
Viewing 1 - 20 of 129 results

Eff emm ell · 3:50am Mar 15th, 2017

Just sound out the blog name. Just once. That's how I feel right now, honestly. The past few weeks have been awful.

So I go and see my great grandma in the hospital because we thought she had a heart attack. Turns out, it was just gas buildup due to her past stomach surgeries. Thank goodness that's all it was.

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Report QuinnyOnMain · 374 views · #Stress

Update · 12:18pm Jun 14th, 2015

I've decided to end my story, The Biggest Meanie In The World, on the fourth chapter. Mainly because writing another chapter was impossible to me. And I also always wanted to end a story like one of those where the ending is up for the imagination.

Report The-darkevil101 · 398 views · #stress

Jesus am I stressed, or How I deal with stress · 11:31pm Jun 26th, 2017

Yeah, I'm seriously stressed. Usually, I just think about happy thoughts and stuff like "I can't get through this, I always do!" and that usually works. I'm doing that right now, and I think it's working. I think distraction is really the best medicine for stress. But not unhealthy distraction—I mean doing the things you need to do, but not thinking about doing them. Or rather, not worrying about the outcome, and instead preparing the best you possibly can. Like today, I watched Spiderman, the

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Sighs. · 5:50pm May 29th, 2019

Ugh. Sometimes I literally don't know what I should do about certain things. On one hoof, I agree with my dad that my ex-husband is a lazy good for nothing, and IF I had someone else willing to TEACH me how to f*cking drive, I would have told him to leave when I moved back with my dad.

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Report Nailah · 316 views · #mlp #stressed

Can someone please tell me what I need to do? · 3:32am Dec 7th, 2021

Should I just quit and never do a fanfiction again? Or should I keep going until I improve? Is it because of how I've been treating you all? Is that why I keep getting downvotes? Please tell me what you need from me and I'll do it. Sorry. It's just that I want someone to tell me what to do or give me the answer to what they need from me.

Again, sorry.


So the Universe got me and Hubby an Anniversary Present... · 11:58pm May 4th, 2018

For those not keeping track, this last Monday (April 30th) was my one-year wedding anniversary with my darling dearest husband.
Well... On the 27th (Friday), the Universe gifted us it's present... and I wanted to return it and punch the Universe in the teeth.

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I'm not ignoring you. I promise · 10:51pm Feb 19th, 2016

I have a lot of friends on here and we talk all the time. I am trying to keep in touch. I promise. Right now my phone isn't working, I'm just getting over being sick, I'm dealing with my grandma who is sick, work, and then a whole bunch of family issues. I'm so stressed out right now and the only time I can really do stuff is early in the morning when I'm alone. I'll get back into my routine soon and with my stories soon. I promise :heart:


D: sowwy · 10:06pm Apr 25th, 2016

Sorry I haven't updated anything lately. I just haven't had any determination to write.

At all.

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A Temporary Lack of Forward Momentum · 7:11am Aug 20th, 2017

Due to a number of personal and professional headaches, it has become next to impossible to get into any sort of serious writing groove.

The author requests the continued patience and understanding of his audience for the time being.

Rest assured, things are being written, just very slowly. Like, 100-200 words a day slowly.

No worries though. I anticipate returning to a normally productive writing schedule in the next week or so.

I hope.

I really, really hope.

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In an effort to lessen my work load (and because I got writer's block) · 6:46pm Nov 27th, 2020

I have put A Cozy Tale on hiatus.

As you have probably guessed, I like to be noticed and adored. And in order to noticed and adored, I write stories on here and I had started uploading funny little SFM animations onto YouTube every Friday. Unfortunately, I also have a nasty tendency to work on multiple projects at once which results in me getting burnt out quicker which results in delays which results in me getting frustrated because I'm not getting my adulation fix.

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So Here's Some Things · 2:16am Oct 3rd, 2016

Hey everyone. Ponka here.

Sorry I haven't been able to put anything out over the past few months. I know I promised something by the end of June, but I was never able to go through with it.

The thing is, I'm going through hell right now. School is starting again and it just sucks, and family isn't helping either. All this has forced me to put my current ideas on hold for now. I apologize for this.

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Report Madame Ponka · 367 views · #Delay #Bleh #Stress

Woah… · 12:40am Feb 3rd, 2023

HEY HEY HEY I DIDN’T…and you locked me in here…great…

Hey guys it really has been awhile…I…I’m not dead…just went through a lot in 2022 and now I have returned…this time my soul focus is continuing and finishing Stressful Nights without rushing things of course…my writer block is gone and I shall continue it. In other news that’s about it actually.

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Report silvermoon15000 · 196 views · #Return #Stress #life

*cry* · 10:23pm Sep 24th, 2016

Homecoming game and dance are next Friday and Saturday...I got a dress but no shoes, jewelry or a ticket! Wah!!:raritycry: Gotta get that stuff this week!


Delays, Stress, and Operations · 4:26am Nov 16th, 2017

Just a short blog to tell you all chapter 31 of Long Live the Queen will be delayed as well. :facehoof: This has been a very stressful week and I've barely been able to write a paragraph because my mind is entirely elsewhere.
First and most important- My mother will be going into surgery tomorrow morning for a hysterectomy. I am terrified for her. (Sure it is an easy procedure from what I hear, but I am just a big worrywort, especially for the people I care about most.)

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Update/Apology · 5:13am May 1st, 2016

To be quite frank, I'm actually embarrassed to do this, but it needed to be done. Because this is probably one of many times I may procrastinate on a project and wait a few days before the deadline to actually continue it. I have the rough draft for Chapter three on NRFH. I just couldn't get around to finishing it due to an acute case of Writers Block.

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Holy Crap, I'm Finally Moved · 3:22am Dec 17th, 2018

As of Today, I am officially moved into my new house. I moved the last load of stuff out of the old one this morning. Okay, technically I still have a few odds and sods to do, like filing my change-of-address with the post office, and updating all my billing and mailing addresses for the bank and utilities and so on, but aside from a little bit of cleanup and picking up the mail for another week or two, I have no reason at all to go back to that old shithole I was living in.

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Stress Relief Bonus Chapter · 6:06am May 27th, 2020

I couldn't help myself! I had to write in another bonus clop chapter to Stress Relief:rainbowwild:

Check it out!

Let me know what you think, and if I should do a sequel or not.

Have a good day everyone. Please stay safe and WASH YOUR HANDS:raritywink:

Cheers: Dashie1791


Requests cancelled · 4:53am Sep 28th, 2015

School has begun again for me and in the thick if it I was editing stories, making art, and dragging my feet in real life. I'm sorry to all who I am doing art for! Things have just been so stressful I cannot continue with those extra projects. Please forgive me for any inconvenience.:ajsleepy:


Im back!!! · 9:51am May 24th, 2020

Hey everyone, Dashie1791 here! I hope that you are all doing well and are staying safe during these crazy times.

After a long hiatus I have decided to start writing again and release content on here. I am still working on a couple other projects that I have been meaning to finish, but considering I won't be working for awhile I have lot's of free time on my hands.

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Sorry!.... · 8:54pm Feb 16th, 2016

With all the insanity from this past week and into this week, I'm afraid there won't be a Inspirational Thoughts blog this week.....:facehoof:...sorry people life has just got to me and I just can't this week. Sorry! Next week for sure! :twilightsmile:

Report Phoenix Heart 27 · 378 views · #life #stress #sighs
Viewing 1 - 20 of 129 results