• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2018


Just a guy that does whatever comes to mind. Giving the D, trolling, cockblocking, and laughing maniacally may apply.


Reporting in with bad news. · 2:04am Dec 1st, 2017

*Peeks into the fandom awkwardly* Hi~, how's it going? 😅

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Checking in while still alive. · 7:53am Jul 11th, 2017

Hey guys, just checking out the site since I was last on, and wow, looks like there have been a lot of changes. :derpyderp2:

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What's happening recently. · 4:29pm May 15th, 2017

So for those of you who've read the epilogue to TOWAT, thank you for reading it to the end. If you haven't gotten into it yet, go and take a look, but there's mother/son incest involved, otherwise, avoid it like the plague if that isn't your cup of tea.

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Apologies · 10:27pm Feb 27th, 2017

Let's get some worries out of the way:

1) I'm not dead. I still come on here to read the fics while I'm at work during break and lunch.
2) I'm not quitting TMS. I vowed I'd get the series done before the end of this year (which is especially special since this is my chinese new year, the rooster, though I'm not sure if that's a good motivator).

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Sucky Holiday Updates, a.k.a. Vent Blog. · 8:32pm Dec 28th, 2016

So yeah ... Christmas kind of blew for me this year, specifically with work. Seriously, fuck retail during the holidays, and I thought working at a grocery store during this time was bad.

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An Early Thanksgiving Gift and Updates. · 12:31am Nov 24th, 2016

Sometime today I'll be posting a chapter from two stories to show my thanks to you all for sticking by me. I would have put up three chapters to get one story finished, but I didn't have the chance to have the last chapter get a look. So maybe soon I'll put up that chapter as an early "White Christmas" gift. :raritywink:

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Honestly, I thought this country will go to shit no matter who won. · 9:50am Nov 9th, 2016

Heck, this year in general was totally out of proportions. Mass shootings, some bombings, bigotry, and now, we have a president who may as well represent who we are as a nation at this very moment.

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Report Dudeler · 423 views ·

Back in Business, and a Progress Report (6). · 3:58am Nov 3rd, 2016

Hey guys, sorry for the recurring delays, but I'm happy to report that my new computer is up and running, playing games like a dream. :twilightsmile: Here's what my upgraded work station looks like:

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Night blogging (15): Computer, stress, and spending time. · 6:41am Oct 19th, 2016

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted anything like I said I would. Some things came up and I probably could have planned some things a little better. Good news, though. I'll have my new custom made computer by tomorrow! :pinkiehappy: I'll be picking it up after work tomorrow, head straight home, set it up, have dinner, and [hopefully] everything will be ready for me to finally get back to writing again. I still have a couple chapters from my other stories that need to be edited, which will be my

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Life updates: Computer, money, and time · 6:18pm Sep 20th, 2016

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Ironic how I was going to update a couple chapters to my stories this month when my laptop suddenly decided to die on me. :facehoof: So unless I want to risk exposing my interests while doing my work on my parents' computer, I'm stuck until I get enough money for a desktop. Not just any, though. I'm getting this customized for me to play games on and not lag/slow down. Hopefully then I'll have something that will last longer than my laptop that had for about

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