Diamond Tiara is about to see what its like to be a good Girl
warring this contains diapers and other foal things, if you like this I hope you enjoy
I'm a recently returned writer and plan to release alot of stories again.
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Twilight and Dash are good parents and i like it
A rushed story with no real feels or emotion. Hopefully you'll improve next time, cause I know you're better then this.
4054093 thx that comment makes me happy
4054103 like i said 1st padded story
4054104 Your welcome
A little unneeded there.
4054197 ok guess might be necessary to remove it
Alright you have some unique concepts here.
I also did not notice any glaring errors jump out at me so good job writing.
A few notes:
The effects of the potions do not appear to be explained. Did it turn out Scoots into an adult? She appeared to be much bigger than Diamond Tiara in this story.
It seems a bit odd that Filthy Rich hired a foalsitter the same age as the foal, and send all his staff away. Though that can be overlooked.
The perspective seems to shift around a lot.
It was a bit rushed, its alright to linger on one event for a bit and explore the interactions as opposed to moving from event to event.
to be honest this was great up until the end, the you left the you remind me of my mom" line wide open no response. and by the end I expected diamond to back her mo-scootaloo, besides filth said "you must obey her" she did. I'm just saying your ending felt (for this situation) mean spirited.
4056563 would u like a seqal to this?
4056636 That would be cool. I was mainly say it because When Diamond Said the Mom line I thought she was actualy forming a bond with Scootaloo. when you said Scootaloo was Diamonds friend I now I expect diamond to come out of bed and defend her. weather diamond "needs" scootaloo to sub-concously keep her in line or that "that is" there bond. I just see if you continue this diamond will come out of this better, in the sense no longa bully care free maybe just maybe become friends with the cmc and the like.
4056708 then i shall continue it i might add another chapter were DT gets mad at her father for doing that but there will be a seqal i got planning to do now

You clearly have no clue what you're f**king with here.
I did a DT AR fic before this came out, and it's surprisingly popular.
4058458 o.o i don't thank i read urs yet but thanks i guess
Also, this seems more of a padded ponies story rather than a regression story.
Let me break it down for you:
A regression story involves physical/mental age regression, in which the character(s) is(are) given the body and/or mind of a foal.
A padded pony story is basically messing around in diapers, nothing extreme or forceful. Twilight And Rarity Go To The Spa is an example of a padded pony story.
4058500 here, I'll send you the link if you'd like.
4058545 i will be doing a regression story at one point involving scoots and hopefully i can make it better then this b4 i do that i need to read more
"why did you volunteer to foalsit Diamond Tiara? Don't you two hate each other?" Deep inside, Rainbow knew that something had to be going on. Shrugging it off, she didn't question the orange filly.
didn;t she just asked her? paradox, double negative, whatever you wanna call it.
Will go back to reading the rest now
swallowed her rage as her left eye twitched. "What?! You've got to be kidding me! That stupid flightless blank flank is going to be my foalsitter?!" Diamond stomped her hoof on the ground in anger. All she felt was white-hot fury.
that;s not exactly swallowing your rage, diamond.
sorry about the last two comments. it just kinda threw me off is all.

still liked this, though now scoots is in trouble.
can we have a sequel, or a very small second chapter please
A filly doing foalsitting a pony of the same age. No one would agree to that
4103502 true but... this is fimfiction in other words a lot of it just wont act like our world
4104428 If Filthy agrees to let a pony the same age of his daughter to do the foalsitting, then why does he want to have Diamond Tiara foalsitted at all?
that is just hilarious. well apart from the end.
4306622 thanks i plan on making a seqal when i have time im thanking of having scoots regressed into a foal on the seqal
4056563 I will be adding a bonus chapter soon and I hope you guys/girls will enjoy it the idea came to me today
4369677 its updated
Omg. If Scootaloo did that..Fluttercakes (Fluttershy from Patty Cake) you failed.
4379091 what? i take it you liked it?
That was....wow
4379188 yeah well..wow...
4379557 this was my 1st padded pony story... I promise the sequel will be better
4379570 its fine.
I am very shocked
Filthy should've been in shock for a few seconds after diamond left before breaking down.
Other that that, this made perfect sense. I look forward to the sequel and I will edit this like you asked. I think I can add a little more too to give it more oof
4382809 cool
did diamond just storm out decked in All her Baby stuff?
Sequel as in continuation of this story,
This will be great, if I may be so bold, will the sequel be isolated, like a secret between Scootaloo and DT or will diamond openly show affection to her?
4411942 haven't decided yet was planning on twi accadently turning both into foals then the seqal would be adorable
Seems to me you might have explained a bit more in the previous chapter about how Scootaloo reminded Diamond of her mother. Even a comment like "I don't wanna talk about it," would have been something. And for the not-so-quick(me, in this case) what did that potion Scootaloo took do?
4430371 well it did not turn her into a mare but it did give her the strength of a mare that is one thing I should of explained a little better.
poor kid and poor father. Great first attempt at writing.