• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.

More Blog Posts310

  • 43 weeks
    Remember Obscure Spike Shippings?

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    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    Remember Spike stories that felt like they could have an entire pop-punk album written based on them?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Right Back At It Again! - 2020 Shipping Competition · 9:17pm May 18th, 2020

Hey everyone!

So it's been a long time since I've had the opportunity to host a contest, but you know what they say: There's no time like the present! That being said, I think it's high time I host another one... and an interesting one at that!


If you've been around as long as I have, you probably remember the old days of FimFiction. Drama around every corner, groups were bustling and live and it seemed you could always count on your favorite author dropping an awesome OctaScratch or LyraBon fic when you needed it most. It's definitely true that some things have changed since then. New ships with new characters, an expanded universe, and plenty of new plot points to write about. I'd say a lot of these changes have been good, but I'm in the mood for something a little old-school.

That, my friends, is what this contest will be about: bringing back old-school ships in a big way! For this contest, I want to see you all write about ships that were popular back in the earlier days, ships that my have fallen out of favor recently for one reason or another. Whether that reason be canon ruining it or maybe we've all just moved on to other interests in the shipping world, I think it's time we take a step back and have some fun with this one!

Here be the rules:

1. Your story must tackle some kind of important moment in a relationship. Whether that be the first date, marriage, first kiss, etc., it's really up to you. So long as it's an important relationship moment, it will pass. If you have questions, you can always reach out to me or one of the other judges that will be listed below via PM.

2. The story must feature a ship that was popular back in the earlier days of the fandom. Now, that's a broad topic, so to make it simple: Your story must feature a ship that consists of characters that were in the show prior to Season 4.

3. Your story can take place in any time period of canon, so just because your ship might be an older one, you can still write it in today's canon if you wish. The Alt. Universe tag is allowed, so feel free to get creative!

4. Any rating is allowed, but if you're writing an erotic story, please make sure it has an actual story to it as opposed to just sex.

5. There is no minimum word count, but please don't let your entry exceed 15k words. I feel that's enough to write a multitude of engaging stories.

6. It must be a new story, published on or after 5/18.

7. The contest will run from 5/18-6/30. So any story submitted after 6/30 will not be accepted.

8. You may enter as many entries as you wish.

9. All entries must be added to this group: Right Back At It Again Group!

Pretty simple, right? Well, I know that having a list of ships to choose from may be restrictive, but I have full faith that we can come up with tons of great ideas for them and it's a chance from some of us to step out of our comfort zone a bit. In fact, I think this could open us all up creatively and flood this site with some really fresh ideas!

Now, as far as judges go, I selected four in addition to myself. I like to have more judges than necessary at times because that ensures once the contest is over, we can drill through the review process and announce the winners within a week. Also, the five I selected all have different opinions, interests, and viewpoints so every story has a fair shot. They are: ChappedPenguinLips, Freedom, Lucky Seven, and Note Pad.

Well, there's only one more thing to talk about and we all know what that is... PRIZES!




Well, I suppose that's it then! Enter if you can, tell your friends and let's make this a fun time! I can't wait to read all the fantastic stories that you guys can come up with!

Good luck!

Comments ( 58 )

Imagine winning $100 by pandering to my love of OctaScratch ;)

jk Famous, I'll be impartial lmao

I still remember those pairs, classic.

Though I broke Lyra and bOn-bon

It's that time again.

Ship'em like FedEx.

well both Spike ships I'm not found of it. So I have to pass this kind of contest. Sorry

Considering your track record for hosting contests, you could totally get a site post.

Count me in.

I reached out about it, so we'll see!

Can I enter a DiscoLight story? While not a super early ship, it was definitely around within the first 1/3rd of the show and the “golden age” of the fandom.

My first ever story was actually Discolight and got me featured, but we elected against using Discord ships. Our reasoning is that, while some of the stories in the Discolight and Celesticord shipping fandoms were very good, there wasn't nearly the same volume of fics as for, say, TwiDash.

I already have an idea in mind. Awesome, I'm excited to write for the contest :twilightsmile:

I'm so glad someone made the connection.

Okay so Octarscratch and Lyrabon are cool but --is Rarijack allowed. Cause if it is I'm in, but if it isn't it might take a bit more time to brainstorm.

As a second to that one, I've got to ask about Twilight*Pinkie - that was shorter lived, but writers like Kits made it popular and then it just disappeared in a big puff. One of the reasons I started writing it when I did is because I missed seeing it around.


I might actually make an addendum I was thinking about anyway where we allow ships only featuring characters that appeared before Season 4 which would open things up a bit. I'll check with the judges and get back to you.





Hey everyone! So, after speaking with the judges, we agreed to amend the rules to make the contest more inviting while still keeping the spirit. You can now have any pairing you wish as long as both characters were featured in the show before Season 4. I think that's a fair compromise!


Ah sorry, wasn't planning on attending, your mentzion of Lyra and Bon-bon just woke a old, sweet memory

Okay, now this is tempting me even more.

Awesome! Just to be clear, that means seasons one through three, not seasons one through four, correct?

Yes, 1-3. So Discord is on the table for you.

We don’t need to only use seasons 1-3 characterization/situations though, right? Like Discord can be slightly more mature and Dash can be a Wonderbolt and Twilight can be used to being the princess of friendship, etc., correct?

Absolutely. It can take place at any point in canon, past, future, or present. You can even use the Alt. Universe tag if you wish.

Cool. And are we allowed to submit more than one entry?

Not planning on doing this idea myself, but you may want to write in whether or not it can be a sequel to another story. I don't 'think' many people do that for contests, but most contest rules seem to clarify that. :pinkiehappy:

Just curious: could you maybe re-upload the original list somewhere, just for reference? Having a few more rigid parameters might help me stop myself from creating 15 different ideas that never get anywhere close to finished.


  • Twixie (Twilight x Trixie)
  • SoarinDash (Soarin x Rainbow Dash)
  • OctaScratch ( Octavia x Vinyl Scratch)
  • LyraBon (Lyra x BonBon)
  • Sparity (Spike x Rarity)
  • TwiDash (Twilight x Rainbow Dash)
  • RariPie ( Rarity x PInkie Pie)
  • SpiLight (Spike x Twilight)
  • FlutterMac ( Fluttershy x Big Mac)
  • TwiLuna (Twilight x Luna)

and here I was going to submit this but apparently it's too old

Lol! Old-school!

How you doing, by the way?

wait, I wanna submit this one instead. this one was better.

as for myself, I think surviving would be a good enough answer. life is life and all one can really do is walk on and survive. it's either that or the sleep deprivation is hard on me right now.

Same here, my friend. I'm just trying to survive in this day and age. Also, old school stories like that one are the reason I'm running this contest. Just trying to jog everyone's memories a bit of the grand times we had on this site back in the day.

fair man, fair. give them something to pay their attention to and all of that.


I'm curious as to what's permissible and what's not. The OP suggests it has to be a ship that was popular once, but the comment 5265350 suggests any ship that's pre-Season Four will do. It's a bit of a mixed message from where I'm standing.

How creative can we get as a result? Does it have to be a well-known ship (such as Octavia-Vinyl) and not an obscure one (such as, say, picking two pre-Season Four characters at random)? Where's the line drawn?

Obscure ships are fine. I'll update the wording a bit. Thanks for pointing that out. I relaxed the rules a bit after posting them initially to allow more freedom.


No worries. I'm working on a couple of other things in the meantime, but once June rolls around, I should be free to tackle this. Getting some ideas already! :scootangel:

Shipping isn't really something I've dipped my toes in, romance ain't something I write or read, so this is a pleasant surprise to test what I can do. Plus it's been quite some time since I got into the writing business, so it'll be nice to see what I can shoot out. Full speed ahead.

Oh, and is Rule 63 accepted?

Go for it! Alt. Universe is fine, too, if you need it.

I'll give it a shot.

Hm... More shipping contests...

Though question, do they just have to be shown by season 3, or have at least been somewhat established by season 3?

*Rubs hands together evily.*

Inquiry: Does Sunset Shimmer counts as a character introduced in S4 or earlier? IIRC, the movie was set before S4 began. Though I guess SciTwi wasn't introduced until the end of Rainbow Rocks (after s4 finale, before glim glam in S5) which does put a damper on (one of) the most popular Sunnybuns ships.

So, going by the MLP timeline, sunset shimmer would count, but you're right about Sci-Twi being after so she wouldn't count. (I'd personally love to see an old-school SunsetxRegular Twi fic tho)

Welp, I've settled one of my major accounts, so now I've got the metaphorical money to invest in this one. Will be working hard to get an entry in for the contest soon enough. Stay tuned, folks!

I'm psyched to read it!

How would Daring Do fit into this? She 'appears' in books in S2, but doesn't actually show on-screen as a non-fictional character until S4.

I would still count her as eligible.

Just wondering, if I'm currently writing a romance story that's a sequel to another story (you can do mostly without context, but what you don't know I can sum up in a couple sentences) would that still be eligible... or a bit too much?

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