• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2020

Buster Knutt

Welcome to the cum zone

Comments ( 14 )
Comment posted by ShadowSpectrumSwordtails deleted Feb 25th, 2020

I'm happy your back

Wasn't this posted previously?


Indeed it was. But then I deleted my account, came back months later, and am reuploading most all of my shtuff.

Glad this is back!!

Will you be uploading your spike one too? <3


I might get around to it after a while. Wanna try to avoid bombing the feature box again.

I'm going to be honest. I understand why you did all this and just wish you did so in a calmer manner. May we all enjoy your lewdness and fics again.

I actually never read this story, back when you first had it originally up. I was always curious what I missed out when I didn't read it, and now that I have finally read it, all I can say is this was simply glorious.

I like your stories I thought you did one with spike to or Barbara where you want to call her

If I'm being completely honest I read most of these like 4-5 years ago(I think), and never faved them-lost them- and recently found them. Oh and there are more now..

is this version canon?

the one with Barb was moved to his second account.
Buster Knutt MkII

Hell in a handbasket, the fucking tits.

Edit 8/3/2021:

moving faster than he thought possible as she tackled him to the ground.

and had been forced to go without so in such a long time. Dusk was trembling from head to toe at this point, barely able to see straight and panting as hard as a someone who had just run fifteen miles.

He pressed the head of his womb-smasher against her entrance, licking his lips once again

He fucked her pregnant and beyond,

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