• Member Since 20th Jun, 2021


I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys

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Princess Luna has a particular dreamwalking tradition around the holidays; it so happens on this of all nights she comes to visit you. Alone for Hearth's Warming, you really need her visit this year, though you might not know it at first.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Armada Trilogy II: Beautiful Eyes

The Armada Trilogy: Vol. III

Unicorn's Horn

In the third and final instalment in The Armada Trilogy, Tempest Shadow is now back safe in her home town along with her parents and friends. But not everything is all that it seems.

There is one last mystery that is still yet uncovered. When past and present collide, Twilight, Tempest, Celestia and the rest of their friends need to prevent the worst possible scenario. As well as finally being reunited with her family, Tempest learns the truth about who she is, which completes and concludes this trilogy.

Artwork belongs to Taneysha

Chapters (4)

Thousands of years ago, there was a war for Hell, not a civil war, but an invasion from another realm, this realm was only know as The Warp. From it, 4 self proclaimed gods sent waves of millions of chaotic beings called Daemons, creatures born from the most pure form of Chaos, hellbent on destroying everything their masters ordered them to.

Arachne, together with many realms that were connected with Hell, tried to defend against this onslaught, but they failed and Arachne herself was captured, tortured, corrupted and twisted to serve her new lords. However, before she fell, she used her life-force to activate 6 powerful, ancient amulets, forever locking her destiny, she proclaimed that when the Night King freed her from her doomed destiny, 3 would rise against the Dark Lords, freed from their corruption.

That happened a thousand years ago.

Hello there everyone, first time writing here on Fimfiction, so there may have a few spelling errors, which can be slightly aggravated as English isn’t my first language

Here I will be putting extra characters that will appear on the history:

1-Nighmare Moon

Chapters (3)

It's time for Lil Cheese to choose her familiar.

But as her parent's choice of friends clash, she'll find a friend she can uniquely click with.

Chapters (1)

A Parody of Beauty and the beast, the musical.

To save their guardians Shining Armor and Twilight take their places as the prisoners of Discord and Chrysalis but soon the prisoners turns into guests then, later into love.

Chapters (1)

The story is on a prolonged hiatus. It will be updated again, but the date is uncertain.

Maria is a simple girl living in a quiet Russian town. Her life and where it would go was already decided by her parents and the society. She always wanted to get away from this but didn't know how until a mysterious wish granter shows her a path. Little did she know how it would turn out - on the night of her birthday, after she makes her wish, she is transported to Equestria and turned into an alicorn.

Her wish for a different life will certainly turn into more than she could ever expect.

Cover art uses Canterlot Throne Room by mattbas and sitting Celestia also by mattbas

Join the Discord to discuss the story and get to know other people who like my stories!

Support me on Boosty! Joining any tier will grant you two updates a week alongside already posted updates that aren't yet on fimfiction.

Chapters (5)

One day, Peter Griffin was just minding his own business, when suddenly! The Giant Chicken appears once again. Just where will their massive fight take them now? It might be pretty obvious.

Obviously a crossover with Family Guy.

My first attempt at a crack-fic. Enjoy it if you can.

Chapters (1)

Red hood was fighting along side Batman against Grodd as he created a machine that went terribly wrong as they couldn’t stop it and sent the Jason to another world but it seems that where he was sent is unreachable as he has to deal with more problems now, magical problems.

Chapters (11)

How did it happen the greatest wielder of the Arcane Arts finds himself in the land of ponies but not as himself.

Sent there by a powerful curse cast by the evil Dormammu and Baron Mordo.

Will the Sorcerer Supreme find his way back home or choose to remain.

Dr. Strange will be a combination of the comics, the cartoons, and the movie in the way he acts and speaks plus some of my own tweaks here and there.

Chapters (2)

Apparently, Fluttershy would like a lot of other ponies to be trees too. In a good way, of course.

A little ditty for the Quills & Sofas contest to help end LBGT Month with a bang.

Pic credit goes to inuhoshi-to-darkpen

Chapters (1)