When Lyra and Carrot Top are invited to the festival of Sommerswerd, the cervidic celebration of the transition from Spring to Summer, they hope against hope that it will prove merely a pleasant vacation. But there are other powers and other forces at work, and the two Elements of Harmony soon find themselves drawn into the games and conspiracies of the Lords and Ladies of the Fae. Luna only knows whether they shall make it out alive... and sane.
A story of the Lunaverse. Rating for some rather brutal and vicious monsters and a few suggestive scenes.
WARNING: This story may include spoilers for Contest Of Champions.
Nice to see the guards are getting a bit more personality in the final version.
Added this story to the Season 2 list.
Carrot Top! Whoop whoop!
Just a suggestion Void, I've yet to dive into the story proper but that tag word salad makes me instantly nervous. I'd really, really suggest you pare those tags down.
If I was writing it, I'd probably stick with Adventure and Alternate Universe. Maybe Horror or Thriller as a third.
What is Contest Of Champions?
Are they playing Infinite City?
It's a story. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/176781/contest-of-champions
Someone's a Dresden fan.
Is it supposed to be marked 'complete'? Kind of a bleak ending.
So Kindle is collecting a bunch of ways to murder ponies, which Corona probably won't want to use.
Right, I am now officially and finally caught up. I had seven chapters in my backlog from various stories.
On to this...I can definitely make use of what Kindle's gotten for himself here. At first I kind of wished that he had grabbed the Unraveling as that might make certain other things easier later, but in hindsight I prefer things as they are now. Though, yeah...collecting ways to kill ponies is probably not something Corona is actually going to like all that much.
Need to find a way to write for ghuls myself at some point in the future, though I can't even begin to think of when...
Thanks for the story, definitely had an adventurey feel to it, although the ending felt a tad rushed, would have been nice to get some fun decompression scenes with everyone back in Elkheim. I did like Celestia's internal monologue at the end. Were there any particular settings you were pulling your fae inspiration from?
Well, that was fun, and that ending was so perfectly Pinkie.
Okay, good opening chapter. Man, sounds like it'd be best to avoid the Fae as much as possible.
Yay for Kindle and Smoke losing! I hope they get trapped there forever!
Oh, how I hope Kindle's and Smoke's 'deaths' were painful.
I almost feel sorry for Smoke, here. And I want Kindle to burn even more.
Good story, good ending. Glad Celestia got that. :D
Fun times in Faerie, inasmuch as the adjective can ever apply there. Naturally, I approve of the lotuses. A shame nopony was willing to bargain for a Mox or two.
IDK about that. Even supposing the Wild Hunt wouldn't attack Luna, there are any number of enemies she might choose to kill. The mere threat might be enough to tip the balance & gain an alliance. Or, an enemy general in a battle. Even if the Wild Hunt didn't leave a trail of death through the army on their way to get at the general, the morale effects alone might turn the battle.
"The ability to sire children"
We talking sterility or impotence here? Or both?
Grandpa Nurgle Intensifies