
Viewing 1 - 20 of 902 results

Offering Editing! · 10:18pm Apr 14th, 2016

Hello Everypony!

I just want to let everyone know that I'll be offering editing on stories (free of all charge and obligation) because I want to meet and form relationships with people, so I can collab, network, and support.
Message me if you're interested!

Report CategoricalGrant · 324 views · #Editing #Edit

Edits are up for Of Monsters and Girls · 2:24pm Mar 4th, 2016

Blog title just about says it all. Dear lord has it been a pain trying to find skilled editors for this. Here's hoping it brought stuff up to EQD standards and we can move along.

That being said, if you do spot something wrong, please feel free to comment. I'm going to bed now.


Editing Services · 10:24am Nov 10th, 2016

Though I'm leaving behind the fandom. I am offering an editing service as I'm studying to be a professional editor. I figure. This is the best way I can also get some business and practice. My service is 100% free, and I'll offer not only Copy-Editing (Advanced proofreading) I'll also offer Content editing. Which is basically me calling you on bullshit ideas in it for scenes. Just to make it better. To help you elaborate on it further.

Report Aduro · 414 views · #editing #edit #writing #service

Fun Fact Of The Day #17 (June 13, 2018) · 5:31am Jun 14th, 2018

I'm going to be an editor-for-hire, I guess.

I mean I already make fun of MLP episodes as I watch them, why not do the same with fanfics to try and make them better? It'll be something to do with my time. Just comment down below if you need proofreading.

Also, if you want to be my editor, that's fine as well.


I officially edited something. · 2:12am May 26th, 2023

I've never done it before, but I decided to help out an author who's native language was not English.

I enjoyed the story, but the grammar and spelling left a lot to be desired.

The story itself got a few comments. Some were the usual "good story, more please." Others were "I can barely read this."

I could follow along, but even I had to admit the grammar and spelling errors were detracting from the overall story.

So I offered to help.

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Report Dude3 · 96 views · #Edit #editing #rewrite

The same author asked me to edit another story. · 12:55am Oct 27th, 2023

The same author asked me to edit another story. Being asked to edit again gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

It was a shorter, one-shot porn. But featured a drunk pony. And drunk ponies are fun!

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Report Dude3 · 88 views · #edit #rewrite #editing

A notice for the Readers of The Division-Lost Hope · 2:55pm Sep 15th, 2017

I'm going to be editing it from the start to where we are now. I'm changing a few things, rewriting dialogue, and fixing some errors.

Nothing really big is changing, so just a heads up.

Thanks, and Ciao!



Rewrite · 4:06pm Jan 11th, 2016

Well, not so much a rewrite as some massive editing so the story reads for newcomers a little better. It's been a year since I've touched it, and I think it's in need of some love.

Also, who knows, maybe in the process I'll get the drive to make some new material?

Only time will tell.

Anyways, things are coming. Prepare yourselves.

Report TGM · 456 views · #Editing

Editing services · 12:28am Mar 16th, 2016

I'm moderately good as an editor and probably willing to help you out. Here are some terms and conditions.

1. I'm best at the fine detail of punctuation and grammar, than at general things like characterisation and story structure. That means you should call on me at the late stages, after you've already had other people help to nail down all that fuzzy stuff.

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Report Shrink Laureate · 393 views · #editing

Lazy Draconequus ch.1 ULTRA MEGA SPECIAL DELUXE LIMITED GOTY EDITION · 6:09pm Feb 5th, 2016

I went ahead and expanded some of the scenes in chapter 1, and changed the ending a bit. Just a notice for anyone who cares.

Report greydoran · 481 views · #edits

Viewing unpublished stories of my own on the mobile Fimfiction site · 10:31pm Jul 5th, 2017

Ok, before I embarrass myself like I did last time with formatted vs. unformatted copy/paste, and since I was unable to find how to do this in the various help/blog stuff, I have a question:

[edit] Below, is how to How do you view your own unpublished stories on the Mobile Fimfiction site

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Report Georg · 876 views · #editing

Edited Chapter · 7:36pm Jan 16th, 2019

Hey guys, as you can see i have edited the first chapter of The Dragonblood knight. I hope you like it.

Report DoctorWhooves011 · 250 views · #Editing

Edits · 4:06pm Feb 18th, 2020

Hey everyone, I know this story has been dead for a little longer than most would like, but it was for a good reason, I have completely edited the whole story, all the chapters are out now and have been updated. Some slight errors may still be out there because of auto correct but hopefully not. Please go check them out and tell me if you spot anything out of the ordinary.

Also this weekend I will be releasing 2 chapters at once dealing with the reunion.

Report TAD2 · 344 views · #Edit

πŸ“ Editing, Whoo-Hoo. πŸ“ · 8:08pm May 17th, 2021


"Editing my old stuff is sooo boring."

"Bet you still missed stuff, your skills at editing are cute at best."


Report Strawberri · 165 views · #Editing

Editing job #1 is done · 9:53am Aug 8th, 2022

So, while stalking a few editing groups here on FiM, I managed to find a small gig as an editor. I’d say it went pretty well and it was a cool experience overall. The story I helped edit is Chained Beast of the Dungeon by armid. I only did the last two chapters, but it’s a pretty good story overall. I totally recommend it; the author did a good job. Guess

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Report DrowsyEditor · 131 views · #Editing

Stories I have Edited · 7:21pm Sep 1st, 2015

This is not a conventional blog. I'm doing this blog for mainly information on the stories I have edited in the past. Without further ado, have the list of stories I have helped create (The list is in from first story I've ever worked on to the most recent one):


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Report Stahl · 593 views · #Editing

Looking for more editors · 8:29pm Oct 15th, 2017

I've stuck with a lot of my editors over the years, but I want to really rake these last chapters of Lord Barleycorn over the coals. twice.

If anyone wants to to take a stab at being a harsh editor, please comment below. I'll DM you the google doc link. Those that know how to use Google Docs are preferred, and please put your edits on the suggestion boxes or use colored text so I can see them.

EDIT: Positions have been filled. Thanks. =3

Report Blue Cultist · 421 views · #Editing


after a lot of holiday random and i are back telling a story of the in-between space known as lavapits!

chapter 3 is finished and undergoing edits.

we really worked hard on this chapter and hopefully it will meet expectation!

see you on release day!

Daisy typed on the keyboard I n d i g o but didn't push enter yet.

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Report KenDoStudios · 124 views · #editing

I'm back! · 3:18am February 16th

Hey everyone!

My activity with writing has started up again! However, I'm not writing anything new, I'm editing this story that I found that needed editing badly. I got permission from the author to become their editor, and they loved how I spruced up their story. It's going to be a crossover with Sonic.EXE. Here's a link to the story if any of you are interested to read the first chapter.

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Report Rainbow sparkle1 · 59 views · #editing

Re-Growth complaints · 5:41pm May 27th, 2016

After a mostly negative reaction to the 10th chapter of Re:Changeling, I've made alterations to the chapter. The first major change is that I added an outline of what plans Chrysalis was considering before Twilight revealed her intelligence. I also added a few hints that it was desperation that made Chrysalis so accepting of this fact. I've also made it a little more clear that Chrysalis can maintain long ranged communication with Twilight's new guardian.

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Report Robomac · 912 views · #edits
Viewing 1 - 20 of 902 results