(insert Twist icon here) · 7:45pm Jun 15th, 2015
Well I posted the exorcist character!
Go find out who's that is and that actually it's a little thing for her, but she got some attention at least!
And chapter thirteen is a go!
Well I posted the exorcist character!
Go find out who's that is and that actually it's a little thing for her, but she got some attention at least!
And chapter thirteen is a go!
Hiya everyone,
Just a quick note to let everyone know the first full chapter of Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision being released under the new posting schedule format, chapter 63 Operator Headspace , has just been uploaded for your reading pleasure. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. :)
As always: Comments, questions, suggestions, or critiques are welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated.
Hey guys, A new chapter for A New Destiny: Wrath of the Elders is finally out. It took a awhile, but that was mainly being busy with school and trying to plan what direction I wanted to take the story. I hope you guys enjoy it :)
[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]
Chapter 2 is in the works and is about 1/2 of the way done here is a little outtake from it
“Hey, it’s Time Bomb!”
Alright so Chapter 2 has been posted hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 3 will be posted later today or early tomorrow.
Check out the New Chapter(s) for 'The Flash' meets 'The Dash'
New chapter is up. I discussed it in the lengthy Author's Note. Nothing special here; this is just an alert for those that are following me.
"Hmmmmm..... Yaaaaawwwnnnnnn" my mouth running on auto pilot as I return to the waking world of tiny magical horses and their land of sunshine and rainbows.
Till I felt a slight tugging on my pajamas, and a sizeable lump on my covers.
With a slow hand, I gently raised the blankets and saw Her with the end of my pants' drawstring in her mouth, midway through undoing the knot, and her eyes meeting mine.
I have a totally rad excuse on why Chapter IV: "Glimpse the Unthinkable" is taking so long to finish. It's because I've been working nonstop since Saturday, and was only able to get about 1,000 words down so far. By this weekend at the latest, it should be complete. Let's just say some loose ends are gonna be tied up before Chapter V: "Nemesis of Reason" and Chapter VI: "Celestial Mantle".
I will try to upload 1 chapter every (other) day^^
Hope you enjoy something more gritty! ♥
Let's cross hooves nothing goes too wrong and you don't have to wait for the last chapter to leave my head!
I know i can't wait to get it done! Driving me nuts for nearly 4 years now... *sigh* ... gotta force myself *grabs crop* :i
As I translate the story, I'm finding more and more that I have to break some of the chapters up. For example, after my wife and I read the story together aloud (untranslated script version), my daughter wanted to do the same. We came to a chapter in Volume 4 that took us over three hours to read! I went back to check the page count and found that chapter was forty-five pages long! Needless to say, I had to split it up into two chapters. :-)
Hey guys just wanted to let you know I’m still around and that C&C:ED’s next chapter is at about a thousand words but as I’ve stated before writing is a hobby don’t expect that chapter anytime soon.
5:00pm (or near enough, close enough), time for an update!
Phew. Chapter 1 to 4 have been updated and edits are live now. Averaging around 500 new words for each chapter. Chapter 4 has the biggest changes made to it. Nothing too game changing I'm hoping, as in chapter 4.5 I will be (re)addressing/visiting bits that were mentioned.
Not 100% confident with what I've done so far but feeling good none the less. Chapter 4.5 is taking shape while Chapter 5 eagerly awaits to be made live.
With Sweetie Belle lured the Twilight’s Castle our story continues.
Among other things, you'll learn how the race of Changelings came to be.
I have finally posted Chapter 5 and 6 back to back! Thanks for your patience.
Also, I have some artwork ideas for them and will work on them when I can.
Check out the new chapter for A Story Told, everyone! Hope you’ll enjoy
Ps: I know its pretty short with just about one thousand words but I promise I’ll make up for it later
As the title suggests Chapter 63: One Down, Five to Go is finished and will be released tomorrow. I would like to apologize for how long it had since the last two chapters. This chapter taking longer to write than the last two chapters combined. So again my apologies. I won't go into the details as to why it took so long here, I'll leave that for the footnotes of the most recent chapter, but to put it simply some personal shit came and it became a little difficult to write at the moment.
Just like the title says...