• Member Since 24th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen November 6th

Warden of Monsters

I am He who explores infinite possible realities through the magic of literature!

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A Different Approach · 5:22am Dec 3rd, 2019

Hello friends! I realize I've been away for a long while now, and it genuinely upsets me. But I've been struggling with life for a while now, and so I've been heavily distracted. But I'm back, and I want to keep up my writing.

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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Formerly HTKWolfe, I am renewing my activity on this site! I'll start with focusing on my stories two at a time! Starting with the long awaited Playground Bicycle! And I'm pleased to say that Mastering Twilight will be almost entirely rewritten due to the negative comments.

Don't be alarmed Luna117, no extra charge since those chapters currently up have already been paid for.

Speaking of money, I've decided to take a crack at using my writing to support my livelihood. Baby steps of course, all good things come to those who wait. And so I've set the goal for my Patreon to just have 50 Patrons, regardless of what they decide to pledge.

In conclusion it's great to be back, and I hope I entertain you guys with the fics that I have planned.

That is a character of my own creation actually, I commissioned an artist on DeviantArt to bring her to life.

Who is the woman in your avatar, and where is she from?

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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