
Viewing 1 - 20 of 152 results

Quick Update · 12:24am Jun 18th, 2021

I got a new computer and had to get all of my data transferred from my old one, so forgive me that I wasn't able to get any work done the last few days. Honestly I feel like I'm starting to go down the past of those fake people who say they are making or developing something for the attention or money and never follow through with it, but I swear chapters are coming! Thank you for your time.

Report RandomChance · 285 views · #computer

Forgot to mention... · 6:33pm May 23rd, 2021

Remember that computer that was acting up? I was just realizing that I never mentioned what I ultimately did about that, so I'm doing that now.

First, while I didn't absolutely need to, I bought a new case for it, because I didn't really like the old one.

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Report SweetAI Belle · 154 views · #computer

Sharing my accounts with Dana. · 1:00am Jul 30th, 2015

Well. Since my computer is still out of order and my girlfriend Dana will only let me use hers for short periods of time, I have struck a deal with her.

She will be allowed to share use of my deviantART,, and Tumblr accounts, and in return she will let me share the use of her computer.

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Report Kirb · 220 views · #computer

Vintage Computing eBay Store · 1:56pm Aug 25th, 2023

I'm trying to sell a TON of vintage computing equipment in a warehouse. My brother's been going all over the states buying stuff up, but doesn't have the time to make money off all of it. Not long ago, we had an NEC MultiSync XM-2960 Plus 27" monitor—yes, the Holy Grail. Just last week we had a very rare Texas Instruments TI-99/4 Zenith 13” color monitor. I can't move this stuff fast enough! If anyone's interested, come and check out our inventory. It's always updating, so if you're looking for

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Good news and bad news. · 1:07am Mar 24th, 2016

Well everyone, you will be happy to know I was able to fix my computer and get it running again, unfortunately, I was forced to wipe my hard drive in order to do this. Because of this, I no longer have a way to write my stories, and it is going to be a couple of days before I can get a copy of Microsoft Word again, so till then, no story updates. Till then, if you guys have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop them on by, I love hearing from you guys.


Grrr. Dumb computer · 1:41pm Jul 23rd, 2017

In the ever continuing saga of fate kneecapping me whenever she gets an opportunity, my PC crashed last night.

It's a Windows 8.1 machine, and when it bluescreened, it had a memory management error. The internet says that my RAM might be bad, which isn't the end of the world.

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So my computer broke... · 10:22am Aug 29th, 2016

Hopefully, I can get it fixed. That, or I buy a new CPU and motherboard and start all over again.

I'm thinking about getting a cheap labtop and put not very much things on it to keep stable.

I will still write fan fiction on my phone. But I will need more help them ever with editors, because phones suck.

Luckily, I still have my phone though, plus Xbox one and Internet. If didn't have those I be tearing my hair now.

Report Bendy · 259 views · #Computer #broken

Finally getting a new PC. · 7:03pm Nov 25th, 2016

And by getting, I mean that I'm recieving a stream of parts through the mail to build a new $500 video editing/gaming/game development rig.

Once I finish building it, the only thing holding me back will be sucky Comcast internet!!! :pinkiecrazy:


New Year 2024- New Projects 1939 · 5:42am January 1st

Still working on everything else this year, but I've got a sequel/prequel to Equestria: 1940 in the works, both a series of short stories set in the 1940 world up to the Equestrian moon project, and a war story showing some behind the scenes details about the war. For a little country the size of Ohio in the northern Atlantic, it has a lot of potential. Explosive, mostly. Snippets after the break.

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Report Georg · 402 views · #computers #Equestria1940

Computer Update (sort of fix) · 11:28pm Oct 25th, 2017

On Monday, I purchased a new used computer from a neighbor. So far, it's functioning quite well (I can even play Overwatch on it... if I could fix the glitch preventing it from starting. Low priority, though). I still want to fix the laptop, though...

Report KnightMysterio · 408 views · #Computer #issue

Computer problems. · 7:26pm Aug 16th, 2018

Let me preface this: Don't worry, this won't delay me writing.

But on the July 27th I was having some problems that my Microcenter ID'd as a motherboard issue. They took it in since it was under warranty (always buy it people!) and today on the 16th of august they call and tell me they have the new motherboard installed and now the keyboard's all scrambled and they need to order new parts from Acer's outlet in canada (and my store's in Columbus, Ohio) so they have me a choice:

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8 Features of HPC Computing for Improved Work Productivity · 9:25am Apr 7th, 2023

In order to solve complex issues that require a lot of processing, HPC computing refers to the usage of computing systems that are built to deliver high performance. They typically consist of a number of nodes or processors that collaborate to carry out massive computations.

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Report judywatson · 45 views · #HPC Computing

Bradel Needs CS Advice · 5:34pm Dec 5th, 2015

Hey all.

Sorry about dropping off-grid for a lot of the last month. I'd been expecting to get a lot of pony stuff done lately, but I got hit with a sudden change in my plans for the winter just before Thanksgiving. In fact, that's what I'd like to talk about here.

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Bad news · 3:45pm Sep 19th, 2015

My computer has crashed because of a virus, so until I can get it fixed updating and even coming on the site is up to my phone.... and the Wi-Fi doesn't work well with it for some reason! :twilightangry2:

In a week I'll probably be back to full swing.


Broken computer · 1:48am Feb 25th, 2018

Okay so a few of y'all may have noticed that i havent gotten further on my writing for 'An Awkward Encounter' and the reason is my laptops screen got screwed up:flutterrage: so because of that i cant continue to write the story. Whats more, a recently became unemployed before the screen broke so i cant afford a repair on the thing yet. I'll let y'all know when its fixed.

Again i must appologize for the delays and i hope everyone can understand my situation.:raritycry::facehoof:


Update! My laptop lives! · 5:28am Dec 21st, 2016

Good news everyone! my computer is up and running! I'm no longer stuck with a crumby tablet! Hurray! anyways here's the skivvy on some future plans of mine.

.Edit and upload No Mere Human chapters 3 and 4
.Rewwrite Finding My Muse?
.Finish and submitmy story for a specialproject+ you'll see soon :twilightsmile: .


Ughghghgh · 3:15am Aug 22nd, 2016

I dunno if it's my computer or what but I can't load my art for a cover for a new story thing I'm trying to do. Every time I try to save the art to the story, the pages takes forever to reload and my art doesn't pop up.

Stupid thing... or maybe it's more my old ass stupid computer.

Edit: And yet apparently blog posts go through in a snap...

Report Gpizano · 278 views · #stupid #computer #art

Better get creative! · 9:08pm Jun 11th, 2015

While we're doing electricity in our science unit, we were using comic life 2 to make a comic. we can choose any theme we want so I chose my little pony. While we were logging on, that stupid Kaden Kroker (who is a boy in my class) called me stupid and said I was an idiot.

Thank goodness my sixth grade teacher Mrs. Steingart had stopped this little argument:rainbowderp: (Because I'm still in 6th grade going on to grade 7)

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My Day · 6:39am Jun 18th, 2015

Wake up.
See it's 50 minutes before I have to get to work, meaning I don't have time to edit almost 2k words of Twaith and publish.
Get ready.
Get to work.
Department manager is gone, so i begin to zone.
Because of recent problems with it, I start trying to clear overstock.
The amount of overstock that is immediately is found gets me annoyed.
Get told my endcaps are bad, and have to almost be entirely cleared... so more overstock.

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Good News · 10:38pm Jul 26th, 2017

Good news, all.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 152 results