• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014

Crimsion Ink

Greetings newcomers! I'm Crimson Ink! <3 Sadly, I am no longer online. But feel welcome to check out my page, blogs, and stories! Though I will not reply, feel free to comment! :D Pony up! -CI :yay:

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R. Sweetie Belle leads a fulfilling life―her parents love her and she has several friends that she can count on when times get tough.

Like today, for instance, when she wakes up with a lump on her chassis.

Preread by Waterpear!

Edited by Bradel!

Chapters (1)

This story started with a single realization. The voice actor for both Snails and Ranma happened to be the same person.

Snails 1/2 is a Ranma 1/2 spoof. Not actually a crossover, this is the story of Snails dealing with a Jusenkyo style curse. When hit with cold water he... becomes a filly. As if that wasn't horrifying enough, he quickly finds himself caught between rivalries, forced into competitions, and now he feels like he is developing a severe phobia of water.

With artwork by Alkarasu and edited by Swyrl, this is a story made as a pure slice of life comedy in the style of anime.

For the continuing story, join us in Snails 1/2:The Perfect Stallion

Chapters (13)

Discord is feeling lonely. Inspired by a friend, he decides to look for his own special somepony, and he knows just where to find her. Little does he know, somepony else is taking the same road, with much darker intentions...

Chapters (18)

Set right after the conclusion of the episode "Maud Pie," Maud reflects on her life and how important Pinkie Pie was to her. She thinks of how she grew emotionally unavailable, and how hope can be beautiful as well as tragic.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is a mare of science and magic. Everything exists in known quantities and values. So of course, mythological creatures such as humans don't exist, don't be ridiculous. So... what's that thing? Why is it following her? What purpose does it have?

A fiction where Twilight learns the truth about humans... and doesn't like the implications at all.

F**K this prompt: Your self-insert is shipped romantically with one of the mane six. Or something. Whatever, I lost the original idea.

Edited by the wizardly Izanagi!

Chapters (1)

This is the original version of the first story I've ever written, over the course of three months as a brand new writer in late 2014.

I'm including these chapters here as a record of how the story looked when it began. This was the prototype for what would, over many years, become Black Feather. The story has gone through multiple complete rewrites, but this was the initial version. Enjoy reading my clumsy first steps into the world of writing!

Note: I will make the chapters visible again after Black Feather is published to avoid spoilers.

Commissioned cover art by SilFoe
Special thanks to onlyanorthernsong for encouraging me to write this and helping to envision Pen Stroke's Nyx as an adult.
Extra thanks to Pen Stroke for permission to write the adult version of his character Nyx.

Chapters (0)

Filly Pinkie has just come from her latest sensational party. Hyped up with energy she decides to go for a walk before going home, when she happens upon a scared pegasus huddled in a bush. She had fallen down from Cloudsdale earlier, as she had once before.

Pinkie Pie slowly gains Fluttershy's trust by being friendly and respecting her boundaries, and the two of them become fast friends. As Fluttershy falls asleep Pinkie keeps watch over her until her family can pick her up. Having never been too close to a pegasus, Pinkie gets a little TOO interested in the extra appendages.

All inspiration for this story comes directly from this comic: https://derpibooru.org/377?scope=scpedd0a897b87ab38133e505fc8d895b9d387bc2b8e

Chapters (1)

A human suddenly found himself as an Earth Pony in the fictional land of Equestria. Unfortunately, Equestria didn't look the same as in the show. Regardless, it was still a little girl's show, so returning home shouldn't be a problem. Now if only he knew where the cliché ponies were located in this version of Equestria. You know, the ones who could help him get back home?

Special thanks to mix-up for drawing the cover art. :3 You can check his deviantart page as well for more of his art works~

Chapters (65)

My name is Twilight Sparkle.
I am three hundred and seventy five years old.
Except for Spike, all my friends are dead...But not for long

Betrayed by Celestia, and isolated in her castle with only Spike for support, Twilight Sparkle enacts a powerful spell to reincarnate the element bearers through her own body.
Her friends will be reborn, and, with the trials of being a mother to her friends ahead of her, an unraveling secret from the past following her at every turn, and the possibility of a brand new life so close in reach, Twilight just might be reborn too.

Credit for both the inspiration for this story and cover picture go to
Crystal Leviathan

Chapters (11)

Apple Bloom really screwed up this time. Her newest Twilight Time project, a body switching potion, fell into the hooves of Ponyville's resident DJ.

Now Vinyl and Octavia are stuck in each other's bodies with no way to change back. Looks like they'll have to learn to live like this for a while.

Proofread by bathroomstahl

Chapters (13)