• Member Since 5th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen July 1st


Fimfic Writer, Proofreader and Editor to those who request it, and a sucker for stories with parental themes.


(Pandoraverse by Lopoddity)

The great and powerful Trixie resigned in her cave when she noticed how beautiful the river was today. She planned to relax in her comfy cushion and watch the streaming river, however, her excited son came before her and disrupted her peace. Though Trixie wasn’t all that upset. Not when it came to her greatest creation.

Artwork by Lopoditty

Chapters (1)

Within a world of realms held by a wondrous tree known as the Cosmic Tree, Lune Star, a deceptive and studious young unicorn, desires to find her place in the world. One day, she is given an opportunity to unravel her destiny when she learns the existence of a Norn spirit. Never did she realize this would mark her beginning to an adventure that would decide the fate of her world.


Book 1

Progress: 1/13

Next: E2: Bearers of the Cosmic Seed, part 1

Art Cover commissioned by JodtheCod



Chapters (17)

Sombra and Radiant Hope ventured through every crevice of Equestria to gather the missing pieces of Princess Amore. One day, Sombra discovered the final piece and the return of their loving Princess was nigh.

But what waits for Amore in a world that no longer feels like her own. What purpose could she serve when all of it has been relinquished? And what could she possibly do when she does not understand who exactly she is?

Progress: 03/20

Next: Chapter 4, The Shadow

Art Cover commissioned by Doodle-Mark

Chapters (4)

On her scavenge for volt shrooms in the bayou, Meadowbrook comes across a shadow that will alter her future for the good and worst. Follow her tale of love, hope, and despair as tries to build a future with a stallion trapped in the past.

A re-telling of the short story, Healing Shadows

Progress: 07/25+

Next: Chapter 8, Hearts and Clovers

Art Cover commissioned by Doodle-Mark


Chapters (8)

Spitfire suffers an injury during a flight practice before the beginning of the Wonderbolt's Hearth's Warming break. Being stuck in her mother's home has Spitfire thinking about stuff. Stuff that she rathered not touched upon.

This was written for anonymous browser as a part of Jinglemas 20XX! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Art cover by Sinrar

Chapters (1)

Celestia discovers that Luna has been using magic to attend to her hygiene rather than bathe like every normal pony does. As Luna’s caring older sister, she must have her sister conform to contemporary society, by force if need be.

Story inspired by Get Clean! by ocalhoun

Edited by EverfreePony. Proofread by axxuy, PoisonClaw, Sweetolebob18, and ScienceNova.

Art Cover commissioned by Doodle-Mark

Chapters (2)

Featherweight is a simple stallion that runs a simple newspaper company for Ponyville. Yet somehow, he's managed to catch the eyes of the fairest mare of them all. It almost seems too good to be true...

Entry for Cozy Glow Short Story Contest

Selected Prompts:

They’d set her free. They’d told her she deserved another chance. She didn’t know what being reformed meant, though, in a world where the heroes crushed the wrong-doers with overwhelming force.

Cozy’s got a secret! Whether or not it’s hers is for her to know and you to find out.

Edited by SirReal

Chapters (1)

After the coronation of Princess Twilight, life continues onwards for creatures in a new era. For Meadowbrook, she continues her life at Hayseed Swamp, enlightening the new generation, contributing all she can to her home and every creature.

But one day, she met a creature she never thought to see to come back to these lands. And to find that creature is such a sorry state, what else could she do but be true to herself.

Entry for May Pairing Contest 2020

Cover art by xbi

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis was certain that it was the time to birth a successor to the throne after capturing all of her enemies. But her reign came to a swift end and she could no longer abstain the birth when she had finally begun. Her child was born under her sole protection. No changeling army to ward off her foes, no secure hive to leave her child in with complete safety.

But then she established a truce with Tirek and Cozy Glow and together they had attained the power of Grogar from the legends. Before her successor would hatch from its egg, she will attain a kingdom that is befitting of the next queen...But in the end, she failed yet again.

Peace was struck amongst many creatures in Equestria and they have lived plentifully of years of harmony and happiness. But what of the egg that only Chrysalis knew of? The egg that was now orphaned due to the power of friendship.

Character List-Here

Progress: 14/27+

Chapter 15: Monster Brawl

Cover art commissioned by Doodle-Mark


Chapters (15)

The Washouts have been a wide sensation across Equestria as Lightning decided to do a tour all across its lands. Things were going smoothly until her crew were caught in an accident during practice, locking them in the hospital for the rest of the tour. Lightning is left to find replacements for their tour and her luck was answered when two creatures offered their help as Washouts, but recruiting them added new complications she failed to consider.

An entry for The Discovery – A Young Six Writing Contest

**Disclaimer** The stunts performed in this story may (if not definitely) appear far too unrealistic if you think about it, so I believe adding realism in those regards may muddle your immersion in the story.

Cover art by ohemo.

Chapters (7)