Prologue co-written by JZ1, with subsequent chapters co-written by theseventhdoctor.
Proofread by Skeeter the Lurker, Panama and JaZzR
Note: The characters here are depicted as Anthro. In order to better understand exactly what I mean by anthro, here is an example. Also, the 'Dark' tag is just to make sure everybody knows that this might get a little...well dark...hopefully not too dark though, this is Star Trek, not Lord of the Rings
Rainbow Dash is a pony with big dreams. Dreams to join the illustrious Federation Star Fleet and become the best star ship pilot in the galaxy. She is also a recklessly impulsive and wild pony, frequently disobeying her superiors. She also detests a certain purple half-Saddle Arabian/half-unicorn pony cadet named Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight Sparkle shares similar feelings. Where's Rainbow is brash and arrogant, Twilight is calm and logical. Her species, the Saddle Arabians, are known for their holding logic in the highest regards. However, Twilight has a problem. She's not a full blooded Saddle Arabian, instead being half-pony, and therefore prone to succumbing to such foolish things as "emotion", causing to be an outcast among her own species.
Rainbow finds Twilight to be stuck up, always following the rules to the letter. Twilight find Rainbow to be foolish, impulsive and illogical.
However, these two will need to quickly learn to get along once they are forced into a situation which neither logic or impulse can solve.
Well, this is my attempt to adapt the 2009 Star Trek film with ponies. Wish me luck.
Crap. Thought this was a "To Boldly Flee." parody.
2854513 Nope. Sorry.
To late the change the title I guess...
Do you know what To boldly Flee is?
2854527 Yeah the last anniversary movie of Channel Awesome.
Best reviewer:
And yet again everything starts out with a bang. But now i must play the waiting game
2854546 No, this is best
~Skeeter The Lurker
2854546 LINKARA!
I'm a massive fan myself!
I'm such a hopeless fan, I made this:
and this:
and a bunch more...
L. O. L.
2854578 Thanks! Most of them are on this YouTube channel, while the ones I already linked are on this YouTube channel.
I post the long versions on the latter and the ones split into two parts on the former. Mainly because YouTube is weird.
I've also done videos for Nostalgia Critic and Todd in the Shadows and Chester A. Bum.
I'm listening to your My Little Avengers reading.
2854619 Wow thanks! I recorded that in one take if you'd believe it. Did all the voices myself.
I've got to edit the audio of the next chapter and get that one posted...
Yay! Its finally here! *reads*
Ok. Your voice is great, by the way.
I subscribed. My channel is Connexchannel
From the cover pic, I can tell Rarity and Pinkie are gonna die.
2854632 I see what you did there
2854629 Wow thanks! I suggest you subscribe to my other one too, I update that one more often (overall)
2854632 Maybe....
2854654 Oh don't worry.
Rarity is Uhrua and Pinkie Pie is Scotty...I can't kill them.
Skip to 11:16
Please tell me that there are SOME references to the Original Star Trek series in this tale... At least something to make fun of seeing it done by ponies.
2855782 Oh for sure. I love TOS. Trust me, I plan to have references and the like. I'm even thinking that after the Into Darkness story (Trixie is Best Cumberbatch Khan) I'll do a story that's basically my favorite episodes of TOS. Like the Tribbles and Pon Faar and such..
hmmmn, very interesting... <turns to another dragon> Sub-Commander, im putting u in charge of Nemesis, if the Federation is reaching out, we must observe them <the young dragon nods, the low light of the cave system glinting off his purple scales and green spines "u can count on me..."> i know i can, and keep a particular eyes on that half Saddle Arabian filly...we may need to intervene at some point <"ur sure the Signs r there sir?"> i am Spike...i am....
Curse you, Bronyman.

You have filled me with feels.
2856310 Thank my co-writer, JZ1, he came up with that line.
You made Fluttershy cry, JZ1, I hope you're proud.
I am very proud! Very proud indeed! I made feels!
Nice song choices. Still reads a lot like the actual film, but, the differences are there.
I'm enjoying this so far.
~Skeeter The Lurker
2856662 Right. It'll probably start to change next chapter. Since I don't have the movie on hand as a reference, I'm doing it really all from very foggy memories (since I saw it like a month ago, and I suck at remembering things)
... first part with Dash reminds me of Treasure Planet, the part where that kid got caught flying in that restricted area by some kinda robo-cops?
Are you kidding me!?
I just came up with the idea to try to write something like this and you beat me too it.
You even have the same picture I was going to use too.
Guess that's what I get for putting it off.
2856847 Really? What are the chances of that?
2856760 That's actually exactly what I had in mind.
That movie is awesome.
2856853 by the by, you realized that you have implied that the Saddle's and the Changelings used to be the same race? ... i got ideas when i saw that Changeling'd ship. lol
2856866 Yes I did
2856874 ... i wish there was a thing that could be done and you can play Changelings., Changelings in Space! and Ponies. In Star Trek! I'd so play that.
2856874 oh, and what does C.S.S. stand for? is it a parallel version for the Romulan I.R.W. prefix?
2856917 Celestial StarShip
2856928.... mis-read that paragraph..... thought they were saying the name of the Changeling ship.... and thinking further back, the Star Trek version of the ship didn't have an "I.R.W." prefix either.... I must need sleep if i'm slipping like that. self-
2856680 luckily for mildly autistic, and i say that film...oh, at least three times...hope u have a parallel for Pike...
2857186 yeah I do.
2857472 good...then thats done...
No hate comments about the 2 new Star Trek movies, so far, hope it stays that way, "Give credit where credit is due".
The same goes for this story, quite similar to the movie, but I can see you switched things up a bit. I hope your effort to make it more original goes smoothly. Although, I am quite uncomfortable with the switch from "captain" to "starship pilot", but hey, it's not everyday you get a Star Trek/MLP crossover.
Quoting Savak,
Keep it up.
2857615 wow thanks. And thanks for the fave