• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 13th


Attention Horse


More Canal Facts! Civil War Adventures! · 3:49pm Mar 15th, 2023

Hello again, everypony!

I must apologize for the long wait for I have been rather busy lately. I’ve been so many adventures as of late that I haven’t even had any time to write them up!

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Exhibition Extra; Or What I Did In Museum Studies Last Year · 7:09pm Feb 12th, 2023

Hello again my friends and readers! I bet you are wondering what interesting things I was doing at university last semester?

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Report BlueBook · 57 views ·

Up The Ohio Canal: Author’s Notes · 2:41am Feb 4th, 2023

Heya Every pony!

As longtime readers will know, I like to write a blog for Authors Notes whenever I publish something new. My latest story is no exception. I hope you all enjoy!

A Long Journey to an Uncertain Destination

The story of “Up The Ohio Canal” starts with another story: “Team Boat”.

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What I've Been Up To Lately, Part 2,023. · 2:52am Jan 26th, 2023

Hello again, my loyal readers. I just thought I'd write some kind of update of what I've been doing as of late. Because it's alot, and some of it even involves writing!

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Report BlueBook · 69 views ·

AAR: Sydney Ohio Reenactment · 5:44am Sep 20th, 2022

This last weekend I went to a Civil War reenactment in Sydney, Ohio. It was a great small event, our unit was able to field two cannons this time and all the younger members of the Battery (myself, Mr. N & Mrs. S) were there. It was super fun, and a great way to spend a birthday weekend.

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Report BlueBook · 69 views ·

AAR: A Mudsill’s Misadventures · 3:29am Aug 25th, 2022

As you might know, dear readers, I’m a Civil War Reenactor, and the last two weekends I have spent, nominally, living in the 1860s.

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Report BlueBook · 84 views ·

Edits to Beach Bod! · 9:27pm Aug 5th, 2022

Hello again pony peoples!

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Report BlueBook · 117 views · #Edit #Update

What I've Been Up To This Summer · 2:13am Aug 3rd, 2022

I'm sure you're all dying to know, right? Well, I've been busy finishing my masters degree in public history off by working a summer internship (it was the last requirement I had to fulfill to graduate)! I was reluctant to talk about it while I was still an intern, because for reasons known only to themselves the WRHS made me sign an NDA (which aside from being super sus is probably not legally worth the paper it's printed on, but I wasn't taking chances). Now that it's all over and my

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Report BlueBook · 138 views · #summer internship

TrotCon 2022: Back in the Saddle Again · 7:06pm Jul 17th, 2022

"I'm back in the saddle again... out where a friend is a friend."

After a hiatus of some three years, I once more found myself on the floor of TrotCon. There is something wonderful, profoundly odd, and comforting about returning to a place you haven't been to in several years. On the one hand the scene is familiar, the hotel the same as always. Yet there is always a beautiful newness to it all, of seeing things through the eyes of the present and the now, versus the lens of memory.

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Report BlueBook · 119 views · #TrotCon2022

A Proud Author: Beach Bod Authors Notes · 1:47am Jun 30th, 2022

Hello again my loyal readers! It has been too long since I last wrote for you, I know. I have been most busy as of late, working on an internship that should bring my work to get a master’s degree in public history to an end. But that’s a story for another day. Instead enjoy a tedious essay on sex, gender, and writing! Or just skip over it and get straight to the author notes on Beach Bod.


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