• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
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I like women


Comments ( 12 )

Please tell me, is there a pony in this story?

It's nice to see the series continue, despite the porn, it's still quite wholesome and sweet!
No, but the characters are still like the original pony ones we knew, just had their stories told in a human form. :twilightsmile:(which is completely fine, this is how this artist usually rolls:rainbowwild:~)

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I'm liking the continuity that is finally appearing after three stories~


It's good that you gave me an answer, acting as the author's personal press secretary.

At first it confused me. And all because in this series of stories there is a tag "My little pony. Friendship is magic." That is the keyword "pony".

In general, when I watched this animated series about ponies, I liked all these characters in their true form (the canonical form of the character). But in these stories, all the characters are human, who dyed their hair the color of the mane of one of the MLP characters, and having the same name.

Therefore, I have a quite logical question: Can the characters in this series of stories be considered ponies, provided that they are human? At the same time, having the only similarity is the Hairstyle (similar to the color of the mane of the canonical characters) and the Name of the character.

Because if you remove the MLP tag, then it will be an ordinary porn story in which all these ponies are not needed, as well as magic and the spirit of this world. Equus.

Honestly, I think it's weird. Of course I understand that many creative personalities (authors, artists ...) ... they are all a bit crazy and have different secret desires, fetishes. I'm no exception either, otherwise I wouldn't even dare to start writing my two stories in a mature rating. I'm just amused by the fact that many people hide it. Or in this case, the author has his own level of fetishism (the human body, but with an unusual hairstyle and eye color).

Hehe! Of course, I admit that this style of appearance of the characters looks better than the "Anthro" style. But I also think that such a story can hardly be attributed to the category of this MLP fandom, having only a familiar name and hair color, eyes.

For me, the key to this whole MLP fandom is creating for the canon characters we love so much, or make new ones in the world of Equestria that we love so much.(there's also Equestria Girls but that's Its own worldview that we can respect as a whole, since a lot of us likes it and it gives middle ground for those who prefers writing about humans and human society in our fandom) The point is, As long as we create with that love and the magic of friendship, surely those creations are following our spirit of the whole community!

(also “acting as the author's personal press secretary”…… I just like answering questions and hopefully prevent bad arguments. Knowing things really help!)

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted May 11th, 2023


However, it seems strange to me.

The author did not dare to give me an answer Personally. And the fact that the author, for all this time, still does not follow anyone. Value ( 0 ).

Therefore, it cannot be said that we are all united by the magic of friendship of this fandom. This is a bit of a wrong attitude towards other users. Especially if they are fanatical readers.




And the fact that the author, for all this time, still does not follow anyone. Value ( 0 ).

It's not a big deal. He doesn't even participate in any contests, but he's creating.

Therefore, it cannot be said that we are all united by the magic of friendship of this fandom. This is a bit of a wrong attitude towards other users. Especially if they are fanatical readers.

Maybe so, but we're trying, and we're getting closer, and that's good enough.

A damned fine story. Sexy and quite sweet, too. Nothing like some mother/daughter bonding. ;)

Another excellent story.

wonderfully erotic and fun to read; i cant explain exactly how but the buildup on this story was especially enticing even by your standards! your mommy dearest collection is easily my favorite of your multi-part works <3 <3 <3 i really really hope it will continue!!! i would absolutely kill to read a story about spitfire and stormy flare, hint hint lol; but for real any and every part of this series is and will be welcome. great stuff as always!

A lot of French kissing is a lot of goodness

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