• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 13th


Attention Horse



It's just another day in 1835, as a lady landscape painter takes a ferry boat across Lake Champlain. Oh, did I mention the boat’s captain is a talking horse?

An entry into Admiral Biscuit's not-a-contest.
Special thanks to my editors:
Admiral Biscuit

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

This is a nice start! I like the choice for the letter style of storytelling.

Thanks! It's actually a one shot, I guess I missed tagging it complete, heh. I am really enjoying writing in the epistolary style!

Well, it's still a nice little piece all the same.

I really enjoyed this and how you told it from through Sarah's letter. This just made me smile the entire time I was reading it. Nicely done, Blue!

I love the time period, I love the references, and I love the writing style . . .

Ponies without hats? What a scandal :rainbowlaugh:

Wonderful job capturing the voices of the past! I'm afraid the demon Autocorrect has attacked your colloquialisms a bit; see "faulting" for "faluting" and "spouse" for "'spose". Also "'twere" is a contraction of "it were", so it shouldn't be used when there's already a sentence subject like "Brother and I". Editorial nitpicking aside, good show, and I'd love to see more in this vein!

Both nice and interesting; thanks! :)

Well how about that, a novel little adventure to be sure. I quite enjoyed it!

10006037 Personally, I thought the idea of a painter on board a paddlewheel boat is a wonderful one. Bravo.


Good catches, sir! Accursed spellcheck. I've implemented these and a few other minor edits. I'm so glad you, and many others, have enjoyed the story. It's popularity has been quite the pleasant surprise!

It's always the simple stories that have the greatest appeal.

Ah, visiting the best state in the Union. I am a little surprised she didn't come up the Champlain Valley on the Vermont-side, from Whitehall - there was a rail line that far north by 1834 according to the maps I've seen - though I suppose the story wouldn't have worked then. The first half seems a little different than the second, not sure how letter-like it sounds. Also, was she admitting to her sister she was keen on a pony? It kinda sounds like it.

On a separate note, I hope it's not too forward of me, but are you a native?

Simple, concise, and just a touch of mystery. Great story :)

It is not too forward. However, I am a Buckeye, so rather non-native. If I recall correctly the ferry's termini were picked as there is still a ferry which runs between Port Kent, NY & Burlington, VT. Historically I believe the wreck that inspired this story ran as a Team Boat between Plattsburgh and Burlington. I'm pleased the story was accurate enough to convince you I might have been a local!

Reading Miss Anne Cole's voice as a southern belle was a treat.
If Castor gave her anymore compliments on her beauty, then she might just get the vapors!:rainbowlaugh:
Being considered beautiful by a non-human gentleman is enough to make a lady's ego bloom!:rainbowlaugh:

(read the third sentence in my comment in a Southern belle voice for max funnies)
Seriously though. I liked it.
Though kinda expected her to start sketching Castor as he worked.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks for taking the time to give it a read. Feel free to check out some of the other things I have written; I hope you will like them too!

Minor Historical Footnote

Samuel Clemmons (Mark Twain) was born in 1835. He became a steamboat pilot and wrote several articles for a professional journal. He traveled to Nevada/Utah territory in 1861(?) and became a newspaper report.

He wrote his first famous story ("The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County") In 1867. He took the pen name "Mark Twain" from a steamboating term (2 fathoms = 12 feet (of water) = average safe depth for a steamboat).

The trip was supposed to be about 6 months & lasted 20 years. His comment "I usually miss my guess by more than that."


How nice. It's good to meet new people, and the two get along well:twilightsmile:

Wonderful one-shot and piece of world-building (yes, I know it’s set here on Earth).

I’ve never heard of boats like these, but can imagine their existence in earlier times, and they would also fit in nicely with the world of Equestria, wouldn’t they?

For some reason... Ponies work incredibly well in this setting. Thinking about the Equestria seen in the show, their technological level and culture would be at home around 1830-50 on Earth, and at home they feel in this story. Nicely done!

Two ponies for sister Sarah.

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