• Member Since 20th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2016


If I ever get good at Rocket League, I'll change my name to Terra Score-a.


TerraForming: Day 7 · 3:42am Aug 16th, 2015

Wrote ~2500 words, completed a chapter, but I'm not completely happy about it. I'm going to take another day to figure out why it makes me unhappy. I lost about 800 words to a stupid mistake on my part and the chapter diverged slightly from what I had originally written, so my unhappiness probably lies there.

Also, I've written a few hundred words for the next chapter of Academy. I don't know what it is about that story that makes it so easy to write, but there you go.

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TerraForming: Day 6 · 6:32am Aug 15th, 2015

I went to a baseball game which lasted far longer than it had any right to, so I wasn't able to write anything today. As per my promise, I'll spend tomorrow updating a story. However, in order to appease the gods, I've dug into my plethora of unfinished stories and found one to share for those who wish to read it.

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Terraforming: Day 5 · 6:40am Aug 14th, 2015

I've got an hour and a half to write this out. Would have started earlier, but Critical Role streams on Thursdays and I am a sucker for Dungeons and Dragons.

Prompt: Firsts (suggested by Auramane)

[Slice of Life] [Canon to the First Meeting/First Impressions Universe]

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Terraforming: Day 4 · 4:47am Aug 13th, 2015

Wrote 2,138 words, updated Academy.

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Terraforming: Day 3 · 4:18am Aug 12th, 2015

No short story today, but I managed to write 1300 words of a new chapter, so I hope to update in another day or two. Just an update to keep track of what I'm doing. I don't know. Ask me something if you want. Or don't. Seriously, why are you even reading this, it's barely 50 words long.

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TerraForming: Day 2 · 5:01am Aug 11th, 2015

Side goal to add to main goal of writing more: Write earlier in the day.

Prompt: Discord and Celestia/Discord's Origin (suggested by Kapuchu)

[Tragedy?] [Slice of Life?] [Thank God I Don't Actually Have to Tag This]

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TerraForming: Day 1 · 5:18am Aug 10th, 2015

Writing is hard. Wait, no. That's a lie. Continuous writing is hard. I am more than capable of sitting down at my laptop and typing out a few hundred words. I am also more than capable of going multiple weeks without adding a single letter to one of my stories. Does that make me a terrible person? No, of course not. There are many things in my life that take precedent over my scribblings about kissy pones or whatever it is I write about. It would be a different story if I was making any kind of

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Here's the Deal/Seamless · 5:36am Feb 13th, 2015

Greetings all!

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Not An Apology (But Kinda) · 5:08am Jan 17th, 2015


So, I'm sure that a few of you noticed that I've been dead for... quite a while now. If you hadn't noticed, then I'm slightly sad, and also slightly angry at myself for bringing my death to your attention. Not that you aren't at fault here too; you weren't even at my funeral. It was a very lovely service. At least, I assume that it was lovely. It was closed-casket, so I didn't have a very good view.


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Where's Terra? · 7:59am Aug 18th, 2014

I'm writing this from the backseat of a Nissan Altima. I have been in the backseat of a Nissan Altima for about 20 hours and in the shotgun seat of a Nissan Altima for an additional 7 hours.

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