• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Lunar connoisseur serving up slices of life. Ko-Fi page


One evening, Twilight Velvet, book editor for Hoovesbury Publishing and mother of two, meets her newest client: aspiring writer Sunny Skies, who writes of distant lands and people from across the world, who has as many secrets as Celestia has loving subjects.

It didn't matter to her much, so long as Sunny did her work, and Velvet hers. But as the seasons pass by and their acquaintance grows, Velvet finds that perhaps she and Sunny are more alike than she could have ever imagined.

Set before Season 1.

Now with an audio reading by skysayl! Thanks a bunch :twilightsmile:

Third Place in the 2023 May Pairings Contest!

4/5 Stars from Loganberry's Louder Yay!

Featured on Equestria Daily!

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by skysayl and EileenSaysHi. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:

The Great Hall of Asterion excerpts adapted by VoxAdam.

Cover by egriz.

Featured on 29/5/2023-3/6/2023, reaching #1 three hours after publishing!

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer is the daughter of the Sun and the cleverest pony of her age. Yet still she craves more.

For in her sleep and waking hours, Sunset dreams of flight. Every day she longs for the skies she deserved, cursed to be beyond her reach, for it is everything she has ever wanted.

Then along comes a stranger from a faraway land, with rose-coloured wings and love in her heart, and all Sunset wanted to know was how she lived her dream and flew where she could only run.

Meanwhile, Mi Amore Cadenza dreams of a garden wreathed in stardust, with the legacy of a long-forgotten realm shouldered upon her, and her alone...

Set before Season 1.

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

A story in three acts. Each act is completed first before being published. Chapters in each act published every three days.

Featured from 3/2/2023 to 4/2/2023, reaching the #4 spot. Featured again on 6/2/2023 and 9/2/2023.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by skysayl, EileenSaysHi, and Gay For Gadot

Cover drawn by my good friend Grace :twilightsmile:

Ko-Fi page, leave a tip if you feel like it!

Chapters (4)

Izzy Moonbow has always felt alone. Bridlewood was quiet, and its people quieter still.

Then one day, she comes across a moonlit garden, hidden deep amongst the trees. Its caretaker is a strange mare who speaks of the days of old when friends were plentiful and the nights were beautiful.

Her name is Luna.

Received an Honourable Mention / Judge's Pick for the 2022 May Pairings Contest.

Rated Excellent by Ghost Mike!

5/5 Stars from Loganberry's Louder Yay!

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio. Stay tuned!

Now translated into Chinese!

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by The Sleepless Beholder, SockPuppet, Bicyclette, and skysayl. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:

Cover by Plainoasis.

Featured on 25/05/22-31/05/22, reaching the #1 spot in the Featured Box on the first day.

Chapters (5)

When the city of Vanhoover rebels against the Crown, threatening to ignite civil war and tear Equestria apart, it is up to the Princess of the Day to step forth and to do what is necessary to ensure that, no matter what, the Sun shines bright upon Equestria.

And she must do it alone.

First Place Winner of the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest!

Featured for Equestria Daily's Celestia Day!

Recommended by TCC56!

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Based off an idea by SockPuppet.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by Bicyclette, SockPuppet, Raleigh, skysayl, and TheIdiot. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:

Cover by Plainoasis.

Featured from 28/06/2021-2/7/2021, reaching #1 three hours after publishing!

Chapters (4)

Hair dyes weren't always Celestia's thing, but now they are. From yellow to blue and pink, she collects them all. She might like them a little too much. Now, with both retired, Luna wants to know just what's up with all the hair dye.

She's not the first one to ask about them either.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by iAmSiNnEr, TCC56, Grace, RanOutOfIdeas, Bicyclette, Steel Quill, and SockPuppet. Thanks, you guys!

Cover by xXMelody-ScribbleXx

Featured on 07/06/2021-10/06/2021.

Chapters (1)

For little Wallflower Blush, life had always been quiet here in Canterlot, and everything was where it should be. Her family's flower shop was running just fine, school was just enough of a manageable hassle, and though she found it a lonely life, it was a life she was fine with.

Then one day, who else should she find loitering about in the flower shop, with a whole baggage of issues to sort out, if not the Princess' own personal student? And when she starts talking to her, and no other, perhaps it won't be so lonely after all.

9.5/10 from the Reviewer's Mansion
Highly Recommended from Present Perfect

Set before the events of Season One.

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Written for \o/ Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest \o/.

Edited and proofread by VoxAdam, cover drawn by my friend Grace. Thanks a bunch, guys :twilightsmile:

Featured on 08/04/2021 - 09/04/2021.

Chapters (1)

Nearly a thousand years after her sister's fall, Celestia finds she may not be so alone after all, when a little alicorn ascends in the distant village of Florentina.

On a quiet Spring afternoon, young Mi Amore Cadenza makes a life-changing decision when the Princess of the Sun comes to visit.

8.6/10 from the Reviewer's Mansion.

Rated Really Good by Ghost Mike!

3/5 Stars from Loganberry's Louder Yay!

Recommended by TCC56!

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Based off the prompt "Arrival", posted by Gay For Gadot, from Bean's Writing Group.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by Bean, Bicyclette, Mykola, TheIdiot, RanOutOfIdeas, and Gay For Gadot. Thanks, everyone!

Cover by Jun1313.

Featured from 21/02/2021 to 25/02/2021.

Chapters (1)

Fresh off her graduation, Sunset Shimmer wanted nothing more than a break from the troubles and anxiety that plague her mind. And of course, through the Mirror lies the land she once called home, a retreat away from, well, everything.

Unfortunately, in a quiet little flower shop down a Canterlot street, who else should she meet, but a face from her past. One who'd rather not be forgotten, twice over.

8.3/10 from the Reviewer's Mansion

Set after most of Season 9 and the Equestria Girls series.

Written for Scampy (whose SunFlower stories are way better than this), and for Valentine's Day 2021.

Edited and proofread by VoxAdam and Gay For Gadot. Thanks, you two :twilightsmile:

Featured on 13/02/2021-14/02/2021.

Cover art by Plainoasis

Chapters (1)

A gardener's life is a treasured one, and Princess Luna's is no different.

As like many others, she tends to her flowers, watching them grow, bloom, wither, and fall. Sometimes they help her grow, too, sharing in their stories, entwining them with hers. Such as it has always been, over time immemorial, whether it be friendship or love or the familial ties that bind.

Equestria is the largest garden of all, and their stories are hers to keep.

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Chapter II, Orion, is an entry in the Imposing Sovereigns III contest, with the prompt Luna/Kindness. Yes, it's allowed.

Featured from 12/01/2021 to 14/01/2021.

Edited and proofread by VoxAdam, pre-read by SockPuppet, Kizuna Tallis, Doctor Fluffy,TheIdiot, Grace, and daOtterGuy. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:.

Cover by OGRE

Chapters (2)

For Twilight Sparkle, getting crowned as the reigning Princess of Equestria may have been the easy part. Handling both day and night may not be as much, but fortunately, Luna's there to help. Equestria was her garden once, and now Twilight was its gardener.

But when the amulet gifted to her to move the Sun and Moon begins to break down, and her tongue tied about it, where better for Twilight to talk to her marefriend about it, if not the realm of dreams?

After all, in Luna's own realm and garden, and to the mare she loved, surely, there are few secrets and worries to be kept between them.

Set after most of Season 9.

Featured from 23/06/2020 to 25/06/20.

7.3/10, from My Little Reviews and Feedback

Rated Pretty Good by Ghost Mike!

Edited and proofread by VoxAdam, pre-read by SockPuppet. Thanks guys :twilightsmile:

Top Twelve Finalist in the the Right Back At It Again 2020 Shipping Competition.

Part of the Pride and Positivity Event. Donate HERE and HERE to support the cause!

Cover by Amarynceus.

Chapters (1)