• Member Since 8th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Story/Chapter Progress

Tale of the Second Alpha

Chapter 64: Our Town: 10% complete (The first scene is halfway finished.).

Currently around 1500 words. The finished chapter is likely to be around 8,000-9,000 words.

A Lunar Proposal:

Chapter 1: Title Unspecified: 30% complete (The opening scene is finished. The second scene having just been started.)

Currently around 2800 words. The finished chapter is likely going to be around 8,000-8500 words.

Latest Stories


Chapter 63 Finished! · 5:33am Mar 13th, 2022

As the title suggests Chapter 63: One Down, Five to Go is finished and will be released tomorrow. I would like to apologize for how long it had since the last two chapters. This chapter taking longer to write than the last two chapters combined. So again my apologies. I won't go into the details as to why it took so long here, I'll leave that for the footnotes of the most recent chapter, but to put it simply some personal shit came and it became a little difficult to write at the moment.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Comment posted by Bergen deleted Dec 12th, 2018
Comment posted by Harms Way deleted Dec 12th, 2018

We meet yet again, my friend. Long time no see.

Thank you for the fave on Catching Up. :twilightblush:

2177269 I liked both of the stories a while ago so it just made sense to favorite them. Keep up the great work.

Our paths cross again, my friend.

Thank you for the faves on Hit The Showers and Party of Two. :rainbowdetermined2::pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the fave on Study Time and for the follow as well! :raritywink::twilightsmile:

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