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And here we go.. more after i read
Loved it, as i did all of Griffin the Griffin. Can't wait to see this fic shoot to the stars!
Woo! Sequel!
Sequel! Though I don't really see why this was split from the original.
Gonna need some bitchin cover art for this one.
It was made a sequel so he could add the Mature rating to it.
Auntie Woona is best auntie.
Also, are Griffin's side going to be the super depressing parts?

While Gilda's will be the half-awesome, half-sad parts?
i MAY have an idea for your Cover Art
its gonna need some Editing though, to add things like your signature or story name
~Yo stalker fan
How I felt as soon as I saw this
Hmmm 'Bad'. Nuclear fusion, utter mind control, WMDs, his 'journal'. Are those considered 'Bad'?
Love it and I bet that this story is going to make it into the feature box.
oh, hell yes!
Er. Mah. GERD!
Fuck yes!
My favorite non pony story in the fandom got it's sequel up and running.
See ya in the later chapters.
And so a legend comes back to take the world by storm!
pretty much sums up my reaction to the return of this story
whenever I read a description of a story similar to this one's.... I cnat help but think of a random guy in the background facepalming while silently saying "god damnit"
1851368 agreed
Huzzah~! All my squee~!
No Romance Tag?
Finally! After the original was finished, I was afraid I was going to actually start sleeping!
Ahh! Our savior returns to guide his lost flock, and this time he is back with the entrails of his enemies upon his shoulders!
what if i wanted the gore?
1852072 I talk about vomit in chapter 4.
Given the records of the things he already has done, many of which are outright horrific, I am rather afraid of what his definition of 'bad' might be.
ponies are so weak minded
I read a whole lot of this before all of y'all.
I know all of his secrets
quit rubbing it in
Its here! Ultimate Caps lock activate!
Its good, it really is. But I want to say sorry for two things.
One, Im sorry for exploding at you guys
Two, ...I think up some thing for two later...
Take all my mustaches.

One of the pie sisters has made her debut! Now we just need Blinkamena to show up
Awesome man just awsome
keep up the great work
Heall, it's about time. I'll be sure to read it later today.
And so the epic story continues. Just like the sands of time in an hourglass. Ready to be turned and re-winded.
And here I was....hoping for the gore...
Oh well, all in due time, I guess.
Words cannot describe my absolute joy. Well, maybe this will: ERMERGERED BLERKWIG MED DE SHEQUALLLLLLLLLLLLl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moustaches all around:
So glad to see you and these characters back. Enjoyed all your stuff so far and between it, Rust's Echo the Diamond Dog, and TalonMach5's Great Slave King stories, got me to start writing myself. Looking forwards to many more chapters and enjoyable characters.

* Girley Squel
Best. Christmas. EVAR!
All we need now is some crazy fucked up pony as Griffins cellmate asking him "Have i ever told you about the definiton of insanity? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy." maybe spouting some crazy conspiracy nonsense, scaring Griffin into thinking that he might end up like that too if he doesn't get better. Otherwise GREAT CHAPTER! CANT WAIT FOR MOAR! YUM YUM!
Oh neat this link works now. *naps*
he though it: thought
elsewhere (a writing exercise)
I literally squee'd exactly like flutter shy when I saw the 101st chapter of GTG.
Yay, this is surely a nice christmas gift ^^
Love this. Griffin the griffin was incredibly well written and this seems like it will be too.
I look forward to reading this!