A nerd who thought it would be cool to, with the help of a few equally insane buddies adapt the entire Marvel Universe (with some DC Comics thrown in for kicks) with My Little Pony...wish me luck
Writer of long, character-driven smut of astounding filthiness, lesbian mind-control a speciality. Short-Fic Commission Slots Now Closed
Call me logisticbumm. I write and draw in my spare time. Thanks for stoping by.
More of an artist than a writer XP Might as well give it a shot though, right?
♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫
Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."
Bear witness to all I have recorded of the Equis' universe's alternate timelines. While you're at it, check out my brother Nightcrawlerfan; he grows on you after awhile. Kinda like cancer, actually.
D. G. D. is a science fiction writer and archaeologist. He blogs on occasion at www.deusexmagicalgirl.com.
A Christian nerd; probably the only guy you ever met who wanted the Larrymobile to be transformed by the All-Spark. My brother, The Traveler12, is NOT the lamest person you've ever met. Check him out!
reconstructing the deconstruction
Just a simple guy who likes to find a shining light, even in the darkest of places.
Aspiring writer, self-proclaimed hardcore gamer, adept of human psychology. Does not consider excessive pride for a vice.
Greetings, I am Merlos the Mad. I am a dabbler of both words and wizardry in my free time. I also invite you all to partake in my musings. Take care though, as they are the product of a madman.
The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.
Hello, I'm here for the candy-colored ponies, nice bronies and good stories.
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free." (KJV)
Some random college guy that likes Superman, MLP, and Star Trek. I write occasionally in the hope that someone somewhere will like it.
Just a pony fan that loves the series. I mainly like shipping stories, crossovers, and some good old fashioned comedy. I also don't mind OC's as long as they're written well.
Her Royal Highness Cadance I of the Crystal Empire, at your service! Here's me on a particularly bad hair day; it's a very long story. All turned out for the best, though!
All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.
More of a reader than a writer. I'm just here to support the community and appreciate the works and imagination of others.
How did you find your way here? Nobody here but us ghosts.
One who fantasizes about what it would be like to live in Equestria.
I'm a relatively mentally stable person with a penchant for high drama stories with attempts at high action pieces justaposed with some comedy, meaning that I like action, a good story and out of spa-
Just a plain user here with a penchant for stories, roleplay, computers, and SCIENCE. Also looking into writing my own stories too! Just as soon as I fix my horrendous English... Oh, and I do art too.
What are you doing wasting time reading a bio? Go read good stories. Isn't that what you're here for?