I might be done here. But writing will always continue
Proud citizen of the Upper Echelon of Mediocrity!
YO! I write stuff. Primarily comedy for now but I will experiment with other genre's. some will go better that others.
Whats up, welcome to the page, it may not be fancy hopefully you guys/Girls enjoy my content.... when i put content up
More of an artist than a writer XP Might as well give it a shot though, right?
I love MLP, and I love writing. Hoping to read some awesome stuff here. :)
A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.
Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)
A rocking brony with a love for crossover and adventure. Currently part time in college
Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, melting the wax, and so Icarus fell into the sea and drowned.
If my life was a movie, it would be "Ed Wood". Blissfully creating for the fun of it.
Just a man with loads of free time and loads of fanfiction ideas
Hello! I am Ceehoff, and as you see, I'm the author of "Equestria's First Human". Welcome to my FimFiction page! Here, you can read the other stories I have written other than EFH. Enjoy your stay!
What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.
I'm a quasi-professional internet technologies specialist who dabbles in fanfiction. I write, draw, and sometimes edit. When I'm not creating, I'm sleeping. Mornings are my mortal enemy.
Creator of stories, reviewer of shitty fanfics, and hangs out with a fictional lesbian couple. I also like sexy RPs.
I'm posting some of my stories from the /fb/ general on /mlp/ and I'll be writing some other stuff from time to time.
If I ever get good at Rocket League, I'll change my name to Terra Score-a.
Crossovers and Sci-Fi are my bread and butter.
Just a guy that does whatever comes to mind. Giving the D, trolling, cockblocking, and laughing maniacally may apply.
I look at MLP a bit differently than the average Brony. I don't usually read into things to come up with ships. I keep in mind that the show was made for families (well, mostly: I do write clop).
I am nothing great, just a pony who enjoys reading great stories and trying my best to tell some myself.
Writer/Artist who's been active since the inception of the fandom.
In darkness we swim, hunting for survival. Mankind is that hunter, ruthless in it's pursuits of perfection. The ultimate weapon of destruction is what humans are, forever.
"I'm not racist I hate everyone equally" -Probably from someone I don't know, but I heard it from my dad first.
I am a big Spike fan, so most of my fanfics will have Spike and/or CMC as the main hero's. If you have come here for some logic than this is the wrong place...maybe
A thoroughly average Joe with an off color sense of humor.
An American who doesn't go to cons. Follow me on my Tumblr and on Fanfiction.net.
My body maybe on Earth but my heart is among the stars
WA brony, novice writer with a love for anime and manga
Hi there! The names Kro! Hope you enjoy your stay!