• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Writing for fun. Mainly focusing on Sunset Shimmer and Equastria Girls related content

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Each day is a new adventure



Story update · 11:23am Jan 6th, 2019

I've just finished uploading the last chapter of The diary of Starswirl The Bearded. Hope you enjoyed this little story. I am sorry it took so long. I will do my best with our newest one. If you would like me to write anything specific, just let me know.
As always yours

Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Thanks for adding Twilight and Sunset try making a naughty video: Redux to your favorites list!

Thank you for adding my story to your favorites

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jun 10th, 2022
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jun 10th, 2022
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jun 10th, 2022
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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