Over their lives, Pipsqueak and Dinky have some crucial realizations that help them move on from their past and accept the future.
Three chapters, three stages in their lives.
Sequel to Pirates For A Day.
If you read the first story and loved it for the lack of shipping and pure childlike innocence, then I urge you not to taint the memory by reading this sequel. Pipsqueak and Dinky are shipped together, unlike the original.
... Thank you... Very much... Like a ton... HUG!
I guess it's time to wait and speculate on part 2 next...
~ Moonstone, Minstrel of Equestria
I'm eager for the next chapter!!!
Wow a few words come to mind while reading this and they are Amazing, fantastic, Great. This is a true work of art, you have created an amazing master piece of a story. You are a very talented writer and I can not wait too read more of your writing.
This was so cuuuuuute! I loved it loved it loved it! Pip and Dinky forever!!
hhhhnnnnnnnnggggggggggg, dddddaaaaawwwww, its just too much for me to handle

tooooo ccccuuuuttteeee!!!!
D'AWWWWWWW young love
Oh man, this is going to suck!
so cutee! i was going to comment on how weird it was that they're like, at LEAST 3rd base and they never said 'i love you', but then i remembered that me and my gf had a VERY strange relationship, and that this is more common than i imagine.
yes, i am crazy. yes, i would like fries with that. oh, you werent asking? oh.. thats okay then... 
Oh god, that Sad tag. Why does that have to be there? Make it go away.
I admit. When I saw this was a sequel to Pirates for a Day, I squealed with joy.
114369 the prequel is called pirates for a day.
hope it helps
As I said before, I approve of this ship. Such tenderness handled masterfully, and the winter scenery you painted made it even more so. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Well I normally hate shipping. I also normally hate stories that open with characters in bad. Normally. You've broken the trend. I like adolescant/teen pip you've given him an intresting character. I've tracked it. Maybe I'll give this one a review when its finished.
on every story i see you comment on it is always something degrading, no matter how good or bad the story may be. i really suggest that if you don't have anything good or any constructive critisisim to say.........then don't
... 'Tis beautiful... I love this. Can't wait for the next update.
There are only two words for this: Beautiful, DAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaaaaand you changed tenses at the very end and killed the mood. Nice.
You still get 4.5 stars, though, cuz THAT WAS AMAZING.
Thank you for pointing out my mistake. It shall be rectified immediately :)
D'aaaaaaawww so cute!
My reaction:
based on the reactions i shall not read it till it is done
to provent me form going insane with waiting

Y'know what? I'm just going to accept Dinky / Pipsqueak future romance as canon.
Why? Because IT'S TOO DARN CUTE TO IGNORE, that's why.
I don't like most shippings, but this is beautiful.
I just... LIKED a shipping story?
Clap clap, well done, monsieur. You may need to go through with a prereader, I noticed a few words that were misspelled/misplaced, but they were few, and it is hard to find them again.
Well done.
*sees "Sad" tag*
I'm not sure I'm going to like what comes next...
Sad tag? Nooooooo!
But for now, d'awwwwwww...
fc03.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/144/1/0/I_love_it_BIG_by_IloveItplz.png D'awwwwww.
The amount of Dawww here is indescrible
Oh, look, a new ship I like!
What have i just read?
A first chapter.
A continuation of a previous story.
A good story all in it's own right.
A story with a few errors.
A D'WAAAA filled story.
A Pip/Dinky shipping.
An example of literary genus.
Prose beyond what i could even begin to imagine writing.
A reason to hang up my keyboard for good, and stop writing.
A story I actually WANT to have the honor of reviewing.
So, here I go!
*Procures sonic fine-tooth comb*
“I like your mum,” she said Don't the two already know one another?
into the soft whiteness so Pipsqueak stepped closer, A comma might be in order.
The evening sun was dulled behind clouds yet the parts it still reached glowed as See above. Perhaps two, one before and after 'yet'
, staring at the ghostly yet friendly trees. See above. Comma before and after the 'yet' would make it flow better.
photograph like the ones COMMACOMMACOMMA
justice in his opinion and he had trouble thinking COMMACOMMACOMMACOMMACOMMACOMMA
“Yes mother.” Dinky poked his flank as he pulled himself up and he squeaked, making her burst out laughing. “Not fair!” he called down, holding out a hoof to help her up. Overuse of pronouns, don't 'cha think?
branch as it bent warningly under his hoof. FIRING ORBITAL COMMA CANNON!
the ones they made and the ones they will make, Strange.... Use of 'will'? Perhaps 'Were going to make'
Story: I don't feel worthy to say anything about this. But I'm going to anyway!
It seemed well executed, but I, as a reader, would like some back-story as to what has been happening in the last 5 or so years. EX: How long they've been together, a flashback of sorts at the tree for their first kiss? It seems in order for such an amazing story.
As for furthering this into their latter years... I look forward to it!
Socks: Not present....
And so concludes my review. Hope it helps!
-The Librarian
I'm either gonna die from diabetes or my heart giving out due to so much cuteness...
I think my heart is going to explode
Wow, this is great! It almost is poetry!
I think I know why the sad tag is there....
please tell me I'm wrong...
Excellent! I hope that 'Sad' tag is there for trhe same reason I used it on 'School Daze;' drama and heartstrings-tugging, and not out and out tragedy. If it IS...well, it's your story, good sir. You have the right to obey the urge your fingers tap out. Follow your muse to whatever ending fits for you, and I'll read it.
Beautiful. I never thought this amount of d'aawww was posible!
sooo sweet dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i cannot express this in words it is too sweet for words.
i have never read any fic like this this totally blew away all of the competitors in my books [still warm and fuzzy feeling in me]
This is pretty... Ok it's
'n fantastic! pretty in depth writing, your style is both captivating and emotional. cool story bro.
"Because Love is everywhere, and everyone deserves it!"
Oh God this is so tender. If it was a steak, it would be the best thing I've ever eaten.
I love this. Thank you, my dear sir. Willing to continue?
I don't read shipping ever, but I was intruiged after PfaD, and this was thoroughly adorable. 5/5.