• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 13th


Attention Horse

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Total Words: 27,245
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This story is a sequel to Team Boat

J.H. Wilkins is a prominent Cleveland businessman in 1850, managing a grocery store. Word reaches him that a sudden fire in Akron has destroyed the mill which usually supplies his flour.

He books passage on the canal boat Sylph, and starts a the long and slow journey south on the Ohio & Erie Canal to set matters straight, and locate a new supplier.

The trip turns out to be more than he bargained for, however, when he catches the eye of the boat's captain... a lady pony!

Authors Notes

Edited by AlwaysDressesInStyle
An entry into Admiral Biscuit's not-a-contest. Thanks for the boost, Admiral!

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Wondercolt Weekends

A sunny day, calm waters, and warm sands: it’s a perfect date at the beach for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Until they encounter a bad breeze…

A Flutterdash fic written for Pride Month 2022.

Edited by:

Cover Art by:

Chapters (1)

It's just another day in 1835, as a lady landscape painter takes a ferry boat across Lake Champlain. Oh, did I mention the boat’s captain is a talking horse?

An entry into Admiral Biscuit's not-a-contest.
Special thanks to my editors:
Admiral Biscuit

Chapters (1)

What do Wondercolts get up to on the weekends?

New: It's Sunday, and Twilight has yet another nightmare about Midnight Sparkle. To clear her head, she meets up with Sunset in the Park. They talk, and heal, together.

On a Saturday morning, Sunset Shimmer accidently discovers Rainbow Dash's collection of "Pretty Pastel Ponies", and both of them learn about looking at things you aren't meant to see.

It's Friday night and, with their other friends busy, that means a “Just Us Two Girls Night" for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Anyone else would call it a date.

An Equestria Girls Anthology.

Edited By: IceStar

Chapters (3)

An unlikely pair of ponies, Roseluck and Princess Luna, must go on an important mission to the Zebra Lands. In spite of being initially frustrated with one another, the two ponies share a secret that brings them closer together as friends.

Written as part of the TrotCon 2017 Speed Fit panel by Rob C. and finally released after a year of revision, as I won't be competing in this years panel.

Chapters (1)

Dainty Hooves, mother of Derpy and former socialite, has a hard time getting her daughter to do her homework. So when her daughter must practice writing a letter for her first grade class, she expects it will be "just another one of those nights". But she finds that sometimes, writing a letter with someone can bring you closer to them.

Inspired by the Fatts Waller song "I'm Gonna to Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter".

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, even the best of friends can let you down.
A series of misunderstandings leads to a rift between Derpy and her friends.

Editor: OleGrayMane

Chapters (1)