• Member Since 26th Feb, 2015


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In a world ruled by the night, it makes sense that a passionate romance can bloom invisibly in the shadows. A sly, flirtatious touch or a whisper laden with hidden meaning can go unnoticed by the keen, gossip-hungry eyes and ears of the Night Court. But how long can such an affair stay subtle, especially when one of the participants is Rainbow Dash?

NOTE: contains one slightly crass implication

This story was written for prompt one of the RariDash Contest found at http://raridashdoodles.tumblr.com. Thank you to PresentPerfect (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/923/PresentPerfect) and Chudojogurt (
https://www.fimfiction.net/user/248047/ChudoJogurt) for editing and to http://raridashdoodles.tumblr.com for the cover art! And last but not least, thank you to my good friend Multiversecruise (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/222592/Multiversecruise) for inspiring me to write this story, helping out with it a ton, and being an all-around source of good vibes :3

Chapters (1)

Some people do great things because they want to advance the cause of knowledge.

Some people do great things because they want to make the world better.

Some people do great things because they want to turn a profit.

And some people do great things because they are BORED.

Cover art by Liu Ting

Chapters (1)

When Lyra and Carrot Top are invited to the festival of Sommerswerd, the cervidic celebration of the transition from Spring to Summer, they hope against hope that it will prove merely a pleasant vacation. But there are other powers and other forces at work, and the two Elements of Harmony soon find themselves drawn into the games and conspiracies of the Lords and Ladies of the Fae. Luna only knows whether they shall make it out alive... and sane.

A story of the Lunaverse. Rating for some rather brutal and vicious monsters and a few suggestive scenes.

WARNING: This story may include spoilers for Contest Of Champions.

Chapters (6)

Ponyville is celebrating its history wrong. Luckily, Twilight is there to explain things to them!

A commission for Multiversecruise, based on the prompt: "Write a story about season 1 twilight, with her sarcastic, no-nonsense attitude still learning to deal with Pinkie's Pinkieness!"

Chapters (1)

Every year, on Hearthswarming, Berry Punch makes a drink for Fluttershy. One perfect drink.

A gift for Shakespearicles.

Chapters (1)

It's Sunset Shimmer and Applejack's three-year anniversary, and they've decided to spend it in Equestria. But Sunset's behavior has been a little bit out-of-the-ordinary recently... almost as though she's considering breaking up.

Written for the Sunset Shipping Contest: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/822006/sunset-shipping-contest-journeys

I don't know who did the cover art, but I wish I did. Please tell me if you know!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Date Twilight Sparkle

One hand, things seemed to be going perfect for Princess Celestia.

After realizing she had fallen in love with Twilight Sparkle, she was at first hesitant to reveal her love out of fear of rejection and damaging their relationship. However, thanks to the support of her friends, she was convinced to pursue her love. And, as a bonus, she made a new friend. After coming up with the perfect gift to give Twilight to prove her love, Celestia journeyed to Ponyville, ready to declare her feelings to Twilight.

On the other hand...

The new 'friend' she made was Queen Chrysalis.

Chrysalis is only friendly now because she's fallen in love with and is marrying Princess Luna.

The perfect gift was owned by a mob boss and Celestia was only able to obtain it by organizing a heist with the assistance of Princess Cadance and the changelings (who proceeded to empty the vault without telling anyone).

And due to a lack of communication, Twilight was not expecting Queen Chrysalis to show up out of nowhere, attacked her with the Rainbow Power, and as a result was turned to stone herself, along with Chrysalis, Luna, and Cadance.

Oh, and now Nightmare Moon has been freed from Luna's head and has her own body.

This is not what Celestia thought her love life would be like.

Proofing thank to ShutterflyYay, as always.

Chapters (17)

Pinkie finds a note one day from a secret admirer and can’t wait to figure out just who it is.

The problem is it could be literally anyone.

Chapters (6)

Dashing swordswomen, wizened wizards, bitter revenge, and the power of true love.

All part and parcel of Twilight's favorite book. And what better way to spend an afternoon with her sick girlfriend?

Vaguely inspired by The Princess Bride.

An entry into Aragon's Comedy is Serious Business Contest, under the Prompt, "We Learned Something Narrative."

Thanks to r5h, Kalan, and Novel Idea for editing.

Thanks to multiversecruise for the coverart.

Chapters (1)

How do you kill a pegasus's soul? Put her in charge of the town's weather, then only let her schedule sunny days and gentle evening showers. Not thunderstorms, not blizzards, certainly not hail or tornadoes.

Nothing fun, in other words. Celestia forbid the weather team make some real weather, the kind Rainbow Dash dreams about. The farmers would never stand for that.

Well, screw the farmers. Screw the fashionistas and screw the library princess too if she complains. Rainbow Dash has a dream and she's going to share it with the world, whether the world wants it or not.

A story dedicated to anyone who's ever been passionate about something.

Chapters (1)