• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 13th


Attention Horse


TrotCon Day 3 & AAR: Brony Sunday · 2:28am Jul 23rd, 2019

How do bronies spend their Sunday mornings? Just like ever pony else, they go to 10 AM Mass. In this case, I found myself sitting in Fiaura The Tank Girl’s panel on the Psychology of My Little Pony, aka “Brony Church”. But before we cover that, let’s back up just a little bit, and examine how my Brony Sunday began.

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TrotCon Day 2: Yona is Best Diabetic · 4:13am Jul 21st, 2019

Today opened, for me, to the strains of Shonen Knife covering the Ramones. Okay that’s not true it actually opened to the tones of OGMs droning snore. But we’ll forgive him.

The first thing I did today was make a beeline to the merch hall, where I paid another visit to NewGreyMare. There, I purchased some G3’s, specifically a G3 Ponyville Christmas house and mini Minty and a G3 Wisteria with all her accessories!

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Trotcon Day 1: Friday’s on the Phone to Sunday · 3:36am Jul 20th, 2019

Well, it’s that time of year again, where the rare Brony gathers in great herds, also know as cons, to share their love for one another in displays of nature’s beauty and majesty. At least that’s what the brochure says, anyways. And so I find myself at TrotCon, looking back at the first day, or half day I suppose, of events.

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Report BlueBook · 210 views · #TrotCon19 #T1D #Yona

After Action Report: Having A Ball... · 3:33am Feb 20th, 2019

I suppose y'all arr interested in what I've been doing as of late... since it sure as heck isn't writing! Anyhow, this last weekend I attended the Ohio Regimental Ball, a Civil War Ball & Convention. I've been doing Civil War stuff on and off over the years, but in the last year have managed to take it up a notch both as a hobby and as part of what I do as Historical Educator. That being said, for various reasons and accidents of fate, I've never actually managed to attend a reenactment. This

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After Action Report: Trotcon 2018 · 5:13am Jul 21st, 2018

So... that was awesome! First of all, I’d like to thank Fiaura The Tank Girl, ROBCakeran, NewGrayMare, and Pixelkittes for talking with me, however briefly, and making me feel like I have real friends out there in the fandom. You guys were awesome it it was great to see y’all again.

Secondly, I’d like to give a shout out to Tigerose & OleGreyMane for helping to make my appearance this year possible. Also, to my good friend J.C. for joining us, I had a great time.

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Report BlueBook · 228 views · #Trotcon2018

Headed Off To Trotcon · 6:44pm Jul 18th, 2018

Hey all! Headed down to Trotcon on my first real day off from work... brining the whole family this time, but primarily going to be hanging with the friend J. C. from college. This is the first con we've done together, believe it or not! Only took like 5 years for us to work that out. Anyhow, I'll only be staying for a day as unfortunately duty still calls and I don't get to take off primary work days (Sat. & Sun.), but I will be around the better part of Friday. I'm planning on hanging with

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What I've Been Up To As of Late · 2:53am May 10th, 2018

I have been writing, I promise! But it has all been in my professional field of history. This last year or so I have written and had published two articles in the local historical society's newsletter, both featuring original research based on their collections.

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