I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".
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Huzzah! Calloo callay! This was a pleasure to preread. Brilliantly demented.
This was a delightful trip of insanity! Ha! HA!
This one earns its "Random" tag honestly. It makes way too much sense for something so nuts.
This is the most insane thing I've read this month. I love it. I hate it. My find is full of muck thanks to it.
Why did you only make this story one chapter long?
A good bit of madness.
Huh indeed.
The world is not ready for more...
Well...this was a trip. Scared to ask for a sequel though.
It's a good life. It genuinely is. I envy pretty much all of them for this.
I give you top marks for using the feathering One Piece font on your front cover.
I love it
I...kinda want to see this continue. I just don't know where it would go.
I would like a sequel please
Bolded typo.
That sure was a story.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Oh this is definitely my speed
The insanity.
Good comedy
Interesting Isekai useage.
Hard to tell what would be the sequel about. Maybe Twilight looking for the origin of the truck.
Well, maybe not human Sunset (though she may stay in Equestria).
Fixed, thanks.
Mm. Indeed. At least it ended up quite nice for her.
what the fuck did i just read?
great story, made me die of laughter
Delightful madness throughout. One of the less healthy reads of my OTP, but definitely a viable one. Here's hoping Twilight listens amid the brushing and braiding.
Oh, and that the other Twilight doesn't kill too many people trying to understand isekai mechanics. Also important.
With Twilight it's sometimes hard to tell if she kills people for science or uses science as an excuse. Guess it may be the stress due to being a princess.
Something tells me Imma love this one.