• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 13th


Attention Horse


TrotCon Ho! · 3:26am July 13th

Hello there every pony!

I’m keeping on keeping on… by some miracle I seem to have rescued my job thanks to the power of writing and it being too hot to do much except sweat.

I’ve been busy doing several things lately, the most notable of which is getting my first ever commissioned piece: a plush of my Pathfinder/D&D character, Flamia, a flame spell obsessed moth sprite wizard.


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Report BlueBook · 21 views · #Anyway #TrotCon2024

Blogception: A Blog About My Blogs (And Also Horse Hockey & Spinning Ventilation Contrivances) · 9:19pm April 30th

Well, I've been having a right shitty old time here, and I thought I'd come to my good old bro(nie)s for some commiseration. I should be happier, but alas: Ce' la vie (which sounds a bit like Sailor V, ya know? I wonder if that was intended...).

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Report BlueBook · 219 views ·

The Rewatch Has Begun! · 2:35am February 14th

Hello again pony peoples!

I’ve been crazy busy lately thanks to work… but I’m finally free of doing makeup hours (My boss decided to pay me for some days I didn’t actually work in December, which was as nice as it was a real mess to sort out). But now that I’m finally not stuck working six days a week (which, even if it’s only part time, is crushing), I’m finally able to do things again.

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Report BlueBook · 58 views ·

Live On AO3: Little Drozma Stories! · 9:42pm Dec 19th, 2023


That's right, every pony! My new Oz fanfic is now live & updating all this week (except Thursday), until Saturday!

Thanks once more to my intrepid fan-turned-editor Reese, for their support in publishing this piece. If you've ever wondered "what would Bluebook write, if not ponies?" or if you enjoyed my EQG stories, then I think you are all in for a treat. And it's a Christmas story!

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Report BlueBook · 84 views · #AO3 #New Story #Oz

An Overdue Update · 2:17am Nov 5th, 2023

Hello every pony!

I thought it was high time for a rather overdue update on what I have been up to as of late.

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Report BlueBook · 107 views ·

Letter Home From Gettysburg: An Exercise in Historical Fiction · 10:56pm Jul 12th, 2023

The following is the transcription of the letter I received at the Gettysburg Reenactment, that was written up by the staff as a kind of immersive gift to the reenactors, and the letter I've written in response to it. It's been a fun little exercise in writing historical fiction again. Enjoy!

Cleveland, O.

“June 8th

Dear Father,

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TrotCon 2023: Admiral Biscuit & The Horse Marines · 1:55am Jul 11th, 2023

Another successful TrotCon has drawn to a close, and I thought I'd briefly share my experiences with you all who weren’t able to make it this year.

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AAR: Gettysburg, July 1st-3rd, 1863 · 2:12am Jul 8th, 2023

Hello all! This is my recap of what all happened at Gettysburg, now that I’m slightly less tired. My mother had never been, so we camped out a few days before the reenactment and played tourist for a few days. In the end we spent six days there, and let me tell you, that is a long time to be away from home. Ok, one of those days was mostly getting there, so maybe more like five. Still, I think it’s maybe been the longest I’ve been away since back in 2016 when I went to Japan. I… need to get out

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An Ozzy Preview for Pride · 1:01am Jun 24th, 2023

As promised, here's a link to what I've been working on for a while now. As explained I haven't finished it totally yet, so consider this an extra special preview of what's in store!:

Little Drozma Stories

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Report BlueBook · 139 views · #Pride #Oz #Ozma #LGTBQIA+

Quick Update! State of the Author.. · 2:03am Jun 14th, 2023

Hello everypony!

I just wanted to give you all this quick update on the state of the author here.

Firstly: take a look at my final project for my Historical Preservation class!

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Report BlueBook · 105 views · #Gettysburg160 #Oz #Pride