• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2019


Hello! I am Ceehoff, and as you see, I'm the author of "Equestria's First Human". Welcome to my FimFiction page! Here, you can read the other stories I have written other than EFH. Enjoy your stay!


BRONYCON AROUND DA CORNER · 9:58pm Jul 30th, 2014


I'm really, really excited for this! This is the first legitimate Con I'm going to, let alone be a vendor there! If you want to catch me, I'm at booth 1005 :) I'll let you guys know if I'm wrong.


I want to let you know that I love you :)

Peace out!

And Ceehoff out!

Report Ceehoff · 997 views ·

Update to Equestria's First Human description! · 2:53am Jul 7th, 2014

Hey, guys!

Sorry that I've been inactive lately with updating stories. College was eating me up.

I just wanted to let you all know that I have updated the link to the Equestria's First Human blog, which IS STILL ALIVE, BTW!! (for those who can't seem to find it).

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EFH has it's own TV Tropes Page! · 11:05pm May 23rd, 2014

Feel free to check it out!

Much appreciation to redandready45 for making it. That was really cool of you! :)

Here's the link!

Show this guy some love :)

As for college, this is upcoming final week of the quarter, so I'll be going back to finish stories and draw ponies :)

Ceehoff out.

Report Ceehoff · 898 views ·

Something about the EFH Tumblr blog · 10:13pm May 6th, 2014

I've some people saying that he or she can't find the blog.

Also, I have been wondering WHY my most recent post hasn't been getting any notes :/ Maybe that's it.

So, just to clear things up, the blog is STILL in action!

So here's what I'll do: I'm going to put the updated URL of the blog in this blog post and it'll redirect you to the blog. http://equestrias-first-human.tumblr.com

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Welp! It's all done an Paid! :3 · 3:05am Apr 18th, 2014

Thank you to those who participated, and as promised, I'll get to your commissions soon :3

Just know that because of schoolwork, commissions might come out slow. Got lots of animation stuff to do!

Anyhoo, thank you!

Ceehoff out.

Report Ceehoff · 667 views ·

I NEED HELP! · 1:54am Apr 14th, 2014


I'm going to be holding a drive to earn enough money to pay for the vendor table at BronyCon this year, and it has to be paid before the 17th.

I would deeply appreciate it if you would participate in this drive and help a brother out.

It's all in the description.

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Report Ceehoff · 677 views ·

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! And a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, too! · 4:39pm Feb 14th, 2014

Report Ceehoff · 795 views ·

Some changes in EFH · 10:50pm Jan 10th, 2014

Hello, everybody! Just letting you all know that I have made some changes in chapters ten, eleven, and twelve.

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Report Ceehoff · 760 views ·

New fic coming up! Crossover! · 10:21pm Oct 30th, 2013

Hey, followers!

Just letting you know about a fic that I had just started on today. I just couldn't resist XD

It's going to be a short, experimental, fun story surrounding the question, "What if this was involved with this?".

I'll give you guys a hint with this reference:

"And shepherds we shall be,
For Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy Hand,
that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy Command,
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

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Report Ceehoff · 808 views ·

Question about Connor's character · 1:59pm Oct 4th, 2013

Hey guys!

I might need some feedback.

Someone made a comment about Connor's character, being kind if a "pathetic asswipe" and I should make him more relatable. Plus, when things have been written in final (well, not really because of the rewrite) it's pretty hard to make any more dramatic changes.

What do you guys think about Connor's character, and what could be done better if it ls not pleasing enough?

It would be much appreciated if you could help :)

Thank you,

Report Ceehoff · 784 views ·