• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2017

Crimsion Ink

Greetings newcomers! I'm Crimson Ink! <3 Sadly, I am no longer online. But feel welcome to check out my page, blogs, and stories! Though I will not reply, feel free to comment! :D Pony up! -CI :yay:

More Blog Posts358

  • 404 weeks
    Keep smiling and Love Ponies

    Though time pass us by

    Though we stand here apart

    Our memories will live on forever

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    8 comments · 661 views
  • 404 weeks

    So sorry guys, but I forgot to mention something earlier on my blog:twilightsheepish: I have a small request. If you don't want to or have the time, i understand. But if you want, would you go visit my first couple blogs? You know, visit my roots, my ameatur beginning?
    Just for nostalga's sake:twilightsheepish::scootangel:

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    4 comments · 456 views
  • 404 weeks
    Second to last blog.

    *this is a business blog*

    Thank you all for the extremely kind and touching comments on my previous blog. I hate that this might spoil that mood, but it needed to be made.

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    9 comments · 446 views
  • 404 weeks
    This is it. . .

    Greetings my dear stalkers. Greetings in a farewell seem so bittersweet.

    That's how this is for me. And here I said I wouldn't get emotional. *throws toughness out the window* Bring on the waterfall! But not before, I say what need and want to say.

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    28 comments · 632 views
  • 404 weeks
    The times grows near.

    I'm off to write that one blog were all my emotions come pouring out in one big heap as I wish all I love good-bye.

    Just a heads up!

    1 comments · 401 views

Psst! · 12:30pm Oct 26th, 2016

So sorry guys, but I forgot to mention something earlier on my blog:twilightsheepish: I have a small request. If you don't want to or have the time, i understand. But if you want, would you go visit my first couple blogs? You know, visit my roots, my ameatur beginning?
Just for nostalga's sake:twilightsheepish::scootangel:

Thanks!:scootangel: i'll be back in a bit to post the last blog before finally leaving. Who knew it would take so long to shut down an account? anyway, friendly reminder, you are free to comment and i may very well read, but will not reply. Also, I read all the replies you all sent last night and gave them all thumbs up!:twilightsmile:

Hope you all have a great life ahead of you! Thanks again:yay:

-CI ~:heart:

Report Crimsion Ink · 456 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Sure thing!

I'll miss you. *Hugs*

I'm still at work so I don't really have the time to do, but nevertheless, always know that you will be missed dearly. *boop* and that too. *boop* oh yeah, it's like a drug. *boop*

It's just the *boop* best *boop* thing *boop* EVER! :pinkiehappy:

Of course I will. *hugs* Hope to see you again in the near future.

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