• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 25,201 Views, 2,100 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Murky Number Seven - FuzzyVeeVee

When your cutie mark is a set of shackles...are you really supposed to be free at all?

Comments ( 367 )

Thank you for this wonderful journey...and goodbye as well... :pinkiesad2::heart:

congrats man on finishing your story!

There's never goodbye, there's only the next story, whatever it might be. ;)

7828239 The thanks was yours--the Goodbye, Murky's...

Congratz for finishing such an amazing adventure.

Thank you so much, Fuzzy, for giving us this wonderful ride and this perfect ending.

This story changed my life.

(Also, Murkity OTP.)

Left joyfully crying and fulfilled, thankyou for all of that Fuzzy. Thankyou.

This has left a profound influence on my life, I just want you to know that Fuzzy.

Thank you very much! It's been a real work to get here, so happy that people are reading it!

That you find it satisfying and all that you could want is the greatest relief I can ask for right now. I spent days wondering about "Is this right?" Thank you very much for letting me know. (And I know a lot of readers who would fight you on your shipping choice, but many who would support you too! :P) I'm happy that the story meant that much to you.

Aww, thanks! I'm glad to got that deep emotively to offer that by the end. But really, the thanks is mine to people that read and supported it. I used to think saying that was just pandering by authors, but now I've been there and I can say it really isn't. I dunno if I coulda done it without knowing people were enjoying it.

Goodbye Murk-Murk. This was an amazing adventure to read and I hope your future writings are even better.

I'd have to agree...... Honestly Fo:E and MN7 both changed me as a person in a profound and definitely positive way. And now after it all I have to say goodbye... Honestly unlike others I didn't cry. It was an awesome ending though, thank you for this and all the time you've spent making it.

I honestly only found about this because of a friend a month and a half ago, so I was racing to try to finish the fic before that final chapter and epilogue dropped, so I could be there for the hype and everything when it finally was released. So worth it! Unfortunately, I did some skimming and skipping now and then, a bad habit of mine. Just means I'll have a couple surprises next time I reread it, even if it subtracted from the first-time experience :).

And so it ends. After several years of this story, I get to see that Murky finally got the freedom he so richly deserved.

And that bastard Chainlink Shackles finally got the end he richly deserved.

I came into the last chapter fully expecting several more characters to die. But thankfully, nopony did. (and JESUS CHRIST, CORAL. WTF.)
This was such a fulfilling ending to one of the darkest fics I've read. Thank you for the amazing story, Fuzzy. Standing ovation.

Thanks for seeing your comments all around and not just here! I'm so glad that you feel the themes and emotions of the story really stuck with you so deeply. Thats always a massive, massive bit of fulfillment for a writer to see. Future writings will happen, I'll post here soo nwith some news on plans!

Seeing a longstanding commentor reply is now more important than ever to me. Thank you so much for sticking with ths story and providing all the comments you have, Robo. I've always enjoyed reading your thoughts to do with it. The theme has always been about hope, and I knew the ending very far in advance. It was a joy to bring people through it to here, and I'm so very thankful for the support you and others gave to help me keep it going along the way.

Wow. Wait, is this the last big, well known Fallout: Equestria fic to be completed? If so... then now what? :applejackunsure:

Hehe! Thats what I like to see!

There's a bunch more out there! I recommend maybe giving Outlaw, Treasure Hunting, Gardener, Wasteland Economics and Make Love Not War a shot, I've heard those are all good!

Were you implying Element of Generosity or is that just me?

This is one of the greatest piece of fanfic that I've ever read. Few pieces ever really got me crying and emotional during the entirety of it. Heck, I was planning intricate deaths for a good number of characters just for revenge.

Never stop writing, what you did here needs to be shared.

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you earn your happy ending.

As the description for the Exultation Mask reads:

"You fought. You won. Now revel in that triumph."

Thank you, Fuzzy. For playing our heartstrings like a big band led by Frank Goddamn Sinatra for 4 whole years, and crafting what I believe to be the best FoE side-story on the Internet.

Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.

Wanted to read befroe it end.

It ends a week after the statement.

There is no hope for Fallout Equestria fics. We live in a dead world.

Was I implying that, eh? I couldn't say! ;)

There is no greater compliment I feel that caan be given to a writer than saying that people need to see it. So thank you so very much for that. People wanting to share it are, quite literally, the best thing any writer can hope for.

That first line was always my favourite trope! You're very welcome, but I say without a hint of pander that it genuinely is me thanking you all for support and taking time out of YOUR lives to read it and give it a chance, and for letting me know. I couldn't have done half of what I did without that. Thank you so very much for your kind words and your ongoing reading. :)

There goes the 3rd of my big four Fo:E subfics. Time to reread them to bridge the time until the last one is done.

I.... can't believe it's over.... I'm never one to usually cry at Ll, but as I'm sitting here, reading this last chapter I can't even tell if it's tears of sadness or happiness. When you posted the first few parts I had no idea it would turn into something as incredible as this.
I wish you the utmost luck in your future writing. This is an adventure I'm certainly never going to forget.

Glorious. Perfect. Loved it. I wondered exactly how you were going to kill Shackles off and how that one little SATS charge would be used, and I wasn't disappointed. In a way, it's almost like Protege got his revenge through Murky. I say revenge because I'm not sure, but it kinda feels like Protege was Chainlink's slave at one point.

Only one thing bothers me though: Why is his name Number Seven? Chainlink couldn't have been right all that time ago about him just being the seventh foal could he?

Its the ending i was hoping for. This has been a train wreck of emotions, and i loved every single word. This goes in the top spot on my FOE favourites, above the original work.

Well done mate, you've made something that i personally wont forget and i hope others read this and see what i see.

Look forward to whatever you do next.

Beautiful, simply beautiful!

I'm so happy that such an awesome story has such a brilliant ending, but at the same time I'm sad that its over...

A lovey story, I laughed, I cried, I'm going to fave this sooo hard. May you have as great as a success for what ever new project you work on next.

I can't believe it's already done...

I can't contain my tears. :raritycry: This has been one of the best stories I have ever read, and I am honored to have experienced it. Superbly done! :twilightsmile:

Half as long as Project Horizons, but about twice as dark without needing to resort to edgelordism. I applaud you, sir.

You. Glorious. Bastard.

Even though I was pretty sure that you were going to kill off Protége (unless I missed it in "They Will Remember"), the way that Murky adjusted to that was amazing. Every scene, every moment as you brought this story to its finale, to the edge of Fillydelphia and beyond... a masterpiece.

If ever this goes to a print edition, I'm buying a copy.

I have to re-read it slowly. One chapter at a time. Getting back into every feeling of every moment.

Murky Number Seven has been a story that defines well-written fanfiction. I hope that anything I pen will have the same impact and convey the same emotions... although I'm not sure I want to try to do what you did!

Thank you for the ride, Fuzzy. I look forward to whatever project you do next.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh: :yay: :heart: :trollestia:

I've read this story for years! I've spent so much time pouring over in my head every possible way it could end.

Not once did I expect that!

I could not imagine a more perfect ending. You did it. And so did Murky—he did it. You both did it.



First time I've ever commented on this site I think.

Great fucking job man, best fic I've read.

If you make a hard copy of this, im sure as hell am going to grab one. This was beautiful.

Started the last chapter on my break at work and just finished it at almost 2 am. What a glorious ending sir. Thanks for your writing and good luck with your future works.

Dear FuzzyVeeVee:
I began reading this story during a vacation to Dublin roughly one year ago, and became infatuated by its premise, characters, and the sheer quality it provided. If it weren't for little Murky, I wouldn't have had the push to actually make a profile to begin building bookshelves and continue reading fanfiction. It was the first story I favorited and will remain as the pinnacle of what I've read on this site. I can only applaud every word, every line, every CHAPTER of pure professionalism you've put down. From every moment where you made me cheer for Murky to keep going or to get back up, with every scene where I shed quiet tears in sympathy for him and his friends, and with every device and plot point you inserted that turned my own imagination against me, as I tried to imagine and weigh every possible outcome building a spider web of possible endings almost as large as Murky's conspiracy web in Protégé's attic only for you to continue to steal the rug out from under me with another unforeseen twist. I have enjoyed every hour of this epic tale and am sooooo beyond happy with how it ended. Thank you for the times, and I will continue to watch in case inspiration may once again strike your fancy, and a new tale enters the works.
With utmost gratitude:
P.S: After listening to the podcast, I found myself unwittingly substituting your voice for Brimstone's. Funny, that.

I like how Unity tried to fuck with him by pretending to still be brain dead.

Man, it's 2 am and I'm crying like a little kid again. I don't comment much but I've been reading for a long time, and little murkys struggles helped me get through some dark times.

Thank you ever so much for all the effort and love you've poured into this story. Though many of us readers are silent, I think I speak for most when I say your story is moving, your characters engaging, and your wonder use of the language sublime.

Thank you ever so much once again.


ill be reading this tomorrow and i hope you did well i look forward to reading it

Seems like it all ended pretty well at the end. Congratulations on completing your story.

Though I can't remember quite clearly something that came to mind. Wasn't there suppose to be a pony left over from the time of the war in the MAS building that Mr. Peace was guarding? What ever happened to him? (If what I'm remembering isn't just something from another story mixing into what I remember of yours.)

Congrats on finishing.

I haven´t read it yet but for actually writing a story this long (and i have been taking sneek peeks here and there) and well liked you deserve more than a little prasie. :twilightsmile:

Aww, my eyes are leaking. Must be something in the air..

Damn fine work, Fuzzy. Well done. I wish fimfic had a superfavorite because you've earned it. I'm very grateful for the epilogue. I'm very grateful for Murky, and I'm very grateful for you.

Thank you.

I can count the number of times I've shed genuine tears as the result of reading a story's ending on the fingers of one hand. This is now one of them. Thank you for writing this, and seeing it through to the end. I really lack any other words to more properly express my gratitude for the effort and time you've put in to give us this story. Its going to stick with me for a long time and definitely stands up there with some of the best fiction I've read, fan based or otherwise. I do sincerely hope to see more stories from you, but for now, take a bow and get some well deserved rest.

this was a good story.

As a follow up to my comment on the last chapter, I did cry this time.
Beautiful ending, congratulations on making such an amazing tale, and it was a brilliant journey to read.
Thank you.

Fantastic. Simply fantastic. This is by far a masterpiece. An ending well deserved for Murky. This story of which many of us have followed for years has come to an end. Granted it's sad but it needed to happen and by golly did it end off great and with a tear jerking ending as well. Fuzzy, you've outdone yourself. This is by far probably the greatest fallout equestria fic ever. Great job Fuzzy. And keep on writing. Now on to the next Adventure!!!

7830215 The story actually is separated into acts. Check the Google Docs hub page.

I can't believe Ive stuck around with this fic since the very beginning, its been quite a journey all this time, and I can say that no other piece of fiction has even elicited such a strong emotional response from me, the amount of times this story has reduced me to tears is staggering. I sincerely look forward to whatever you have planned for the future, Fuzzy.

I have only one question. When du you plan on printing this masterpiece?

One of the best book i have ever read. I cryed many manly tears with murky. I realy want a hardcopy of it for me.

This is a truly masterpiece on the same lvl as projekt horizon.

Happy new jear.

I cried and laughed so many times while reading this but all great things come to an end I started reading this fic about a year ago and I don't regret the time that went into reading this work of art. Murky is finally free just as a Pegasus should be damn it I'm crying now this story is so touching..

yay happy ending!!!!!!!!!!!!

My goodness. Over a million words and the epic saga is finally complete. This is truly a masterpiece for the ultra gritty realism and emotional rollercoaster woven through it. There are really no words for the accomplishment you have made. Awesome work!

I am with you there, I never expected it to go this far, or to have such many people following it. My very utmost thanks for taking time from your life to read it, it means so much to hear that it'll stay with you. But as always, on to the next story!

Sometimes the answer can be as simple as that it was a designation given as a foal by the slavers and it carried on. He never thought any differently. Until now. He stops using the "Number Seven" bit of his name near the end of the story, only Shackles uses it by then. So very glad his end was satisfying, I couldn't let people think there wouldn't be some karma for that monster!

Thank you very much! The fact that everyone seems so satisfied with the ending is a relief beyond measure. I was terrified people wouldn't like it!

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