburst's smile said it all. "You gotta experience it sometime," she proclaimed. "It's like nothing you've ever seen. You think you're dreaming, but you're not."

"Huh," he said thoughtfully. "Well, then."

"Anyway," Star continued. "You wanted me to work? I'm here. Let's get to it."

The morning rolled on smoothly. A bit of laughter occurred, along with a few awkward situations, but sales were made, crops were plowed, and animals were fed. The Acres might as well have had it's usual staff, because everything was going along like clockwork, without any kinks in the system whatsoever.

Now, the sun was at it's highest peak in the sky, which Gold instantly recognized at noon.

Time for a break, he thought.

Gold looked around, let out a satisfied sigh, and he smiled slightly as he noticed a very familiar soft orange lump lying underneath the trees.

"Hey, Star?" he called.

No reply.

He walked over, taking a minute to notice her condition. As he expected, she was passed out. Starburst was curled up and softly snoring, her wings twitching every now and then as she slept. It seemed as if yet again, she had overworked herself to the point of pure exhaustion. He chuckled, and gently lifted her body up off the ground, slinging her over his back.

Not surprisingly, she was so tired she didn't even notice the movement. Instead, all she did was let out a light grunt in response.

"Silly filly," Gold muttered, with a smile as he made his way back to the house.

Suddenly, he was taken by slight surprise as Starburst's hooves hooked around his neck and held onto him. She nuzzled him briefly, and for a minute, he almost thought she was awake, until an awfully loud snore slipped out from her.

He tried holding back his laughter.

For somepony who was royalty, Star didn't act that way... and Gold couldn't deny that he liked it.

Most fillies her age would be in the stage of teenage drama, but she was already dabbling in her career of being a Royal Guard. While taking things too seriously seemed like a flaw to most ponies, Star seemed to embrace the quality well. (Even if she could be a buzzkill from time to time, it was still nice to know somepony who was level-headed.) While others of her title might use the "I'm a Princess" excuse to get out of things, Star would use it to get into things to help others. Most importantly, she had brains to back up her brawn.

Gold pushed open the front door to the farmhouse very easily, careful not to wake Star. He tip-hoofed over to the couch and carefully laid her down, making sure she was comfortable. However, the second she was placed onto the sofa, she splayed out like a starfish, fidgeting in her sleep. It seemed that even when slumber overtook her body, she was still up and about.

Golden Delicious sat down next to her sleeping form, and a stupid little smile never left his expression as he scanned his gaze over her.

Starburst might have been a tomcolt, in some senses, but she was still pretty.

The color of her coat was like a sunset after a hard day's work. Her wings were silky soft and very elegant. The contrast of her mane was like the midnight sky all warped into one wonderful scruffy mess. And it was such a shame that her sparkling amethyst eyes were closed...

Hesitantly reaching forward, Gold brushed her navy locks away from her face. Star shifted slightly, and her sleepy smile was heart-warming. Ever since they were kids, he shared a special bond with her, but now - he wasn't so sure what he felt. They were already best friends, so what sort of bond could go beyond that?

And besides, he somehow doubted the fact she had this same kind of weird sensation...

Starburst let out a groan, and fluttered her eyes open. She must have fallen asleep - which was funny, she didn't remember ever going home and snuggling up in her bed. Her gaze looked around, and for a minute, she was confused as to why she was at the Apple residence. However, all of the pieces slid into place quickly enough.

Right, she thought. I was helping Gold and I guess I overworked myself. Again.

She released a sigh, rubbing the sleepdust from her vision. Well, there was no reason to keep lying around. Rolling off of the couch, Star yawned and noticed the nearby clock on the wall, which read a quarter after two.

"How long was I out for?" she said to herself.

"Not long, I reckon 'bout an hour or two," a voice piped up, startling her.

Looking over to the doorway, Starburst calmed down, and gave a warm smile. "Oh, hey Gold," she replied. "Er, sorry about crashing at your place."

"It's no trouble," he assured. "I know how ya can get, runnin' on adrenaline all day and whatnot."

Her reply was a simple half-hearted grin, followed by a shrug.

Golden Delicious observed her sweet yet casual manner, and something inside of him ticked once more. Why hadn't he noticed this about Starburst before? What happened to that timid little filly who hid behind her own wings? Somehow, she had grown up into this bold, intelligent, streets-smart mare, and he liked it. More than liked it, actually.

He wasn't sure how to describe it, though.

"I'm makin' lunch, if'n you wanna stay 'round for a little longer," he spoke up.

"That's nice of you," she mused. "I guess I could stick around for a bit."

Gold gave his usual kind smile and stepped aside to let her into the kitchen. She sat herself down at the table, and simply watched as he kept cooking.

"By the way, I also apologize for leaving you with all of the chores," Starburst added.

"It ain't a problem," Gold assured.

"Well," she hesitated, and folded a napkin into one of those fancy origami shapes Annie had once taught her. "To me, it kind of is. I mean, I did make a promise and all. I could make it up to you, if you'd like."

He chuckled at her idea, and shook his head. "Ya don't need to do that," he said simply. "Besides, there wasn't much left fer me to do."

Starburst gave a small nod. This was one reason why she liked Gold - he was simple, like her. Neither of them were over-the-top, which was a good thing. A really good thing, she had always told herself. Staying simple was better than getting lost in the clouds.

"You doin' anything later?" Gold asked, as he expertly flipped the sandwiches in the pan.

"I have to foalsit Night Light, but that's not until five 'o clock," Star replied. "Aside from that, no, not really. Why do you ask?"

He shrugged. "Just wonderin'," he said.

She let out a soft "oh" and went back to folding her napkin in all sorts of shapes, until it finally ripped and she gave up, putting it to the side for use later.

"Here ya go," Gold announced, as he placed a tray down onto the table and sat down next to her.

"Thanks," Star responded with a smile as she took one of the plates and mugs. "Grilled cheese, and hot chocolate?"

"Don't knock it 'til ya try it," he declared.

She gave a nonchalant shrug, and bit into her sandwich, only to recoil immediately, wrinkling her nose. Gold began laughing as she took a swig of her drink. He could've sworn he saw her face go red, like in cartoons.

"Should've warned me about the spice," Star muttered.

"I wasn't supposed to," Gold retorted, as he stirred his beverage. "Just tryin' to pull a joke."

"You're hanging around Prism too much," she shot back - but her small smile said something else.

"Is it just me, or are ya startin' to appreciate a good prank? No lecture?" he teased.

Star rolled her eyes and playfully shoved him. "Is that really what you all think about me?" she huffed. "Just a fussy pony who doesn't know how to have fun?"

Gold fell silent, and gave a small shrug. He took a sip of his drink, trying to avoid an answer.

A quiet moment passed, only before Star let out a sigh and hung her head. "To be honest, I really wouldn't blame you if you thought that," she said. "I know that I'm kind of boring sometimes." She let out a soft chuckle. "For crying out loud, my own mom has even said it. I don't know how some of you put up with me."

"Aw, c'mon, Starburst," Gold drawled. "You're a lotta things, but boring ain't one of 'em."

"Oh, really?" she said, with a rueful laugh.

"Yeah, really," he persisted. "You might not think yer interestin' but that's just 'cause ya don't give yerself enough credit, s'all."

"Ok," Star declared. "Then name five interesting things about me. I bet you can't."

"And I bet I can," Gold said. "One, you're mighty mature. There's far and few fillies yer age who are worthy of respect. Trust me, dealin' with June, Claire, Candy and Whirlwind when they were in their early teen years? It was like the gates of Tartarus had opened up. I was scared fer my life sometimes. They'd run through here ev'ryday, screeching like a hoard o' banshees."

Starburst couldn't hold a laugh as the mental image of Gold being harassed by teenage fillies filled her mind. "Ok, so that's one," she said through a small fit of giggles. "But you still have four more things to list."

"Two, you're talented," he said.

"Liar," she argued.

Gold could've sworn he saw her blush. "Naw, I'm tellin' the truth," he defended. "Remember last year's Winter Wrap Up? You were doin' real nice on them skates. And yer a real stickler for details too. I swear, if'n somepony moves somethin' in the slightest, you'll be the only pony to notice. Plus, I heard ya singin' at one of Candy's parties once, you got a nice set of pipes."

A light stammer slipped out of Star's mouth, and she looked down to hide her bashful smile. She began idly stirring her now cold beverage, and she cleared her throat.

"Ok, what else?"

"Three, you're the most loyal pony I know," Gold continued. "Ev'n if ya don't like somepony, you'll stick by 'em if they need help. I'm bettin' that's what would make you a great Guard."

He noticed as a soft red blush crossed Starburst's expression. He smiled, knowing she felt special. She was a good friend, so she deserved that much.

"Four, you're smarter than you think," he said.

"Now I know you're lying," she interrupted.

"Oh, hush, and lemme finish," Gold playfully argued. "Now, you, Miss Starburst, might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but ya sure do how to take ponies by surprise. Sure, you lack booksmarts, but you ain't the only one. Still, yer logic is amazin' - 'cause yer the only pony I know who can solve riddles and puzzles in the blink of an eye."

Starburst fell silent and shuffled her hooves, now completely timid and the exact opposite of her usual bold manner. Gold reached forward, and took one of her front hooves in his own, holding it. She looked up, and her dazzling amethyst eyes met his ocean blue ones.

"And five," he murmured, reaching out and gently brushing her mane from her vision. "You're really prett-"

"HI GUYS! WHATCHA DOING?!" a voice shrieked.

Both Starburst and Golden Delicious nearly jumped out of their seats. They looked over, and saw Cotton Candy over by the window. From the looks of it, she was hanging upside down. However, she let out a light squeak and tumbled into the house with a thud.

"I'm okay!" she announced, holding her hooves up.

"Sorry!" another voice said, and soon, Whirlwind's familiar face was seen. "Yo, Del. Star. S'up."

"Are you guys on the roof?" Starburst asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, we're pegasi, so duh," somepony else piped up.

Right next to Whirlwind, Prism Bolt appeared - the two of them hanging upside down like bats.

"And Candy is... well, Candy," Prism muttered. "Don't ask."

"How long have y'all been up there?" Gold inquired cautiously.

Whirlwind shrugged. "We just got here," she said. "But we kinda need you two to help us out. You're not busy or anything, are ya?"

Starburst let out a nervous chuckle and cleared her throat as she yanked her hoof away from Gold's. She shook her head. "No, we aren't," she replied. "Why? What do you need?"

"Ooh, grilled cheese!" Candy said, as she zipped over to the table and eyed the sandwiches. "Are you gonna eat those?" Star and Gold barely had time to shake their heads before she scarfed the food down at lightning speed.

Prism let out his usual loud obnoxious laugh, and lost his balance, thus summoning him to fall right into the house as well. He let out a groan, rubbed his head and sat up.

Holding back a smirk at the amusement she found in his pain and misery, Whirlwind cleared her throat. "Claire kinda set fire to some stuff in the Town Square, and we gotta bail her out," she explained bluntly.

"Wait... what?" Starburst said. "She did what?"

"It was an accident," Whirlwind assured. "But the cops busted her either way and she kinda doesn't want her folks finding out, so we need to either pool together some bits to get her out or use the Royal excuse." She looked at Starburst and shrugged. "Y'know, pull the Princess thing, say she's your friend and she gets off scot-free. Normally, we'd get Illusion to do it, but the dude is on vacation with his parents in Haywaii."

Starburst released a sigh, and shook her head. "Ok, fine," she mumbled. "You and Prism lead the way, we'll catch up."

"Got it!" Whirlwind said, with a smile. She looked down, and scowled at Prism Bolt, who was still whining. "Get up and get over it, you featherbrain, you're seventeen, not seven."

Like the child he was, Prism stuck his tongue out at her and dodged when she lunged herself right into the house, about to tackle him. However, his sudden move made her zip right by him and onto the floor in a heap.

He started laughing, but when he saw the fury in her eyes, he let out a squeak and started running out of the home - and as expected, she wasn't far behind.

Oblivious, Candy let out a giggle and bounced out after them, leaving Starburst and Gold alone.

"So, uh, guess we better go help 'em," he said.

"Yeah," Star said, as they got up out of their seats. "By the way-"

"-yes?" Gold drawled, looking over to her.

She tapped the floor with a hoof, and that same cute smile from before was back. "What was the fifth thing?" she asked.

Gold released a soft chuckle, opening his mouth to speak, when one of Candy's earsplitting screams was heard from what seemed like not too far away.

He winced, and rolled his eyes. "I'll tell ya later," he said.

"I'll hold you to that," Starburst teased, as she flapped her wings and shot out of the house.

A light laugh slipped past Gold's lips.

Prettier than any shining star in the night sky, he thought, as he watched an orange, blue, pink and purple blur shoot through the clouds up above.

~ la fin ~

Author's Note:

Their ship name would be Gold Star. Don't try to tell me that's not amusing.

Also, the Princess who would rather guard her nation and the simple farm boy?

...C'mon. You know I was going to ship this.

Plus this verse and artwork is freakin' adorable! Honestly, how many of you saw one of these fics coming from a mile away? kilala97 is legit the Queen of fanart for me and I fangirl every time she's got something new out. It's about time we had a brony icon who appreciates the Second Generation, it's so underrated.

Anyway, if you liked this story, please comment, fave, upvote and all of that jazz.

Comments ( 36 )

Yep, it happend again. I turned my back for a second and you have a new story. :derpyderp1:
Your like an easier to pronounce version of Akumokagetsu :twistnerd:

Is this a FIc about aj's parents?

You truly are a master of your craft:heart:

Alright who are the 'Rents?

Nice job with this story. I like it. I can't wait for the next one of this universe.

Really liked this story. It was written really well. I did a review on it. Link To Review Hope you like it. :twilightsmile:

No, Golden Delicious is AJ's son and Starburst is Twilight's daughter.

This is a wonderful story:twilightsmile: I always knew those two were perfect for each other :raritystarry:

Very nice. Maybe I should leave the fic writing to yall at this point...

two things
1. Candy: pssh screw gravity!
2. So Mr. Delicious, how does it feel to be just like your uncle Big Mac?

Loved it. Second generation doesn't get near enough love. Pity more talented authors don't write about them.

I wanted to post something like this as a pre-quil to my story. I love this pairing and it doesn't't get near enough love :fluttercry:

Congrats on your featured!:pinkiehappy:You earned it!

I just saw the art today. You made my day better! :rainbowkiss:
Everyone just has their own view of what second generation is. :ajsmug:

Very sweet. A nice gentle fic.

It is pretty sweet.:rainbowkiss: I love this verse too! Great fic!

Does it have to be a one shot? Why not expand upon this glorious relationship?
Anyways, great story, bravo to you author.

Correct me if I'm worry, but I believe Claire is supposed to be a few years older than the rest. It's a little weird trying to imagine a younger Golden Delicious having to "deal" with Claire, especially considering how Claire is supposed to be the mature one in the group due to Rarity's guidance.

I did like the story, really I did. It falls just short of greatness for me because, like The Messanger before me, I really don't agree with your characterization of Claire. She's a character I really enjoy, so it seems kind of odd for things like this to happen. Especially for her to be arrested? That just sucked me out of the story at full speed. Granted, I was at the end already, but still.

You cannot sacrifice characterization or consistency for anything. Not a joke, not a plot device, not even a story point. The characters are what people read for, they must be the part we focus on.

It was still a solid story, and gets a thumbs up from me. Your characterization of Del and Star was fantastic, and up until the very end it was an excellent tale.

Keep up the good work;


Agreed. Kiala's next gen kids are definetly the best that exist in the fandom. They are so damm cute.

One thing though: If Illusion learned that Clair is in jail, he'd bail her out faster than you can say "chocolate milk"

Pleasewriteasequel.Pleasewriteasequel.Pleasewriteasequel. =D

I totally ship this! Hahaha.
I mean, they're perfect for each other D:<

I really enjoyed reading this :twilightsmile:

I'm slowly getting to like these characters, and this ship...:trixieshiftleft:...it intrigues me :trixieshiftright:

Loved it. Loved it a lot. Great work.

Hey PrincessRarity, I was wondering, if you weren't going to make a sequel to this, I was wondering if you would allow me to create one myself? :moustache:

4372344 Awesome thanks, I'll make sure to mention you in the description.:pinkiehappy:

4372344 I'm happy to say I got the first part of it's sequel out today. Hope it lives up to your story. :scootangel:

chapter 2 anybody

Author Interviewer

Gotta hand it to ya, that was pretty cute and I don't often go for cute.

that was wonderful, I don´t have an idea who to ship Star with, she has chemistry with a lot of guys but, even if you´re not a fan you can see the good of the pairing in the fact that they´re good childhood friends

I luved it! maybe, just maybe there could be a sequel or sumthin?

No suburst is flash and twilight's kid
And Golden Delicious is applejack and Carmel

It is a next generation universe

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