• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm 40% jokes, 30% serious, and 20% romance. The Last 10%? You tell me. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/overlord_flinx

Comments ( 68 )

Flinx, I'm just gonna say this, this being a story made by you is the only thing having me give it a chance. Not that I have a problem with anthro and/or humanized characters its just not for me.

Interesting idea. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. (besides the bedroom)

I bet this will be good :)
Oh, and I'd really love to see Fleur getting her romantic date. Maybe with Rarity, or Fancy Pants, or one of the available princesses.

Hmmm... This seems to me that it's going to be a mix of "Know Your Mare" and "The Dating Game"...
Go on... :trixieshiftright:

They may not know it yet, but fate has dealt them just the hand they needed... even if it wasn't the one they wanted.

Kalash93 of Author Helping Authors here. I'd love to drop a review for this, but there's not really enough to critique at all. This was only a non-representative prologue, right?

I'm guessing it'll be Flash Sentry, as he was SS's ex in the movie. I'm guessing their breakup will be just as explosive.

If you're taking volunteers, I volunteer myself to bed Sunset Shimmer. Name's Shadow Blast, and no, not that silent poser.

Note to self: Never let Sunset use my TV.

And as a result i'll most likely be getting bitch slapped.

I would offer myself up but you know....aw screw it. I am available. Name is Inferno Blaze.

Hmm... I might be tempted. Names Brawny Steed, and no, I am not dumb muscle, just because of the name I got.

What a hilariously horrible date Page Turned found himself in. Sunset Shimmer is a such a tsundere.

Here's hoping the other girls might get someone better. Will we see Redheart next?

Wow, this went much better than expected.
And what an unexpected way for sexy times to be initiated. :heart:

Excellent! Now the only question I have left for this chapter is "How many broken bones will this poor kid have by the time Sunset's done with him?" :pinkiehappy:

Actually it would be more like this:

Sunset: Can I use your TV?
Me: No.
Sunset: Why not?
Me: Maybe because, you just showed up here and pretty much demanded that I give you a place to stay, you break pretty much all of my kitchenware, you broke my guitar-
Sunset: I said I was sorry.
Me: Well i'm not so sure a "sorry" is going to pay for a thousand dollar guitar.
Was that it?
Sunset: Then i'll just have to "convince" you. *pins me against a wall*
Me: W-what're you doing?!
Sunset: Don't worry about it~

*2 minutes later*

Me:...Ahh! I thought you told me not to worry about it?!


MOAR please can't wait to see how many broken bones he has when he gets out of the hospital. On another note are you taking oc's to be with one of the girls?

2980562 Not yet. Not until I do the intro chapter for the next girl. That's when I allow entries for that one.

Sweet chapter keep them coming
An on a side note id totally date flitter an cloudchaser :)

this oughta be interesting. way to keep us hanging with the Shimmer one though.

To reiterate my previous application, Twice the effort for twice the fun, although two heads in the kitchen aren't better than one.

Can't wait for oc characters and Gilda :D <3 I wanna date Gilda shes best griffin :3

2981504 the better question is how do you not forget you clothes /:l .............. Nah your right :3

Can't wait to see who gets to be with them.
Also, Flitter seems like a nice gal.:twilightsmile:

If that is indeed the case then I am curious why you asked for applicants on that blog post?

............ Damn you Page Turner.

Oh OK. I thought that you meant that you were accepting applications for each girl when THEIR chapter was released and not the video introductions chapter.

can i get a shot at the twins also?

"Something I hate? I can name people pretty easy, but... I would have go with I hate dirty tricks. No matter what someone does, if you do it unfair or by making someone go against you from the start on an unfair playing field, you're scum. Cheating is fine if you play in 'fair', but I can't stand when cheats in the most underhanded ways. Have some sort of class for your own good."

.... Just when I thought my opinion of Sunset Shimmer couldn't get any lower.

keep them coming.
I would totally date cloudchaser and flitter. also

Wonder what kind of date they're going to get. Somehow, I imagine it's going to end up in one or more bedrooms.

Any chance we could all change our votes to "close" before next chapter comes out?

This was a great update and I really like how you portrayed Klondike, totally sounds like how I would have reacted in the situation. Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.

3389497 So you're my bud that was sitting with me in the stands right?

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