• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2017

Crimsion Ink

Greetings newcomers! I'm Crimson Ink! <3 Sadly, I am no longer online. But feel welcome to check out my page, blogs, and stories! Though I will not reply, feel free to comment! :D Pony up! -CI :yay:


Keep smiling and Love Ponies · 1:43pm Oct 26th, 2016

Though time pass us by

Though we stand here apart

Our memories will live on forever

As our friendship burns bright in my heart -CI

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Psst! · 12:30pm Oct 26th, 2016

So sorry guys, but I forgot to mention something earlier on my blog:twilightsheepish: I have a small request. If you don't want to or have the time, i understand. But if you want, would you go visit my first couple blogs? You know, visit my roots, my ameatur beginning?
Just for nostalga's sake:twilightsheepish::scootangel:

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Second to last blog. · 1:20am Oct 26th, 2016

*this is a business blog*

Thank you all for the extremely kind and touching comments on my previous blog. I hate that this might spoil that mood, but it needed to be made.

I'll (truely) be going offline in a bit, so a few things before I go. One, I hope to post on last blog in the morning with an art piece. I couldn't do it tonight. When I do it however, I will read any messages but not reply. I don't want to start a conversation to start before it can finish.

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This is it. . . · 12:23am Oct 26th, 2016

Greetings my dear stalkers. Greetings in a farewell seem so bittersweet.

That's how this is for me. And here I said I wouldn't get emotional. *throws toughness out the window* Bring on the waterfall! But not before, I say what need and want to say.

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The times grows near. · 12:00am Oct 26th, 2016

I'm off to write that one blog were all my emotions come pouring out in one big heap as I wish all I love good-bye.

Just a heads up!

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For LazyReader19 · 11:24pm Oct 25th, 2016

I know you want see this until tomorrow buddy, but here you.:raritywink:


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Coming out... · 9:52pm Oct 25th, 2016

No, this ain't no gay joke. I'm coming out with personal info that I've been shy abot sharing.:twilightsheepish: But since I'll be leaving and am not planning on returning in it least this form, I want to get it off my chest. So, deep breath, here we go!

Name - Hannah Noel A.

Age currently - 16 and 10 months.

Age when I joined - 14

As for face reveal, I'll upload that ugly mugly later:twilightblush:!

Side note: I'm the oldest of four girls. Ages 15, 13 (melody), and 9.

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Hi! · 8:50pm Oct 25th, 2016

Hello dear stalkers!

Sorry, I haven't made any blogs today. Kinda waiting for some more comments on my Q&A. But it's fine! I just wanted to say that I'm on, have updated my channel for the most part, and for those who may not no, tonight is my last night on!

That's about it!

How ya'll doin'?:pinkiesmile:

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Q&A blog · 9:59pm Oct 24th, 2016

Greetings my dear stalkers!

I'm finally ready to answer all the questions you guys sent me!:pinkiehappy: Due to time, however, I cannot write who asked what. I do want to thank you all, though, for giving me questions.:twilightsmile:

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So as you can see. . . · 6:01pm Oct 24th, 2016

I was not on Yesterday. Oh well. I'll be on now to answer some messages before going off again. I will be back on (hopefully) between 5 and 7 to do some blogging. Hope you all are having a fantastic day!:pinkiehappy:

Crimsion out!

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